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69 results found
Digital marketing and transformation taught in English (Double degree master’s programme with Abertay University, Scotland) 7/11/2024 ... specialists and experts in the R & D departments of the organizations; consultants and experts in management and organizational development in specialized companies and research organizations. Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme have the opportunity to ...
Abertay University, Scotland 7/23/2024 ... and experts in the R & D departments of the organizations; consultants and experts in management and organizational development in specialized companies and research organizations. Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme have the ...
Others 6/6/2024 ... for European University Studies /CEUS/ - Vienna International Atomic Energy Agency /IAEA/ - Vienna United Nations Industrial Development Organization /UNIDO/ - Vienna   BELGIUM European Commission's Joint Research Centre ...
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 7/11/2024 ... specialists and experts in the R & D departments of the organizations; consultants and experts in management and organizational development in specialized companies and research organizations. Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme have the opportunity to continue ...
FULL-TIME MASTER PROGRAMS 8/8/2024 ... PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (2 SEMESTERS) The master program was developed on the basis of consultations with managers of leading Bulgarian companies that participate in international business, and with representatives of the state administration that regulate this activity. It has a ...
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 3/28/2024 ... specialists and experts in the R & D departments of the organizations; consultants and experts in management and organizational development in specialized companies and research organizations. Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme have the opportunity to continue ...
HOME PAGE 4/17/2023 ... , University of National and World Economy and co-organizers Center for Strategic Studies in Defense and Security, Center for Institutional Change Research and International Journal on Information Technologies and Security IC-CSMCS ...
Requirements 6/13/2024 ... Authors, Please, send us Application for participation by 1st September 2024. The application form can be found in the Registration section of this web page. It also provides for an abstract to be included.  The papers in English will be included in an ...
About the conference 6/6/2024 ... more than two decades the International Economic Relations and Business Department at the Univeristy of National and World Economy in Sofia is hosting one of the most prominent International Scientific Conferences in Bulgaria and on the Balkan region. It is a venue for high-level academic ...
Management 6/3/2021 ... Director  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petar Pandushev Chobanov Finance  E-mail: [email protected]  Personal E-mail: [email protected]  Phone: +359 2 81 95 235  Office: 4038 Administrative Secretary Lidia ...
Masters programs 6/16/2020 ... their practical experience and knowledge. - The disciplines are coordinated with the business, which ...
Academic Complex 4/8/2021 ... rooms and computer halls at ...
Latest News 12/2/2019 ... Stoilova – students of the departments of "Marketing and Strategic Planning" and "International Economic Relations and Business", UNWE   “Social Media Impact on the Marketing of Dove” by Kalina Shamatova and Stanislav Marinkov ...
Partners 11/10/2019 ... Faculties, 14 research Departments, 11 teaching Departments, 11 collaborative provision departments formed in cooperation with the employers, 2 Colleges and a Lyceum.  2 research centers and 2 research institutes;  further education ...
About the Conference 10/30/2019 ... the Accountancy and Analysis Departments at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the University of National and World Economy. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Bulgaria is a co-organizer of this conference. The conference will take place in ...
Management 11/24/2018 ... of Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgi Biserov Nikolov Regional Development Management and Administration  E-mail: [email protected]  Personal E-mail: [email protected]  Phone: +359 2 8195 218  Office: ...
International Organizations 7/15/2019 ... – Coordinating University for Bulgaria in the CEI University Network (CEI UniNet)European University Association (EUA)Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe (ASECU)European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)Network of Institutes ...
Others 7/29/2022 ...                           AUSTRIA Center for European University Studies /CEUS/ - Vienna International Atomic Energy Agency /IAEA/ - Vienna United Nations Industrial Development Organization ...
Home 3/9/2021 ... of Elders Chairman Prof. Dr. Borislav Mihailov Borisov Honorary Professor of UNWE Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer  CV: english  E-mail: [email protected]  Phone: +359 2 862 94 97  Office: ...
About us 8/3/2017 ... supposes participation of faculties from different departments at UNWE as well as from other tertiary institutions. The Center develops also teaching and study materials for various academic courses in the field of sustainable development. The Board of Directors consists of three members as follows: ...
Home 8/3/2017 ... supposes participation of faculties from different departments at UNWE as well as from other tertiary institutions. The Center develops also teaching and study materials for various academic courses in the field of sustainable development ...
Instructions for authors 4/28/2016 ... should be prepared on Microsoft Office Word. Please: Do not number the pages. Do not use the MS Word Header and Footer function.  Do not include any organizational logos. Do not refer to page numbers in your paper. Instead, you can refer to subtitles. Maximum length of full ...
Contacts 3/20/2024 ... questions to the scientific secretaries of the departments leading the respective majors, who are in the organizing committee of the conference. Participants from other faculties at UNWE, as well as participants external to UNWE, can direct their questions to: Assoc. prof. Dr. Maria ...
Photo Gallery 4/18/2013 ... Act held jointly with the General Economics Theory Departments of the Economic University of Varna and D. Tsenov Economic Academy of Svishtov (2011) Representatives of the Economics Department at the scientific meeting-discussion (2011) Jubilee Scientific Conference ...
Science 4/12/2013 ... professional relations with the Departments of General Economic Theory from the Economic University of Varna and D. A. Tsenov Economic Academy of Svishtov, the Economic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, etc.; • the lecturers from the Department ...
FOLPSEC 12/6/2012 ... from the following departments: Industrial Business, Human Resources and Social Protection, Intellectual Property, Marketing and Strategic ...
Mobility 5/9/2012 ... for teachers and heads of departments for human resources management in Bulgarian organizations.    Results: increased skills and improved knowledge in the field of preparation, realization and the economic evaluation of projects and programs for ...
