The Economics Department collective organizes inter-departmental discussions, seminars, scientific conferences, etc. Projects and independent scientific research (textbooks, academic aids, monographs, habilitation theses, doctorates, studies, articles, analyses, etc.) are continuously elaborated.
The Economics Department implements cooperation in various forms:
• keeps close professional relations with the Departments of General Economic Theory from the Economic University of Varna and D. A. Tsenov Economic Academy of Svishtov, the Economic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, etc.;
• the lecturers from the Department participate in projects on mobility of the European Programmes Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus; in educational projects of the European Union as Jean Mone and in projects of the Open Society Foundation as well as in projects on the 7th European Union framework, etc.
• the Departmental collective has successfully completed a project on the Creation of Multimedia System for Implementation of Lecturing Courses, Seminar Studies and Electronic Examinations at the UNWE on the intergovernmental agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Bulgaria.