Резултати от търсене за Students




79 results found
Мрежи и инфраструктура 13.9.2024 г. ... потребител и парола за домейн Students УНСС Парола: student2022 Teachers УНСС Вход с парола за преподаватели Conf-Hall Конферентни зали Свободна Aula Maxima Аула ...
Walk around the UNWE 11.7.2024 г. ... Degree Programmes International Students Erasmus+ Programme ENGAGE.EU SDSN University Ratings International Partners Memberships News Walk around the ...
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 19.6.2024 г. ... OF THE TRAINING In the first semester, students study disciplines from the compulsory block, which covers more contemporary fundamental management concepts. In the second semester, facultative and optional subjects are studied. The optional are organized in two tracks, which makes it ...
Digital marketing and transformation taught in English (Double degree master’s programme with Abertay University, Scotland) and MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 19.6.2024 г. ... National and World Economy. It is designed for students who have completed a Bachelor's or Master's degree, without limitation of professional field. The programme is in the professional field of Economics and aims to further develop and upgrade both the students' knowledge in the field of ...
Contact Us 6.6.2024 г. ... , etc. Email: [email protected] Students and Faculty Mobility Contact us if you are: -       a student studying abroad, or a researcher/lecturer working abroad, and wish to come for an exchange at the UNWE or -       ...
Abertay University, Scotland 23.7.2024 г. ... the Double Degree Master’s Programmes Students receive two Master’s Diplomas for each Programme – one from UNWE and one from Abertay University, Scotland. Joint development and management of the Programmes. Shared faculty team delivering the courses in Sofia. Quality ...
International Students 4.6.2024 г. ... ...
Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in English (UNWE - University of International Studies of Rome) 4.6.2024 г. ... . At the end of their studies the Master's students receive two diplomas for completed Master's degree taught in English - issued by the UNINT and the UNWE respectively. According to the Agreement signed between the two universities the amount of fees for Bulgarian ...
Dual Master’s programme in International Business and Governance taught in English (UNWE - Shanghai Jiao Tong University - SJTU) 4.6.2024 г. ... Jiao Tong University. The one-year stay of the students is in the most populous and second largest economy in the world - China and in its largest megacity - Shanghai which offers excellent opportunities for internships in a global environment. Students work with lecturers having real ...
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 4.6.2024 г. ... OF THE TRAINING In the first semester, students study disciplines from the compulsory block, which covers more contemporary fundamental management concepts. In the second semester, facultative and optional subjects are studied. The optional are organized in two tracks, which makes it ...
Management of Hospitality Industry taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... for Bulgarian and international students.     Educational Objectives To train highly qualified specialists in the field of tourism. To provide specialist knowledge in the field of tourism. To meet the demands of the market for obtaining a Master's ...
Marketing Management taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... their development as Doctoral students at universities, institutes and research centers.     ...
International Business taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... of the education is to prepare students for work in organizations with foreign business activities.      Professional Development Graduates fulfil the specific requirements for positions in upper and middle management level in state and municipal ...
Economics of Defence and Security with specialization Nuclear Security taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... centers, NGOs, etc. Among the students who study and successfully complete the speciality there are representatives from several continents and countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, Iran, etc.     Educational ...
Digital Marketing taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... educational qualification degrees. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature of digital marketing, its integration into a company's overall marketing strategy, the use of digital marketing channels and the planning and implementation of digital ...
Climate and International Business taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... business. Throughout the course students will learn about the modern trends in climate change and sustainable development and the measures taken at national and international level in this area. Various international business practices and strategies that are ...
ABOUT THE JOURNAL 31.8.2024 г. ... encompassing members of academia, students, policy-makers, practitioners, and business representatives from national, European and international entities and governing bodies, as well as the larger interested audience. The Journal follows a double-blind review process ...
Journal of Tourism, Policy and Business 28.8.2024 г. ... . Dear colleagues, students and business partners, we are pleased to inform you about our new initiative, namely the launch of a new scientific and business magazine in the field of tourism and tourism policy. Journal of Tourism, Policy and Business ...