Members 12/15/2021 ... of Elders Chairman Prof. Dr. Borislav Mihailov Borisov Honorary Professor of UNWE Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer  CV: english  E-mail: [email protected]  Phone: +359 2 862 94 97  Office: №1 ...
Lecturers 2/15/2012 ... "Social-Economy Theories" Section "Economic History" Section ...
Departments 9/19/2017 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
Departments 2/1/2012 ... ...
History 2/1/2012 ... of UNWE. Untill that date the Departments of the Faculty have been a part of the Faculty of Management and Informatics, established on May, 31st, 1995. Faculty of Applied Informatics and Statistics conducts training relevant to the current trends in ...
History 2/1/2012 ... . The Faculty Departments also train PhDs in the scientific disciplines of “Economics and Management” (by sectors) and "Organization and Management of Production" (by sectors and subsectors). The academic staff of the Faculty includes ...
History 2/1/2012 ... and students. The Faculty Departments are (in alphabetical order): „"Marketing and Strategic Planning” „"Public Administration and Regional Development” "Management" The academic staff includes 51 teachers: 7 professors, out ...
History 2/1/2012 ... . The Faculty has three Departments:: "Finance"; "Accounting and Analysis; "Financial Control". The Faculty trains students in Bachelor’s and Master's and PhD. In the Faculty Specialties students acquire basic and ...
History 2/1/2012 ... includes the following Departments: Department of International Economic Relationships and Business; Department of International Relationships; Department of Political Science; Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics. ...
History 2/1/2012 ... Faculty consists of 3 main departments: Private Law, Public Law and Criminal Law. The Faculty includes also three departments that provide training at the University in historical, philosophical and general theoretical economic disciplines: Department of ...
Contacts 1/3/2016 ... 8195 204 email: departments.itc@unwe ...
Contacts 6/23/2017 ... .bg Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook ...
History 2/3/2012 ... In 1992 in relation to the UNWE reorganization in departments` structure and the unification of related departments, it was founded a Department of Sociology and Political Science including two Sections – Sociology and Political Science. In 1995 structural changes at UNWE have led to the restoration ...
History 2/3/2012 ... , and a well-deserved place among the leading departments of UNWE. Over five decades, different generations of researchers - professors, associate professors and assistants - have contributed, and still do, to the development of the sectoral economic science, to the training of qualified ...
History 2/3/2012 ... Institute of Economics (HIE) and one of the Departments and Specialties in the institute was "National Economic Planning”, later - "Management and Planning of National Economy” and "Forecasting and Planning”. After the changes in the country in 1989, HIE was renamed into ...
History 2/3/2012 ... different types of transport; in transportation departments of foreign-trade companies; offices of international transport companies, operating abroad; industrial and construction companies; transport-forwarding organizations; etc ...
History 2/3/2012 ... research institutes and state departments. Over the period of 1976 – 2004 more than 30 full-tenure lecturers have worked at the Department. Among them are: Prof. Dr. Enyo Savov, Prof. DSc in History Simeon Damyanov, Prof. DSc in History Andrey Pantev, Prof. DSc in ...
History 2/3/2012 ... (FLAL) is one of the largest and the eldest Departments of UNWE that provides specialized training in foreign languages in the field of business communications, diplomacy, etc. in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian that are studied as first and second foreign language. The ...
History 6/23/2017 ... , Mihaela Misheva (2017-2017) ...
History 2/3/2012 ... and managers. It maintains contacts with related departments and specialties in universities in different courtiers ...
About us 10/29/2018 ... with related institutes and departments at universities from different countries. The institute is well recognizable not only nationally, but especially internationally through publications, participation in international conferences and seminars, national ...
About us 6/26/2017 ... Sociology Departmen at UNWE was established in 1975. Read more about our history here.  The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency rewarded our efforts over the past six years and rated 9,03 for Bachelor and Master and 9,1 for Doctor ...
About us 6/7/2013 ... relations with the Departments of General Economic Theory from the Economic University of Varna and D. A. Tsenov Economic Academy of Svishtov, the Economic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, etc.; • the lecturers from the Department ...
Conferences and Seminars 6/23/2017 ... SOCIOLOGY 4.0 40 years of Economic Sociology Department at UNWE November 19, 2015 Conference opening  dean of General Economics Faculty - Lily Iotova, prof. Blagoy Kolev, prof. Statev - Rector of UNWE, Nadrey ...
Projects 6/23/2017 ... Head of project Team Departments:"Economis", "Economic sociology", "Public administration and regional development" 2011-2013   Проект по 7 РП: EU WISE Grant Agr. Number: 279081 prof. Elka Todorova - Head of ...
Specialities 2/15/2012 ... of statistical analysis; at various ministries, departments and organizations as heads of units involved in satisfaction of the information needs of management bodies; at consulting companies and at sociological and marketing agencies; at scientific research institutes, laboratories, experimental ...
Specialities 6/23/2017 ... economists; Experts in ministries, departments and other institutions of central and local government; Managers in corporations, commercial companies, foundations and international organizations; Experts in survey research companies - sociological, social, marketing, ...
Lecturers' Office Hours 6/23/2017 ... .unwe ...
Contacts 5/25/2016 ... General for International Cooperation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paskal Nedelchev Zhelev Department: International Economic Relations and Business Faculty: International Economics and Politics  E-mail: [email protected]  Personal ...
Membership in Organizations 4/5/2013 ... developed by contacts with related Departments and Faculties and conclusion of agreements. All the Departments cooperate with related Departments from prestigious foreign universities and they are also members of international professional organizations. The ...
Partners 12/8/2011 ... through contacts with related departments and faculties and by conclusion of contracts with them. All the departments of the University actively cooperate with related departments of prestigious foreign universities and are also members of professional organizations ...
