Empowerment Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurs & Stakeholders Can Build a Sustainable Future - 12th International Conference
The Conference’s mission is to bring together professionals in the field of entrepreneurship, from research, teaching, practice and policy-making to exchange opinions, problems and good practice in entrepreneurship and management to respond to the challenges of sustainable development in a changing world.
- To discuss recent trends and problems in the development of national and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems;
- To discuss and understand better the roles of various stakeholders: entrepreneurs, SMEs, corporations, policy makers, universities, government and non-government organisations, in achievement of SDGs;
- To discuss how enterprises can play a significant role in ensuring achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs;
- To identify SDG opportunities through entrepreneurship for specific goals;
- To discuss innovative funding mechanisms for sustainable solutions;
- To learn about measuring impact and demonstrating the contribution of entrepreneurship to SDGs;
- To explore entrepreneurship as a tool for social change and for empowering communities;
- To exchange research, training and consulting experiences (problems, findings and solutions) of social entrepreneurship in different geographic, economic, and socio-cultural contexts;
- To discuss and understand better the role of intrapreneurship in large-scale enterprises and their role in achieving SDGs;
- To strengthen and develop further established networks among professionals from Europe and other regions of the world.
Who should attend this conference?
- Researchers
- Teachers/trainers
- Consultants
- Policy-makers
- Entrepreneurs
- Managers
The invited keynote speakers at the Conference will be the internationally recognized professionals as:
- Professor Dylan Jones-Evans, OBE, Ph.D, FRSA, Visiting Professor at Aston University, Birmingham, and Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at University of Turku, Finland, Founder, UK Fast Growth 50 Index and the National Startup Awards;
- Professor Raymond Saner, Ph.D., Titular Professor at Basel University (Economics Department) and lecturer at Sciences Po, Paris (Public Policy) and at Lüneburg University (Environmental Negotiations);
- Professor Lichia Saner-Yiu, Co-Founder and President of the Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), Genève, Switzerland, Taiwan, A UN ECOSOC accredited think tank with Special Consultative Status;
- Professor Diego Matricano, Ph.D., Department of Management, Università degli Studi della Campania "L. Vanvitelli", Chair of SIG Entrepreneurship @ EURAM Conference
- Mr. Aurel Laurentiu Plosceanu, Vice-President for Communication of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC);
- Professor Milena Angelova, Ph.D., member of the EESC, SME Envoy of Bulgaria, SME Envoys Network, DG GROW, Secretary-General, Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association.
We are looking forward to receiving abstracts of your papers.
For conference participants we have negotiated special prices for accommodation in Flamingo Grand Hotel and I will let you know soon the details.