Бюлетин 13.9.2024 г. ... on the music literacy of students - future teachers / Ралица Димитрова. // Педагогика, XCVI, N 6 , 835-846. Сист. N: 113293 - 156 - Цб П II 1533 РАЙКОВА, Ирена. Формиране на умения за създаване на ...
Invitation 16.10.2023 г. ... , non-governmental organizations, teachers, doctoral students and students involved in the socio-economic development of the Bulgarian regions. The goals of the forum are to build on the scientific results achieved so far, to create opportunities for creative discussions and to support the building of new ...
Social Impact 19.8.2024 г. ... National Darik Radio: Media Literacy among students Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivan Valchanov: Media Literacy and Fake News Assist. Prof. Dr. Mariya Nikolova for our Department's podcast "MediaCast": The Future of ...
Medialit Lab 3.10.2023 г. ... a special Media and Communications profile to their students -  "Lev Tolstoy" 96th High School and the "Aleko Konstantinov" Foreign Language High School in Pravets. Numerous initiatives took place so far as students visited the Department's initiatives such as open lectures, podcast recording, TV ...
Pan-European Seal 18.1.2024 г. ... 15.03.2024 г. онлайн на адрес For students | Epo.org   Необходимите документи, които следва да се подадат към ЕПВ от одобрените от страна на ИИСТТ кандидати са: Europass CV на английски език във формат word; мотивационно писмо, в което кандидатът посочва защо ...
MSc Digital Marketing & Transformation 23.7.2024 г. ... Digital Marketing & Transformation: Students receive 2 Master Diplomas – from UNWE & from Abertay University, Scotland Joint development of the Programme Joint management of the Programme Shared delivery of courses Quality assurance guaranteed by both ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... Economy. It is designed for students who have completed a Bachelor's or Master's degree, without limitation of professional field. The programme is in the professional field of Economics and aims to further develop and upgrade both the students' knowledge in ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... TRAINING In the first semester, students study disciplines from the compulsory block, which covers more contemporary fundamental management concepts. In the second semester, facultative and optional subjects are studied. The optional are organized in two tracks, ...
Дистанционно обучение 18.7.2024 г. ... marketing agencies in Bulgaria. Students get a comprehensive understanding of the nature of digital marketing, its integration into the company's overall marketing strategy, the use of digital marketing channels, the planning and execution of digital campaigns. ...
Редовно обучение 18.7.2024 г. ... of the program is to prepare students for work in organizations with international economic activities. Graduates fulfil the specific requirements for holding positions at senior and middle management level in state and local administration and in companies with ...
Научни публикации в периодика 13.9.2022 г. ... solving oriented education for students in DAIE, 2018, Libreriauniversitaria ed., IP rights and consumer behavourр 2017, Advances in economics and business, USA Нови моменти в  правната регламентация на марките на ЕС, 2017, Сп.„Собственост и ...
Еразъм стажове/практики 10.11.2022 г. ... преглед По програма „Еразъм+“ се подпомагат стажове/практики (временна работа, практика и др.) в чужбина за студенти, които в момента са записани във висши учебни заведения в държави по програмата за степен бакалавър или магистър, както и докторанти. Възможностите са отворени и за наскоро ...
Научни публикации в периодика 28.10.2021 г. ... Solving Oriented Education for Students in the Course “Design of Architecture, Interior and Exterior”, 2018, Conference proceeding, published by Libreriauniversitaria, Italy IP rights and consumer behavourр 2017, Advances in economics and business, ...
Специалност Икономика с преподаване на английски език по Dual Bachelor Programme for students of Tianjin Foreign Studies University 23.4.2021 г. ... стартира онлайн обучението в дуалната бакалавърска програма по „Икономика с преподаване на английски език“ между УНСС и Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU), Китай. От страна на УНСС програмата се води от катедра „Икономикс“. Целта е ...
Dual Bachelor Programme for students of Tianjin Foreign Studies University 23.4.2021 г. ... стартира онлайн обучението в дуалната бакалавърска програма по „Икономика с преподаване на английски език“ между УНСС и Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU), Китай. От страна на УНСС програмата се води от катедра „Икономикс“. Целта е да бъдат ...
Докторантски семинар 22.5.2024 г. ... семинар № 5, 27 май 2024 г. По традиция в първия работен ден след Деня на славянската писменост и култура – 27 май (понеделник) ще се проведе петото издание на докторантския семинар на катедра „Медии и обществени комуникации. През 2024 г. форумът ще се проведе в чест на ...