Forms and Organization 2/13/2012 ... through contacts with related departments and faculties and by conclusion of contracts with them. All the departments of the University actively cooperate with related departments of prestigious foreign universities and are also members of professional organizations ...
Academic Complex 2/15/2012 ... Study and Computer Halls to ...
Grantors 6/22/2020 ... Juridical Persons, Foundations, Departments, Universities and Other Grantors Goethe Institute Sofia    Department of Finance Tempus Programme University Publishing House ...
UNWE No.1 3/17/2022 ... and Law Faculty. It has 34 Departments; Institute of Post-Graduate Studies Division /including Center for Facultative Education and Foreign Languages School/, Institute of Economics and Politics, Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, ...


107 results found
UNWE Improves Its Record, More Than 7 000 Prospective Students Want to Study at the University with the Highest Accreditation Rating 7/29/2024 ... would also like to express thankfulness to our lecturers, Departments and Faculties for making the UNWE recognizable and so desirable with their daily efforts", said the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. He also expressed thankfulness to the two Associations established by the UNWE to improve relations with the ...
Lecturers from the UNWE Participated in Round Table on the Sustainable Management and Development of Rural Areas 7/22/2024 ... partnerships between the related Departments of the three main economic universities in Bulgaria which helps to achieve a synergistic common effect in the field of science and education", said the Project Head. According to Prof. Nikolova the study of the theoretical ...
Discussion Forum: From Crisis to Sustainability: Global Challenges and Solutions in Tourism Was Held at the University 6/3/2024 ... , General Secretaries, Heads of Departments, lecturers and students. In the discussion participated and expressed their opinion on the topic Prof. Dr. Nadia Mironova, Dean of the Management and Administration Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy Nikolov, Director of the ...
Awards for the Winners in the National Competition in Political Economy 3/26/2024 ... Department is one of the eldest departments and an established classical specialty that lays the foundation of economic science. For being a student in this specialty you must have both an economic approach and mindset as well as a willingness to research and ...
The Association of Language Schools in Bulgaria Held a Trial Exam in English in the Cambridge Format at the UNWE 3/28/2024 ... of UNWE, which is one of the best departments of foreign languages in Bulgaria and you will have the opportunity to check and test your knowledge. You are the people who would have no problem, after passing this exam, to continue your studies in the specialties taught ...
Photo Exhibition on the Ocassion of the World Water Day at the Our University 4/11/2024 ... . "At our university several Departments teach the issues related to the theme of the World Water Day in the current year, these are the Natural Resources Department, International Economic Relations Department, National and Regional Security Department and all ...
Maxima Aula Was Crowded for the Premiere of Film about Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dobrev - the Patriarch of Accounting in Bulgaria Organized by the Accountancy and Analysis Department 3/27/2024 ... Coincil of UNWE and Heads of Departments, the Dean of the Economic Accounting Faculty of Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov Prof. Dr. Atanas Atanasov and the Head of the Accounting Department of Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov ...
The UNWE Management Team Got Acquainted with the Changes in the Programme Accreditation Procedures 3/15/2024 ... , Secretaries General, Heads of Departments and representatives of Committees working on the accreditations as well as lecturers and officials of the University. The Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, the Rector of ...
Public Lecture by Vanya Grigorova: Where Our Money Goes – the Private Pension Funds Management 3/13/2024 ... Department but also from other Departments at Regional Development Faculty who actively participated in the discussion after the public lecture. Pension Insurance in Bulgaria Since 1 January 2000 a new pension insurance system has been in force in Bulgaria, ...
Expert Group of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Visited the UNWE 2/2/2024 ... of the Ministries and Departments involved in the cooperation with the OECD. The measures for the preparation of our country are included in the three-year Roadmaps containing concrete actions on the accession to the OECD. The Roadmap ...
The Second Season of Kaufland - UNWE Business Academy Has Started 2/2/2024 ... occupy various positions in key Departments of Kaufland such as Controlling, Accounting, Corporate Communications, Human Resources, Sales Directorate, etc. As a result of the cooperation between the UNWE and Kaufland in support of future leaders in 2023 the large ...
The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov Held a Working Meeting on Admission 2024/2025 1/31/2024 ... involved Directorates and Departments a day after the government proposed the abolition of tuition fees for undergraduate and Doctoral students under the state educational order. Prof. Dimitrov made an analysis of the previous Prospective ...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelina Trifonova Called the UNWE Her Shelter at a Scientific Symposium Organized by the Economics Department on the Occasion of Her 75th Jubilee Anniversary 1/24/2024 ... the development of different UNWE Departments and Faculties as well as of the University". The Rector greeted the Economics Department and the General Economics Faculty for the initiative and emphasized: "These moments are part of the spirit of UNWE ...
The New Deans of the Faculties at Our University 1/15/2024 ... Faculty is composed of four Departments having a decade-long history. These are the Economics Department, Human Resources and Social Protection Department, Economic Sociology Department and the Political Economy Department. According to Prof. Dr. Petrunov there ...
The UNWE General Assembly Elected Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov as Rector for a Second Term 12/22/2023 ... spirit and autonomy of the Departments and Faculties in their decisions regarding the staff and academic growth, the curricula and programmes as well as external relations; high quality in all areas of activity - teaching, research and administrative services; ...
7 Students from the UNWE Won a Scholarship from Discordia 1/24/2024 ... scholarships - for the other Departments. Applicants with the highest score in the respective categories are Kaloyan Todorov and Teodor Gaytansky from the Economics of Transport and Energy Department as well as Emil Mollov and Teresa Micheva from the ...
The Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov Delivered a Lecture during the Youth Economic Forum at the UNWE 1/24/2024 ... , lecturers from different Departments, undergraduates, Doctoral students and employees. After the Forum the Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov met with the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. The subject of the discussion was the ...
