Department of Accounting and Analysis

Обновено: Sunday, 28 April 2024 13:35

Formatting requirements



1. The MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted up to 30 November 2024 electronically to e-mail address of the conference: [email protected]

2. The authors should fulfill a Author DECLARATION FORM that the manuscript has not been published in other editions and this Declaration should be signed and scanned - submitted together with the Manuscript to the e-mail address mentioned above.

3. The MANUSCRIPTS should not be published in other editions

4. In case of co-authorship – the participation of each co-author in the paper should be presented.

5. Each author presents its personal paper.

6. The REGISTRATION FORMS for the conference should be submitted up to 15 June 2024 electronically by uploading them at the following link:

7. The papers should be written and presented in Bulgarian or English languages. The languages used in the conference will be English and Bulgarian.

8. The accepted papers that went under peer review procedure will be published in the Conference Proceedings in a book-format with an ISBN number.

9. Each participant with a paper will receive the Conference Proceedings and a Certificate for Participation in the conference.

10. The time for presenting and discussing papers during the conference is 30 minutes.

11. Presentation of papers at the conference – Power Point presentation.



1. The paper’s length should be between 10 to 15 pages, including tables, figures (graphs and diagrams) and list of references.

2. The first page of the paper should contain the following information in the same consecutive order:

Title of paper

First name and family name of the author (authors). Scientific position and scientific degree of the author/s, author/s’ organization (institution), address for correspondence and email address should be given as a Footnote.

Abstract (of not more than 300 words)

Keywords (up to 5 words)

JEL Classification (at least one classification code)

3. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams, and reference to the text in the abstract.

4. In the first page, the title of the paper, the names, scientific position, degree and organization of the author (authors), as well as the abstract and the keywords for the Bulgarian participants – should be both written in Bulgarian and English languages. For foreign participants – they should be written in English.

5. The papers will be published in the language they are written.

6. The papers have to be prepared on version Word 2000 or higher at А4 format (about 40 rows per page).

7. The following structure of the papers should be kept:


Discussion of the relevant literature

Explanation of the methodology

Data use and sources

Description of the results from the study


List of references

8. Papers in Bulgarian should contain an Abstract in Bulgarian – no more than 300 words and an Abstract in English – no more than 300 words.

9. Papers in English should contain only an Abstract in English – no more than 300 words.

10. JEL Classification can be found on the following link:

11. The technical formatting of the papers should be done according to the following layout and font requirements:

Page margins: left – 2,5 cm, right – 2,5 cm, top – 2,5 cm, bottom – 2,5 cm. Paper Size – A4.

Font of the main text of the paper: Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal.

Paragraph: 1,5.

Page numbers: bottom, centered

Title of the paper: Font Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, centered.

(blank line)

Names of the author/s– Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, centered.

(blank line)

Abstract: Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, justified.

(blank line)

Keywords: Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, justified.

Headlines: Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, centered.

The formulas should be centered and numbered (1), (2), etc. on the right side of the formulas.

All the graphs and diagrams must be marked as figures, consecutively numbered with Arabic numbers.

The title should be under the figure.

The tables must be consecutively numbered with Arabic numbers and with titles (above the tables).

The source of the data in the table should be indicated under the table. In the tables and figures may be included text in Bulgarian or English language – Font Times New Roman, 10 pt, normal.

In case of making a reference in the text to a work without mentioning the author’s name use the model: Krugman at al., 1997; Born (1998) and Jones (2001); Barney (1991; 1994).

Where reference is made to more than one author in a sentence, they are both cited: Born (1998) and Jones (2001) have both demonstrated that...If an author has more than one publication on the same topic in different years, than the reference should be cited in chronological order: As suggested by Barney (1991; 1994) ... or Academic study in the nineties (Barney, 1991; 1994) found that ...If in the paper are used several works published by the same author in the same year, they can be differentiated by adding a lower case letter after the year for each publication: Earlier research by Porter (1990a) found ... but later research carried out again by Porter (1990b) expanded his thesis. In some cases it can be made a reference to an author’s work, which is cited or summarized in another author’s work (secondary referencing). In this can this model should be used: Research carried out by Brown (2000 cited in Smith, 2004, p.120) found...

The list of references should appear after the main text without numbering.

Sources (publications etc.) are listed in alphabetical order by author’s family name.

The sources in Cyrillic must be translated in English.

Example: Tsankov, A.,1910. The Capital and the Profit from It. Sofia: State Publishing House (in Bulgarian).

In case of Bulgarian literature sources – the rules of the Law on Trans-literacy should be applied.

12. The List of References should be drawn up according to the following formatting instructions:

For Books and Monographs:

Porter, M., 1990. The Competitive Аdvantage of Nations. New York: The Free Press.

Post, J., Lawrence, A. and Weber, J., 1999. Business and Society. 9th ed. Irwin/McGraw – Hill.

For Periodicals:

Farrell, J. and Shapiro, C., 2008. How Strong Are Weak Patents? American Economic Review, 98(4), pp. 1347-1369. 

For citation of an author in a collective work:

Friedman, M., 1991. The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits, in J. Bower (ed.), The Craft of General Management. Boston: Harvard Business School Publications, 287-296.

For Internet/electronic sources:

Author/Editor, Year of Publication, Article Title, Journal title (in italics or underlined), [Medium - usually 'Online'], Volume Number, Part number (in brackets), Available URL (http://internet address/remote path) and the Date accessed [in square brackets].


American Economic Association, 2012. JEL Classification Codes Guide, [online] Available at: < [Accessed 15 May 2012].

Hart, K. (1998) The place of the 1898 Cambridge, Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Straits (CAETS) in the history of British social anthropology. Science as Culture. [Online] 11 (1). Available: [Accessed 9 November 2003]

For other cases and sources the Harvard citation system should be used.


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application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Declaration form-CEEOL.docx - 15 KB

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Author Declaration Form.docx - 14 KB

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Co-Author Declaration Form.docx - 14 KB