ПО-ВАЖНИ СЪБИТИЯ: 7.8.2024 г. ... есенна академия „Публична администрация в развитие: презареждане“ (Вж. Фотодневник) Ноември 2022 Девета есенна академия "Лаборатория за иновации" (Вж. Фотодневник) Ноември 2021 Осма есенна академия ...
Application call in the testing phase of "Digital Humanist" Erasmus+ Programme in the Field of Higher Education Key Action 2 -Strategic Partnerships Agreement n. 2017-1-IT02-KA203-036707 22.12.2020 г. ... with the project From students to further professionals: fostering professional and personal capabilities to compete in tomorrow’s job market.   Teaching Materials All the teaching material will be available online in the DIGITAL ...
Marketing Management Taught in English 19.8.2020 г. ... as the management skills of the students. In terms of content, the education in this program is a process of building specialized knowledge and skills and turning the participant in the program into an expert, capable of managing the activities and processes  in ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... Jiao Tong University. The one-year stay of the students is in the most populous and second largest economy in the world - China and in its largest megacity - Shanghai which offers excellent opportunities for internships in a global environment. Students work with lecturers having real practical ...
TOC - Supporting and Reforming the Transport Operator's Competence - Developing a unified training package for the transport operator in Europe 22.12.2020 г. ... . TTS organizes initial training for young and adult students, vocational training, apprenticeship training and personnel training. TTS provides training services, research and development mainly in the following fields: transportation, logistics, automobile engineering and productivity. TTS is the biggest ...
International Conference RETURN MIGRATION: EUROPEAN AND BULGARIAN PERSPECTIVES 20.2.2020 г. ... , analysts, political practitioners and PhD students in the following thematic areas: Return migration: state-of-the-art theories and research Migration trajectories and return: factors and motivational structures Segmentation and stratification of returnees Returnees’ impact on ...
Актуално 15.2.2021 г. ... International Research Students (VIRS)” на University of British Columbia (UBC) – Ванкувър, Канада Гъвкава програма, предоставяща възможност за студенти от цял свят да провеждат научни изследвания в UBC с продължителност от 1 до 12 месеца. ...
RK University, India 17.4.2019 г. ... level, with over 7,000 students and over 450 staff. The University is driven by the belief that it is a place where “Change” happens. The faculties constantly change their pedagogies and instructional approaches to match industry ...
University of Madras, India 17.4.2019 г. ... BRICS 2013. When ranked by the number of international students, the university is placed 1st in India and 11th among BRICS nations. UoM imparts both Under Graduate and Post Graduate Education through the Affiliated Institutions which are spread over the districts of Chennai, Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram. ...
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India 17.4.2019 г. ... and traditional values by sensitizing teachers and students towards a more humane approach, by inculcating ethical and moral values and by offering a robust support system. The functions of BAMU are as follows: •To play a significant role in the economic, educational, social and cultural development ...
Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal 17.4.2019 г. ... future. The university has around 800 undergraduate students, 200 postgraduate students and around 50 PhD students in different disciplines of agriculture and forestry. The postgraduate students are contributing with thesis research to generate knowledge and technologies to address issues pertaining to the ...
Pokhara University, Nepal 17.4.2019 г. ... 1997 and is the second largest university in terms of students’ enrolment in Nepal. About 30,000 students are enrolled in its four different constituent colleges and 58 affiliated colleges. There are four Faculties including Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Management Studies, Faculty of ...
University of Hyderabad, India 17.4.2019 г. ... of study, UoH has over 400 faculties and over 5,000 students. The School of Economics started three years back. The University offers around 150 different programmes of study ranging from doctoral studies to Masters Degrees, as well as a range of postgraduate diplomas and short-term courses by Distance mode ...
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 17.4.2019 г. ... Guidance & Counselling Unit with the aim to help students make more informed and better educational and career choices ...
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka 17.4.2019 г. ... and over 1,050 postgraduates. Around 800 postgraduate students are pursuing Master’s and Doctoral degrees at the University in different disciplines that are of relevance to the development of the region in particular and the country in general. Career for undergraduates in universities was recently ...