The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Presented at the UNWE a Scientific Publication on the Education Policy Outlook 2023 with Data for Bulgaria 1/25/2024 ... of the Ministries and Departments involved in the cooperation with the OECD. The measures for the preparation of our country are included in the three-year Roadmaps containing concrete actions on the accession to the OECD. The Roadmap for the period ...
Scientific Conference on the Innovative Information Technologies for the Digitalization of the Economy on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary of Speciality Business Informatics and Communications 10/23/2023 ... from the other UNWE Departments and those from D. А. Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov. She explained that the speciality Business Informatics and Communication, which celebrates its 55th Anniversary, remains one of the most ...
XXII International Scientific Conference on Bulgaria's EU Membership: 16 Years Later Had the Largest Number of Participants 10/16/2023 ... and the most established departments of our University and its representatives are the drivers of the study of European integration, so it is natural that the event is organized by this Department. "I congratulate the colleagues who, over the years, have ...
The Rector and the Minister of Education Opened the New Academic Year 2023/2024 at the UNWE 9/19/2023 ... Council, Deans, Heads of Departments, Secretaries General, lecturers, employees, representatives of the UNWE Trustees Board, among them Maxim Behar, the Mayor of the Students district Petko Goranov, the Mayor of Kostinbrod Trayko Mladenov. There were also ...
The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov: 6100 Prospective Students - a Record Number for the Recent Years 7/12/2023 ... . Serious work was also done by the Departments. We held Open Doors Day, many events with students, including competitions and preliminary examinations. The Alumni community was also actively involved. As you see all these efforts give serious results. The Rector ...
Master`s Degree Students from the Only One in the World International Programme in Nuclear Security Defended Their Theses 7/3/2023 ... Security Department and other UNWE, Departments as well as from St. Climent Ohridsky University of Sofia, researchers from Acad. Angel Balevsky Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technology with the Center of Hydroaerodynamics at BAS, experts from the Nuclear Regulation ...
The UNWE and the CloudCart Signed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership 7/18/2023 ... taught at the UNWE in different Departments and we can make a strategy and training plan in relation to our collaboration. Combining the academic expertise of UNWE with the innovation and practical experience of CloudCart the students will get valuable lessons and useful ...
The New Website of the Law Faculty Is Focused on Scientific Publications 5/25/2023 ... and advised the other Faculties and Departments to follow the example of the Law Faculty and to make their websites understandable and accessible to all students and lecturers. "We have recently celebrated 103 Anniversary of our university and I went back in ...
Our University Celebrated 103 Years of Creation and Rise with Solemn Academic Council 5/23/2023 ... special greetings all the Heads of Departments of General Economics Faculty who have been the main energy for the successful overcoming of serious challenges". "I would like to express my thankfulness for this high honour. I accept this award as a sign, a ...
Students from the Finance and Accounting Faculty Obtained Valuable Advices from Representatives of Crowe Bulgaria 5/29/2023 ... provided by the Audit and Accounting Departments of the company. The summer internship programme is paid and provides an opportunity for permanent employment. Students can get a real insight into the nature of the profession and put their theoretical knowledge into practice ...
Students from the UNWE Knew about the Specifics of Gaming Industry 5/31/2023 ... students the company structure and the departments that exist within an operator such as Alphabet Gaming. Radka Bacheva who works at the Polish casino betting company Wazdan, presented to the students how the casino gaming industry works. She examined the varieties ...
The Chief Executive Officer of the Transport and Logistics Giant DISCORDIA Delivered a Public Lecture 5/15/2023 ... and PhD students from other Departments as well as by graduates of speciality Economics of Transport, currently also owners of transport companies. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Borislav Arnaudov, Scientific Secretary of the Economics of Transport and Energy ...
Meeting with the Prospective Students from 19. Elin Pelin High School 5/15/2023 ... contest and competitions organized by the UNWE Departments and partner schools which enables the admission of the winners to appropriate specialties. In response to the question "Why should I choose UNWE and how will you convince me to apply for a particular specialty at this ...
11th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on the Infrastructure: Business and Communications 4/26/2023 ... undergraduates and Doctoral students from the six Departments of the Faculty of Economics of Infrastructure: Economics of Trade Department, Media and Public Communications Department, the Logistics and Supply Chains Department, the Economics of Transport and Energy Department, the National and ...
Third Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on the Economy, Society and Human Resources in the Challenge of Time 4/5/2023 ... of the Conference is given to one of the Departments of the General Economics Faculty. The leading Department for this edition of the Forum is the Human Resources and Social Protection Department. "Such events help students take a very important small first step in their ...
Public Lecture on Democracy Delivered H. E. Alfredo Atanasoff, Ambassador of Argentina to Bulgaria 4/26/2023 ... Administration Accreditation, lecturers from the Departments of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics and Public Administration as well as many other lecturers, students and guests. Prof. Dr. Daniela Koch-Kozhuharova, H. E. Alfredo Atanasoff, Prof. Dr. Matilda ...
9th ASECU General Assembly Was Held at the University 4/3/2023 ... between the economic universities, faculties and departments in the field of research for the benefit of the economy, society, peace and cultural development of the member countries. Prof. Dr. Leonid Nakov, Secretary General of ASECU, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, North ...
An Open Doors Day Was Held at the University 3/30/2023 ... , Secretaries General and lecturers from different Departments at UNWE. Проф. д-р Димитър Димитров, проф. д-р Матилда Александрова, проф. д-р Цветана Стоянова, доц. д-р Михаил Мусов, доц. д-р Росен Кирилов The Rector outlined that the UNWE has 103-years of history and the practical ...
Fifth International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences NORDSCI 10/24/2022 ... suitable venue for the Conference as it has Departments and scientific capacity in all thematic areas of the Forum. Prof. Dimitrov presented the UNWE as the eldest, the most prestigious and the largest business university in Bulgaria and Southeast Europe having 8 Faculties ...
