Department "Financial Control"

Обновено: Thursday, 16 February 2012 12:05


“Financial Control” Specialty aims at preparing highly qualified specialists for the needs of the control institutions and bodies in the public and private sector. The objectives set out in the curricula for Bachelor's and Master's are based on the increased role and requirements to control as a management function in the process of European integration.

The curriculum provides fundamental economic and thorough specialized training in the fields of control, accounting and finance. The main emphasis is on the acquisition of knowledge and practical training for work in the controlling institutions. Graduates have great opportunities for professional development in the control systems of public administration /Public Revenue Agency, Customs Administration, National Audit Office, the Public Financial Inspection Agency, Financial Supervision Commission, etc./ as well as in the internal control units in the public and private sectors. However, the broad fundamental and specialized preparation of graduates, gives them a wide range of opportunities for additional professional realization as experts in the areas of accounting, finance and control.