University of Ulster, UK 17.4.2019 г. ... which incorporates 16 Bloomberg terminals that provide students and visitors with hands-on experience of a dynamic trading environment comparable to an investment bank. There are 15 Research Institutes at UUL with leading positions in their respective fields. UUL maintains an electronic archive of the ...
University of Applied Sciences, Finland 17.4.2019 г. ... part of the Vaasa University Consortium. It has 3300 students and 280 faculty. The Western Finland Design Centre MUOVA is a design research and development centre of VAMK, with a cooperation agreement with Aalto University and University of Vaasa. Its team includes experts in marketing, branding, design and ...
Ifugao State University, Philippines 17.4.2019 г. ... in 2010. To date, it has 266 faculty servicing 5,528 students across all its programs and 6 campuses. The university was extensively involved and continue to be involved in various programs and projects that benefit the people of the Cordillera Region. Notable among them are the following multi-million peso ...
Benguet State University, Philippines 17.4.2019 г. ... offerings, BSU enrols the biggest number of graduate students among state universities in the region. The University trains annually about 10,000 tertiary students per semester and has a human resource base of about 582 employees (284 in teaching and research and 298 in non-teaching functions). Aside from ...
University of Thessaly, Greece 17.4.2019 г. ... specific research and business fields, for over 12000 students. Each department has its own associated student organization. The Research Unit of Infrastructure, Technology Policy and Development at the Department of Planning and Regional Development concentrates on research, innovation and entrepreneurship. ...
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria 17.4.2019 г. ... with economic majors. It has more than 21,000 students. UNWE has eight faculties: General Economics, Finance and Accounting, Business Faculty, Economics of Infrastructure, International Economics and Politics, Management and Administration, Applied Informatics and Statistics, and Law. In regular and ...
Proposals for Strategic Documents 17.4.2019 г. ... , the citizen sector and the public sector) and students/recent graduates as main actors in employability strategies ...
Student Community Service and Volunteering Centres 17.4.2019 г. ... and non-profit work and are intended to improve students’ contact and interaction with the citizen, social and public sectors outside the University. Student activities supported by the Centres will facilitate the development of a variety of transversal employability skills as well as professional ...
Talent Co-Creation Labs 16.4.2019 г. ... and public sector in the process of building students’ skills and knowledge. The Labs will manage a variety of activities, depending on the priorities of the hosting university, including: - establishing contacts and negotiating/planning cooperation with external stakeholders - initiation, ...
OpenResearch E-Lab 25.4.2019 г. ... and innovative staff, faculty, departments and students ...
Project events 23.4.2019 г. ... the opportunity to participate in the development of students’ skills and provided important suggestions and input into the new university plans. The event was held March 22, 2019 at the premises of the University. The participants agreed on a follow-up meeting to discuss the University plans in ...
Reports and analyses 30.7.2019 г. ... graduates’ employability and develop students’ talent through innovation Screening Report on Benguet State University (Philippines) Screening Report on Ifugao State University (Philippines) Screening Report on University of Ruhuna (Sri Lanka) Screening ...
About the project 17.4.2019 г. ... training in view of building students’ employability skills Capacity building intervention The capacity building intervention has three key dimensions:  INNOTAL will seek to enable an institutional culture of strategic planning and change in the direction ...
Студентите за нас 4.11.2022 г. ... will continue to support UNWE – students and professors as with our experience, materials and programmes. I am looking forward to see UNWE students joining the ACA Scholarship. Also, I am looking forward to meeting you and Professor Musov next year. Very best wishes and ...
Стажантска програма Pan-European Seal 18.1.2023 г. ... website FAQs for universities FAQs for students EPO e-learning centre [email protected]   СЕСИС: PES Edition 2022/2023 Information Page PES Website EUIPO Website Academy Learning Portal (ALP) [email protected] ...
Научни публикации в периодика 19.8.2022 г. ... solving oriented education for students in DAIE, 2018, Libreriauniversitaria ed., IP rights and consumer behavourр 2017, Advances in economics and business, USA Нови моменти в  правната регламентация на марките на ЕС, 2017, Сп.„Собственост и право“ Protection of ...