Youth Essay Competition 2022 of the SME Assembly under the auspices of the EC 9/29/2022 ... Europe, as well as to members from various departments of the EC and other organizations supporting entrepreneurship. The competition covers all expenses for the finalists' visit during the Assembly. The winner automatically becomes a member of the jury for the next edition of the ...
The New Academic Year at the UNWE Began with a Greeting Speech by the Prime Minister Galab Donev 9/26/2022 ... of the the UNWE Control Council, Deans, Heads of Departments, Secretaries General, lecturers, employees, the Chairman of the National Representation of the Student Councils Daniel Parushev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Liliana Valcheva, Chairwoman of the UNWE Trustees Council, Rectors of universities, the top ...
Prospective Students at the UNWE - Two and a Half Times More Than the State Admission Plan 8/17/2022 ... process. The advantage is that from the first year the Departments that run specialities can make contact with students and support them in their studies. They also ensure the focus of training on the specialty by involving them in joint initiatives with the business. Almost all Departments already make contact ...
Scientific Conference on the Crises and Bulgaria Was Held at the University 8/17/2022 ... Policies Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Deans, Heads of Departments, lecturers and students. The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, the Vice-Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova and Colonel Chavdar Petrov, President of the ...
The Finance and Accounting Faculty Celebrated Its 70th Anniversary with International Scientific Conference 5/10/2024 ... established between the Department I represent and the Departments of the Finance and Accounting Faculty. We are united by a number of common ideas for the development of financial science and economic university education in our country", said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Stavrova, Head of the Department of Finance ...
The Finance and Accounting Faculty Celebrated Its 70th Anniversary with International Scientific Conference 5/10/2024 ... established between the Department I represent and the Departments of the Finance and Accounting Faculty. We are united by a number of common ideas for the development of financial science and economic university education in our country", said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Stavrova, Head of the Department of ...
University Grants Competition Has Started 4/5/2022 ... on R&D. "Some University Departments have already reoriented their publishing activity to editions indexed in the two world databases. These efforts of our colleagues are worthy of respect and deserve to be encouraged", shares Assoc. Prof. Musov. ...
The Center for Research and Educational Projects - Culture of Interaction and Mutual Assistance in the Project Development and Implementation 4/11/2022 ... of colleagues from different Departments. The Center was developed during the mandate of the previous Director Prof. Nikolay Shterev. The task of the Center is not to write projects and prepare them in full but to support organizationally and administratively ...
XIII Table Tennis Tournament for the UNWE Cup 1/26/2022 ... also lecturers from other Departments and employees to participate in the event. In the Tournament took part 17 participants divided into men /14/ and women /3/. The women were in one group and the men were divided into four groups. The matches were held in ...
Lawyer's Week 11/18/2021 ... or developing successful legal departments will acquaint the audience with career opportunities, internships and the specifics of their activities. Official opening of the Forum During the first day of Lawyer's Week the participants had the ...
The Economics Department Presented Its Annual Conference on the Economic Challenges: Crisis, Recovery, Sustainability 11/17/2021 ... of Varna; deans, heads of departments and general secretaries at UNWE as well as many other respected colleagues, professors and eminent scientists ...
XX International Scientific Conference: Bulgarian Membership in the European Union: Fourteen Years Later 10/20/2021 ... is one of the emblematic UNWE departments. A similar forum suits her very well. A forum that has also become iconic over the years. One of the reason for this is that officials who care about our university take always active part in the Conference. This relation ...
UNWE Opened the New Academic Year 2021/2022 9/23/2021 ... Control Council, Deans, Heads of Departments, Chief Secretaries, the Chairman of the National Representation of Student Councils Daniel Parushev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ing. Lilyana Valcheva, Chairman of the UNWE Trustees Council, rectors of higher schools, partners from ...
Opening of the Academic Year 2021/2022 on 20 September 9/16/2021 ... the Management bodies of Faculties and Departments of relevant specialties, will be held, as follows: GENERAL ECONOMICS FACULTY  Specialty "Economics", specialty "Economics with English Language Teaching" and specialty "Macroeconomics" - Hall 2005 - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivaylo ...
UNWE and Standard Newspaper Launched the Project "Wonders of Bulgaria - Digital Routes" 7/12/2021 ... institutions, deans of faculties, heads of departments and institutes, lecturers and students presented at the event. The project "Wonders of Bulgaria - Digital Routes" will upgrade and digitize the Standard Newspaper campaign. It provisions to create an interactive map ...
UNWE on the Pages of Spanish Digital Magazine Espiral 7/28/2020 ... Economics and Politics and its other Departments - International Economic Relations and Business, International Relations and Political Science as well as Bachelor's and Master's degree specialities offered by them. The full text of the publication can be seen here ...
Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov is the New Rector of UNWE 2/13/2020 ... of October I sent a letter to all Departments to inform them about my intentions and major directions of reasonable change. I think it`s an expression of deep respect to the university collegium. I know it`s not easy being a rector and I realize the great responsibility”, ...
Student Scientific Conference "Contemporary Concepts for the Development of Smart Cities" 4/22/2019 ... 'Council policy is together with different departments to organize opportunities for students for scientific appearances, said Student Council chairman Angel Stoykov at the opening of the event. He urged students to use such forums to learn to create their own scientific texts and ...
8th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on the Infrastructure: Business and Communications 4/18/2019 ... and Doctoral students from the Departments of Faculty of Economics of Infrastructure – Economics of Tourism Department, Economics of Transport and Energy Department, National and Regional Security Department, Logistics and Supply Chains Department, Media and ...