About the project 21.1.2019 г. ... training in view of building students’ employability skills Capacity building intervention The capacity building intervention has three key dimensions:  INNOTAL will seek to enable an institutional culture of strategic planning and change in the ...
Акценти 5.6.2024 г. ... . By training, developing and supporting students and accountants throughout their career, ICAEW ensures that they have the expertise and values to meet the needs of tomorrow’s businesses. In this way, ICAEW experts are working to build robust, accountable ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... of their studies the Master's students receive two diplomas for completed Master's degree taught in English - issued by the UNINT and the UNWE respectively. According to the Agreement signed between the two universities the amount of fees for ...
JUBILEE SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY 4.0” 9.7.2015 г. ... address: 1700 Sofia, Students town “Hristo Botev“, „8-mi dekemvri“ Str., UNWE, office: 1038 and 2103.  Tel: +35928195444, [email protected]   IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES   19 October 2015 Deadline for submission of ...
За катедрата 24.4.2018 г. ... .  The first class of students in the field of Political Science at the University of National and World Economy was adopted in the 1991/1992 academic year under the so-called sponsored training under the Academic Autonomy Act (training sponsored by ...
Катедрата 28.5.2019 г. ... СЪБИТИЯ: май 2019 г. Отворен семестър на тема: „Е-решения в здравеопазването: добри български практики“ декември 2018 г. Отворен семестър на тема: "Дигиталната трансформация на публичната администрация" ноември 2018 г ...
Проекти 24.4.2018 г. ... the attitudes of students and building a" system for conducting educational practice in the specialty "Political science"    NAMES 1-24 / 2011   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hristina Doncheva   2011 - ...
Специалности 24.4.2018 г. ... Europe ". Only in UNWE, students of political science receive solid training in basic economic disciplines, which makes them unique specialists.   In the third year there are studied compulsory and elective faculty courses: "International Economic ...
Трансфер на иновации 18.6.2014 г. ... Throughout the course, students started up and managed an import exportcompany. They communicated with partner schools abroad via videoconference and e-mail in order to trade products. The products were sold afterwards at the local Fair and all profits ...
Двустранни споразумения по програма Еразъм+ / Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements 13.10.2023 г. ... на университетите, с които УНСС има сключени двустранни споразумения по програма Еразъм+  УНИВЕРСИТЕТ / UNIVERSITY (ЕРАЗЪМ код)   АВСТРИЯ / AUSTRIA        University of Vienna (A WIEN01) University of Economics and Business Wien ...


32 results found
From Classroom to Startup: Teenovator’s Role in Shaping Bulgaria’s Young Innovators 13.9.2024 г. ... , over 25K Bulgarian students are pursuing bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degrees abroad. On the one hand, this reflects the connectivity and mobility of the Bulgarian students worldwide, as well as their desire to develop and seek better ...
How Netflix is Making Money and What Founders can Learn from It 9.8.2024 г. ... self-taught designers, he mentors students at General Assembly’s UX Design Bootcamp.   About Product Design and How it Works at Netflix   Product design is no longer just a nice-to-have in today’s very competitive tech world – it’s ...
Europe Is the Second Region for Spacetech: Why and Who Is Contributing to That? 3.7.2024 г. ... enabling professionals, including students, to engage in multiple endeavors throughout their careers. This shift introduces a sense of reward and progress. Moreover, the accelerated pace of mission development provides invaluable learning opportunities. When you only ...
How Digital Nation Wants to Fix the Country of Contrasts: Top Tech Talent, Yet Lowest Digital Skills 25.6.2024 г. ... initiative that empowers students, teachers, and other professionals to acquire the digital skills that traditional education often overlooks. Digital Nation’s approach is rooted in peer and community learning, driving various programs that ...
Преподаватели от катедра „Финанси“ бяха поканени да участват в Международната седмица на студентите, организирана от Университета по икономически изследвания в Букурещ, Румъния 13.5.2024 г. ... форум бе на тема „Preparing students for the labour market: the role of theory-based economic judgements against AI-supported decision-making“ и се проведе на 9 май 2024 година онлайн от 18 часа. Темата на форума предизвика голям интерес сред студентите ...