Google News Lab Training on the Fact-Checking and News Verification 3/15/2019 ... 5 March the first Google News Lab Training on the Fact-Checking and News Verification was held at the UNWE. The coach was Mr. Mark Miller, Google Teaching Fellow. The event was organized by the Media and Public Communications Department. About 80 students from ...
Lecturers from the FAF Participated in the ICAEW – Annual Higher Education Conference 2019 1/22/2019 ... the invitation of the Institute of Certified Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) Prof. Snezhana Basheva, Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty (FAF) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Coordinator for the Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and ICAEW took ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Led Seminar at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management 11/29/2018 ... students and researchers from various Departments of Lisbon University. The UNWE lecturer met with her colleagues from the Strategic Marketing and Management Department and discussed with them the opportunities of academic cooperation ...
Chinese-Bulgarian Rectors` Higher Education Forum 11/7/2018 ... and heads of international departments of leading Chinese universities specialized in economics, management, political and social science education as well as representatives of the Bulgarian academic community. The perspectives and specific forms of ...
Google Ads Certification Course 7/31/2018 ... also students from different Departments The Certification Course gives an opportunity for participating students to pass online examination and obtain internationally recognized certificate by Google that provides them excellent chances to find a job in ...
The Second Alumni of the International Master Programme in Nuclear Security Graduated 7/11/2018 ... Security Department and other UNWE Departments, St. Climent Ohridsky University of Sofia, scientists from Acad. A. Balevski Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies with Center for Hydro- and Aerodynamics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – ...
Doctoral Students and Undergraduates Discussed Practically-Oriented Topics 4/24/2018 ... quality are the lecturers from the relevant Departments. The idea of the Conference is to find the common themes between the six Departments of the Economics of Infrastructure Faculty, pointed out Assoc. Prof. Rakovska. Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Rakovska, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov and ...
Huge Student Interest in the First ICAEW Educational Film “False Assurance” 3/27/2018 ... the UNWE students by the ICAEW see: or contact with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov at [email protected] ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and BSA 3/15/2018 ... 75 representatives of all Bulgarian sociological departments and the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at Bulgarian Academy of Science (ISSK-BAS) ...
Students from the Logistics Department Visited Festo Bulgaria 12/13/2017 ... area as well as a tour round the production departments. It was emphasized on the major methods of production orders and logistic processes management. Students had the opportunity to watch the practical application of the methods they had studied at the Logistics Department including the ...
Jubilee Scientific Practical Conference on the Theory and Practice of Finance, Financial Control and Accountancy in the Global World 11/17/2017 ... . Prof. Dr. Plamen Oresharsky, Deans and Heads of Departments of UNWE, Economic University of Varna, D. A. Tsenov Economic Academy of Svishtov, experts and students.  Assoc. Prof. Vazov, Prof. Basheva, Prof. Alexandrova, Prof. Stattev, Mrs. Stoyanova, Mr. Tsvetkov, Mrs. Doneva ...
Scientific Applied Conference: Ministry of Interior 2030: Challenges to Security Policies 11/9/2017 ... the close cooperation on the issue between the Departments at the UNWE as well as the interaction with other universities. It is necessary together with the Syndicates and the leadership of the Ministry of Interior to set our sights on the challenges, to find answers and options for solutions, ...
Diplomas for the Bachelors and Masters of Science of Economics Department 11/8/2017 ... Department – one of the most elite Departments of the university. Among its lecturers and alumni are three of the Prime Ministers of democratic Bulgaria, the first Bulgarian European Commissioner, Heads of UN Commissions, members of the BNB Governing Council and Ministers, outlined ...
Round Table Conference on the New Management Models of Intellectual Property 11/2/2017 ... have an effective unity between both university Departments and ILAC, outlined the Rector. He gave as an example the interest in the recent National Seminar on Creation of Culture for Intellectual property among the SME`s which was held at the university followed by the negotiation of future ...
Introductory Press-Conference in Relation to the Construction of New Educational Building of UNWE 10/13/2017 ... centers will meet the demands of Faculties and Departments as well as the demands of other institutions in contractual relations with the UNWE, pointed out Prof. Stattev. The Rector is presenting the opportunities of academic process in the new building. Prof. Stattev reminded ...
Round Table Conference on The Consumer Rights in The Digital Sphere 6/13/2017 ... because the Forum is held jointly by three Departments of three different Faculties, outlined Prof. Stattev. Even if we divide the issue it will stay a question of present interest in its both component parts – about the consumer rights and about the problems of digital sphere, pointed ...
6th Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on The Multiform of Tourism in The Scientific Knowledge 5/10/2017 ... of our Faculty is due to the good work of Departments with the undergraduates and Doctoral students, outlined Prof. Dimitrov. Lots of miinisters in the new government have begun with scientific contribution as students, pointed out the way of successful development the Dean. Your scientific ...
UNWE General Assembly Gave Positive Assessment for The Activity of The Rectors Managing Body 12/22/2016 ... (strong relations between the Faculties and Departments), interpersonal – respectful and ethical relations between all members of academic staff, between us and our officials and students, outlined Prof. Stattev. He emphasized that it is needed a consolidation – at the Departments, ...
Ninth Annual Scientific Session of UNWE 12/5/2016 ... Activity, scientists from the Faculties and Departments of UNWE. In the Large Conference Hall Prof. Goev opened the Session as he greeted the participants on behalf of the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev. “We continue holding up a high temp in the ...
Scientific Conference on The Omni-Channel Trade and Innovations 11/3/2016 ... Carry The representatives of the three Departments and the business expressed their contentment with the Forum and their desire to continue the tradition of organizing scientific meetings every year ...
Jubilee Celebration of The Logistics Department and International Conference on The Logistics in The Changing World 10/19/2016 ... Rectors Managing Body, Heads of Faculties and Departments, representatives of the business and universities from our country. The 10th International Scientific Conference on the Logistics in the Changing World was part of the events devoted to the jubilee.   In Maxima ...
The 96th Academic Year Was Solemnly Opened 9/21/2016 ... the Vice-Rectors of UNWE, Heads of Faculties and Departments, lecturers. “I heartily wish the large, authoritative academic family of our university to have health, courage and success”, ended his speech the Rector. “For me as a national Ombudsman and graduate of the UNWE ...
National Marketing Olympiad 2016 5/16/2016 ... the universities having Departments and specialities of Marketing”, outlined Prof. Stattev. According to his words the teams participating in the competition in the current year would guarantee a good competitiveness. Prof. Stattev expressed his ...
Official Assembly of The Law Faculty on The Occasion of Its 25th Anniversary 4/19/2016 ... the Law Faculty and its three Departments – Private Legal Studies, Public Legal Studies and Criminal Legal Studies – are an explicit guarantee that the academic staff of the Law Faculty will give worthy answers to challenges also in the future and ...
GoogleAdwords Certification Course 3/30/2016 ... from other Departments of the university were also interested in the certification course ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Participated in An International Forum in Taiwan 3/21/2016 ... contacts with relative IT Departments in Taiwan. Prof. Velev invited the attendees at the Forum to participate in the Sixth International Conference on the Application of Information and Communication Technologies and Statistics in the Economics and ...
The UNWE General Assembly Gave High Assessment of The Rector and Rectors Managing Body for The Past Electoral Term 12/18/2015 ... dialogue with the Faculties, Departments, Centers and Institutes, lecturers, officials, undergraduates, Doctoral students gave positive results, outlined Prof. Stattev. The Rector summarized that the past four years had been a period of hard work, new ideas ...
International Round Table Conference on The Occasion of The 25th Anniversary of The Economics of Tourism Department 11/3/2015 ... University, Colleges, Departments of UNWE, etc. (in the pictures below). According to the Department Council decision on the occasion of the jubilee Honorary diplomas were awarded to Prof. Dr. Manol Ribov from the UNWE, ...
40th Anniversary of The International Economics and Politics Faculty 10/6/2015 ... structure having four Departments: International Economic Relations and Business – the first specialized unit in Bulgaria for preparation of professionals in the field of international trade; International Relations Department – the first ...
Representatives of The Real Estate Property Department Visited The Institute of Technology in Kavala 7/24/2015 ... also met with the Heads of Departments and colleagues from the School of Management and Economics of the Greek university. The Coordinator of the Programme Dr. Maditinos invited the UNWE to join the university Prime Networking – Euroweek whose members ...
Meeting with The Managing Body of The Professional Business Academy of Tirana 6/16/2015 ... cooperation with similar departments of foreign universities as well as membership in international professional organizations. The Rector of PBA Ylber Bezo expressed his thankfulness for the hospitability of the most prestigious Bulgarian university - ...
Academic Celebrations Devoted to The 95th Anniversary of UNWE 5/27/2015 ... , Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments, doyens of academic science, lecturers and students. Special guests at the celebration were Acad. Vanyo Mitev, Rector of the Medical University and Chairman of the Rectors Council in Bulgaria, Acad. Stefan Vodenicharov ...
Future Lawyers Were Special Guests at The Administrative Court- Sofia City 4/22/2015 ... as well as the directors of departments and units at the Administrative Court-Sofia City answered the questions of the guests. The students obtained detailed information about the cases and work of magistrates and employees, examined the way of a complaint ...
Annual Scientific Session of UNWE 12/13/2014 ... , lecturers from Faculties and Departments of the university. From the right to the left: Prof. Veselka Pavlova, Prof. Statty Stattev, Prof. Valentin Goev, Nikolay Bakardzhiev The Annual Scientific Session has confirmed as an authoritative ...
A Russian Club Was Established at The UNWE 12/5/2014 ... of lecturers from different Departments of UNWE as well as Zhelyo Dobrev, Chairman of the Bulgarian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Nikolay Malinov, Chairman of the National Movement of Russophiles. A lecture on the Modern Aspects of ...
International Scientific Conference on The Membership of Bulgaria in The European Union – Seven Years Later 10/6/2014 ... students from the following Departments of UNWE: International Economic Relations and Business, Finance, Industrial Business, Entrepreneurship, Public Legal Studies. In her report on the Membership of Bulgaria in The European Union – Seven Years ...
Round-Table Conference on The Ethical Commissions in The Academic Environment 6/26/2014 ... , Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments, representatives of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and the Agricultural Academy. In the Scientific Councils Hall The purpose of the meeting is to identify the tasks and role of the ...
Meeting-Discussion with H.E. Jonathan Allen, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Bulgaria 5/23/2014 ... , Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments, lecturers and students. From the left to the right: Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Vice-Rector, the Rector Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, H.E. Jonathan Allen, Prof.Dr. Veselka Pavlova, ...
Presentation of Our Lecturer at The University of Florence 4/24/2014 ... Prof. Georgieva met with her colleagues from different Departments of the University, visited the European University Institute in Fiesole and some historical sites in the cultural capital of Italy ...
The Title of Honorary Professor of UNWE Was Awarded to Ambassador Campagnola 4/17/2014 ... at the Economic Sociology and Regional Development Departments on the project specially elaborated for them and led by Prof. Maria Stoyanova. It is forthcoming the publication of the first handbook for Doctoral candidates and Doctoral students with disabilities in Bulgaria, pointed out Prof. Stattev ...
International Conference on The Occasion of The 90th Anniversary of The First Student Sports Club in Bulgaria 12/5/2013 ... . Greeting addresses were made by the Sport Departments of St. Climent Ohriski University of Sofia and by the Sport and Physical Therapy Department of the Medical University. In the scientific Forum participated representatives of universities from the Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Turkey, etc ...