Възможност за стаж в община Габрово 11.5.2024 г. ... СТУДЕНТИ, В рамките на Лятната стажантска програма Община Габрово се обърна към НСОРБ с желание да се включи в програмата, като осигури възможност на студенти за практическо обучение в реална работна среда, придобиване на опит и познания в професионалната област, в която са избрали да се развиват ...
Organizational culture 11.3.2024 г. ... the students in Organizational culture course from Business economics and management taught in English had a chance of listening and participating in an interesting lecture, provided by prof. Iga Lehman from the University of Social Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. Thank you prof. Lehman! With respect assoc. ...
Дни на кариерата – над 90 фирми търсят млади таланти 20.11.2023 г. ... 90 компании са заявили участие във форума „Дни на кариерата – икономика, финанси, човешки ресурси, маркетинг, обслужване на клиенти 2023“ в търсене на млади таланти. Събитието започва от 10.00 часа на 21 ноември и дава възможност на студентите и младите ...
THE DEADLINE FOR CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE XXII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE IS EXTENDED TILL 15 SEPTEMBER 4.9.2023 г. ... - TEACHERS, RESEARCHERS AND PHD STUDENTS,   Thank you for your interest in this year's scientific conference of the "International Economic Relations and Business" Department on October 13!   It is expected to be very interesting, as foreign ...
Assoc. Prof. Dobroslav MOLLOV presents the MASTER PROGRAM "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS" 18.8.2023 г. ... . It aims at giving the students profound theoretical knowledge and practical expertise in such fields as global economics and contemporary trends in its development, region-specific practices in international business, global strategic management, corporate ...
Digital Marketing & Transformation 20.8.2023 г. ... & Transformation: Students receive 2 Master Diplomas – from UNWE & from Abertay University, Scotland Joint development of the Programme Joint management of the Programme Shared delivery of courses Quality assurance guaranteed by both ...
“Меморандум за сътрудничество между УНСС и Делойт България” 29.6.2023 г. ... силата на Меморандум за сътрудничество, подписан през 2019-та година, УНСС и Делойт България имат установени работни взаимоотношения в областта на студентските практики, стажове и стипендии, партньорство в организирането на конференции с цел популяризиране на ...
Инициативата на ENGAGE.EU за онлайн обмен предлага иновативни дисциплини и модули за бакалаври и магистри 7.6.2023 г. ... в бакалавърска и магистърска степени, които се обучават в партньорските университети от алианса ENGAGE.EU, вече могат да кандидатстват в инициативата за онлайн обмен за академичната 2023-2024 г.   Oбразователните модули, които са съставени ...
СЕЛЕКЦИОННА ПРОЦЕДУРА ЗА УЧАСТИЕ В ЛЯТНА ШКОЛА ПО ПРОГРАМА ЕРАЗЪМ+ В ГР. РИЕКА, ХЪРВАТИЯ 7.4.2023 г. ... ЦЕНТЪР ЗА МОБИЛНОСТ НА СТУДЕНТИ И ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИ (УЦМСП) ОТКРИВА СЕЛЕКЦИОННА ПРОЦЕДУРА за участие на студенти в Лятна школа по програма ERASMUS+ 26-30 юни 2023 г. КАНДИДАСТВАНЕ: онлайн, на официалния уебсайт на ASTRA 2023. Заявления от студенти и ...
Наши студенти от специалност "Бизнес логистика" 3 курс, бяха отличени със стипендии от Дискордиа! 28.2.2023 г. ... професионални върхове! #students #winner #proudteacher #логистика #веригинадоставки #supplychain #logistics ...
УНСС и ЕО Югоизточна Европа ще организират състезание за предприемачи - Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) 17.11.2022 г. ... на първото национално състезание от поредицата Global Students' Entrepreneurs Awards на ЕО в България през пролетта на 2023 г. В състезанието могат да участват студенти-предприемачи от всички български държавни и частни университети, както и студенти от българска националност, които учат в чужбина. Основана ...
Лусиен Петърс е новият доктор по социология на катедрата 25.6.2022 г. ... , социално пространство и граждански живот в София (Students’ Social Capital, Social Space and Civic Life in Sofia)" с научен ръководител: доц. д-р Катя Михайлова. Честито, д-р ...