Two Days National Conference on the Modern Development of Statistics and Information Technologies 10/11/2013 ... . She outlined the good interaction between the three Departments of the Faculty in the intensive scientific activity. Conferences are the essence of the research and that`s why we expect very good results and creative spirit in discussions, pointed out Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Vice Rector and ...
Students Scientific Session on Sociology 4/22/2013 ... publications of lecturers in Sociology from both Departments. The Students Scientific Forum was organized on the initiative of the Club of Sociologist at the UNWE by the Balkans-Europe Regional Research Center jointly with the Sociology Department of the South-West University. The student event was ...
The Economics of Trade Department Celebrated Its 60th Anniversary by An International Scientific Conference 4/15/2013 ... EHI Retail Institute, Vice-Rectors, Deans, Heads of Departments, lecturers, Doctoral students and undergraduates, representatives of trade companies and associations. About the role of the Economics of Trade Department in the public and economic practice spoke Prof. Dr. Yordanka Vladimirova, Head of the ...
School-Leavers from The National Trade and Banking School Visited Their Future Alma Mater 3/29/2013 ... . He presented to the 12th grade pupils the Departments and specialities of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty, opportunities for a choice in Bachelor`s and Master`s degree, chances for professional realization as well as in Bulgaria as also in the European Union. “There is no area of economy ...
The Center for Digitization Collects The Book Inheritance of UNWE 11/10/2012 ... on the Electronic Organization, Deans, Heads of Departments, lecturers, Tanya Tsenova, Director of the University Library and Central Archive, students and employees.    The scanner which is used for digitiztion of books for the e-library. ...
Finance and Accountancy Faculty Celebrated Its Diamond Anniversary 11/10/2012 ... , by the Economic University of Varna, Faculties and Departments of UNWE. Prof. Dr. Snezhana Basheva, Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty made in her report a detailed historical inquiry and an academic estimation of the Faculty activity. In her report she examined by numbers and facts the periods ...
The Information Technologies and Communications Department Marked Its 45th Anniversary by An International Conference 11/10/2012 ... attended Vice-Rectors of UNWE, Heads of Faculties and Departments, representatives of other universities from the country and abroad. Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Vice-Rector on Electronic Organization and Head of the jubilee Department presented the history of the Department of Economic Management ...
Regional Development Speciality Marked Its Fifth Anniversary by An International Scientific Conference 10/17/2012 ... Administration Faculty as well as Heads of the UNWE Departments and representatives of universities. Greeting addresses were extended by Lilyana Pavlova, Minister on Regional Development and Public Works, by Tomislav Donchev, Minister on Management of the European Union Funds, by Luyben Tatarski, Chairman ...
UNWE Was The Host of The First Economic Games in Bulgaria 5/4/2012 ... Physical Education and Sport and the Heads of the same Departments at the other two universities. “I`m glad that today we set up the beginning of the Economic Games. Our idea is the Games to be held every year and one of the three universities to be their host. I wish the participants to have a nice time ...
60 Years of Academic Perfection Celebrates The International Economic Relations Speciality 3/28/2012 ... , Deans, lecturers, Professors from allied Departments of other universities, students. It`s not just a formal act but a special pleasure to me to greet the Department for its jubilee, pointed out Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of UNWE who emphasized his long-lasting creative ...
Prof. Statty Stattev Is The New Rector of UNWE 2/13/2012 ... the highest assessment “very good”, 3 Faculties and 16 Departments have been opened and transformed, and 16 specialities for Bachelor`s degree has been newly opened. Admission of students has been increased from 2945 students in 2003 up to 3446 now and the growth of new students for Master`s degree is from ...


10 results found
International Scientific Conference on the Media and Information Literacy and Cultural Policies for Sustainable Development 7/12/2023 ... abstract submission click here. Deadline: 30 July 2023 For more information click here. Yearbook of ...
XXII International Scientific Conference on Bulgaria's Membership in the European Union: Sixteen Years Later 7/19/2023 ... International Economic Relations & Business Department of the University of National and World Economy invites you to take part in its  XXII International Scientific Conference on Bulgaria's Membership in the European Union: Sixteen Years Later under the patronage of the ...
Online Workshop: Cross-cultural Research Methods 11/25/2022 ... Workshop for Master Students / PhD / Young Researchers: Cross-cultural Research Methods     ...
Prishtina International Summer University: Call for Academic Staff 1/21/2022 ... suggestions provided by the university departments (based on their priorities and needs) have a substantial chance of being accepted. Additionally, departments are especially interested in hosting international teaching faculty who have the intention to develop future ...
International Conference on Return Migration: European and Bulgarian Perspectives 1/14/2020 ... Conference on Return Migration: European and Bulgarian Perspectives which is part of the scientific project "Return migrants: segmentation and stratification of labour mobility" will be opened on 28 February at 9.00 a.m. in the Small Conference Hall of UNWE ...
Western Balkans Regional and Local Economic Development Forum - FoRLED 11/24/2018 ... and Ph.D students from the Department of Regional Development, University of National and World Economy, led by Associate Professor Georgi Nikolov atended the 3rd Forum of Regional and Local Economic Development.  The event took place in the Albanian port town of ...
Master Classes Day: The World - The Day after Tomorrow 10/25/2016 ... more information click ...
Jubilee Conference: Economic Sociology 4.0 10/1/2015 ... more information click ...
National Conference by International Participation on The Public Transformation in Bulgaria, Europe and in The World (November, 16th – 17th, 2012) 10/10/2012 ... Scientific Conference on the Public Transformation in Bulgaria, Europe and in the World will be held at the UNWE on November, 16th – 17th, 2012. The conference is devoted to both anniversaries – the beginning of education on the academic discipline Sociology at the UNWE and the establishment of the ...

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