ICAEW и УНСС срещнаха студентите с топ работодатели в областта на счетоводството и одита 19.11.2021 г. ... рамките на интерактивна онлайн сесия Институтът на дипломираните експерт-счетоводители на Англия и Уелс (ICAEW) и УНСС срещнаха студентите с едни от най-желаните работодатели в областта на счетоводството и одита. Сесията беше открита от доц. д-р Михаил Мусов, зам.-ректор по ...
PwC Bulgaria, together with 11 countries from CEE, is organising the PwC CEE Business Experience Challenge - online contest for students and graduates. 21.10.2021 г. ... students, PwC Bulgaria, together with 11 countries from CEE, is organising the PwC CEE Business Experience Challenge - online contest for students and graduates. The game is dedicated to people aged 18-26. It includes various interactive tasks and ...
Възможност за участие с доклад в лятното училище на Университета във Валенсия 5-8 юли 2021 г. 8.6.2021 г. ... you, your young researchers and all your students so we strongly recommend you to share this information with them. Изтегли: Call from the University of ...
ICAEW с 15 пълни стипендии за студенти на УНСС 13.5.2021 г. ... . By training, developing and supporting students and accountants throughout their career, ICAEW ensures that they have the expertise and values to meet the needs of tomorrow’s businesses. In this way, ICAEW experts are working to build robust, accountable ...
ICAEW с 15 пълни стипендии за студенти на УНСС 11.5.2021 г. ... , developing and supporting students and accountants throughout their career, ICAEW ensures that they have the expertise and values to meet the needs of tomorrow’s businesses. In this way, ICAEW experts are working to build robust, accountable and fair ...
Онлайн обучителни курсове на Академията на СЕСИС 27.11.2020 г. ... both your University and your students will find several e-learning option in our EUIPO Academy Learning Portal. Under the scope of this initiative, we are glad to inform you that the EUIPO Academy has published a new Learning Plan: Introduction to IP ...
Интервю на гл. ас. Николай Крушков за изданието RAIDS ITALIA 11.11.2020 г. ... (UNWE), as a textbook for the students at the Institute of Creative Industries and Business (ICIB) and the National and Regional Security Department of UNWE (NRSD - UNWE) -  That's right, the positive reviews of the Rector of UNWE and the Director of ICIB ...
KA2 ПРОЕКТ ЗА СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКО ПАРТНЬОРСТВО № 2019-1-LT01-KA203-060514 – 999875128 7.5.2020 г. ... in HEI curricula so that students are enabled to develop attributes and employability skills. The Practice Enterprise (PE) concept will be supported, promoted and scaled to curricula of HEIs in the EU and strong strategic links between Practice Enterprises and ...
Second Collaboration Workshop 17.4.2019 г. ... and discussion of ways of engaging students in research and innovation activities. As a result of the work in this workshop, preliminary designs and of Talent Co-creation Labs were elaborated and partners have already proposed activities that can be implemented in these ...
Факултет "Международна икономика и политика" и Българската асоциация за политически науки организират международна конференция за Балканите и Европа - CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 8.6.2018 г. ... practitioners and doctoral students in the following thematic areas: The integration potential of the EU (28-1) and the "enlargement fatigue" Ethno-politics and integration: dimensions, patterns and results in the EU and Western Balkans Particularism ...
Ново издание 8.4.2017 г. ... the frames of the conference: for PhD students and research publications led by Prof. David Smallbone and seminar on incubators and technoparks led by Prof. Herbert Chen. The ‘traditional’ round table "science – practice" led by Prof. Ken O’Neill, ...
Branding with Professor Diana Weinberg from The Berlin School of Economics and Law 24.3.2016 г. ... Weinberg discussed with the students studying “Marketing and strategic planning” at the University of national and world economy.  Professor Diana Weinberg explained the concept of branding, spoke about differentiation, brand elements and ...
Посещение на американски студенти по международен бизнес от Държавния университет „Сагъно Вали“, Мичиган, САЩ 1.10.2012 г. ... на американски студенти по международен бизнес от щатския университет „Сагъно Вали“, Мичиган, САЩ за периода 04 – 17 май 2011 г. Цели на посещението: Обучение по глобално предприемачество и запознаване с опита в изследванията и обучението в ...

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