Search results for Research


Center for Research and Educational Projects
Center for Research and Educational Projects at UNWE
University Center for Logistic Researches and Education
University Center for Logistic Researches and Education at UNWE
Research and Training Center on Monetary History, Theory and Policy
Research and Training Center on Monetary History, Theory and Policy
Center for Sociological and Psychological Research
Center for Sociological and Psychological Research at UNWE
Center for Legal Research at UNWE
Center for Legal Research at UNWE
Scientific Research Center for Trade
Scientific research center






264 results found
Digital marketing and transformation taught in English (Double degree master’s programme with Abertay University, Scotland) 7/11/2024 ... focused mainly on preparing the graduating thesis and all research and personal development activities related to it. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme will acquire the following knowledge and skills: theoretical foundations and ...
Abertay University, Scotland 7/23/2024 ... mainly on preparing the graduating thesis and all research and personal development activities related to it. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme will acquire the following knowledge and skills: theoretical foundations and ...
Others 6/6/2024 ... Vienna   BELGIUM European Commission's Joint Research Centre /JRC/ - Brussels   CHECH REPUBLIC ROSATOM - Central Europe s.r.o. - Prague   CHINA Beijing Hongzhou International Learning & Consulting Co. /Hongzhou Learning/ Beijing International Education Institute ...
Universities 6/6/2024 ... State University Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property - Moscow Rostov State University of Economics Russian Customs Academy - Lyubertsy, Moscow Region Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration /RANEPA/ - Moscow Russian ...
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 7/11/2024 ... the graduating thesis and all research and personal development activities related to it. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme will acquire the following knowledge and skills: theoretical ...
Digital marketing and transformation taught in English (Double degree master’s programme with Abertay University, Scotland) 6/6/2024 ... on this basis manage, including researching, analysing, creating, developing and exploiting, digital marketing technologies as a means, and increasingly as a prerequisite, for maintaining and developing relationships with consumers and with other elements of their ...
Conference objectives 5/21/2024 ... is to bring together early-stage researchers affiliated with ENGAGE.EU partner universities who are interested in the current status and challenges of Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., junior faculty members, post-docs, post-graduate researchers, etc.). The ...
Formatting requirements 4/28/2024 ... for each publication: Earlier research by Porter (1990a) found ... but later research carried out again by Porter (1990b) expanded his thesis. In some cases it can be made a reference to an author’s work, which is cited or summarized in another ...
Prof. Dr. Daniela Milchova Feschiyan 4/2/2024 ... Picardy Jules Verne (2022). The research interests of prof. Feschiyan's research interests are in the field of accounting, analysis and financial accounting management in banks, European harmonization and standardization of public sector accounting. She has over 150 ...
Dimitar Radev - Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 12/13/2023 ... to enhancing the reputation of UNWE as a research and educational center of national and international importance and for strengthening the authority of the Bulgarian National Bank, stabilizing the banking sector and developing the financial system of the Republic of Bulgaria. The ...
Digital marketing and transformation taught in English (Double degree master’s programme with Abertay University, Scotland) 5/30/2024 ... , and on this basis manage, including researching, analysing, creating, developing and exploiting, digital marketing technologies as a means, and increasingly as a prerequisite, for maintaining and developing relationships with consumers and with other elements of their environment. ...
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 3/28/2024 ... on preparing the graduating thesis and all research and personal development activities related to it. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Graduates of the Master of Business Administration programme will acquire the following knowledge and skills: theoretical foundations ...
UNWE Scientific Journals 6/6/2023 ... and Social Alternatives Journal Research Papers Economic Alternatives Journal Business and Law Aurea iuris romani Bulgarian Journal of International Economics and ...
HOME PAGE 4/17/2023 ... in engineering, management, design, and research. The organizer of the conference is the Department of "National and Regional Security", University of National and World Economy and co-organizers Center for Strategic Studies in Defense and ...
AUTHOR'S PAGES 2/25/2023 ... articles are usually 8 to 12 pages long. In special cases, shorter or longer articles may be accepted. Only Research Articles in the scope of the journal will be accepted for processing and reviewing. Maximum of 3 publications per author or co-author. Paper Formatting A ...
COMMITTEE 3/17/2023 ... Poudin, director of the "Center for Research on Institutional Change" Assoc. Prof. Zoran Zlatev, Ph.D. ,North Macedonia Prof. Darius Andriukaitis, Ph.D.  Lithuania Prof. Vassil Palankovski,Ph.D. ...
About 2/8/2023 ... of the Center include: conducting research nuclear security training development of new knowledge and skills to enhance the potential of modern nuclear security knowledge; promoting and disseminating the best practices and standards for nuclear security research, training and ...
Documents 2/8/2023 ... of Understanding between VTT Technical Research and UNWE         ...
Review Policy 11/7/2022 ... PEER REVIEW CRITERIA   All research articles in this journal have undergone double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous referees. In order to be accepted for publication in the journal the articles must satisfy certain ...
Our publications 1/30/2024 ... publishes theoretical, methodological and applied research by teachers, researchers and doctoral students from the University of National and World Economy, as well as from other Bulgarian and foreign universities and scientific organizations. On the pages of the magazine you can find information, ...
Conducting research 9/14/2022 ...    ...
Research and projects 9/14/2022 ...    ...
Team 2/22/2024 ... ИИСТТ 001   Deputy Director for Research assist. prof. dr. Polina Stoyanova   Tel: +359 2 8195 403 e-mail: [email protected]   Expert (Research work) Iskren Konstantinov Tel: +359 2 8195 397 E-mail: iskrenk@unwe ...
Requirements 2/7/2024 ... explains any issues related to research methodology and discussion.   TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS   Volume: up to 6 standard pages, incl. graphs, figures, tables and bibliography. Page format: A4, portrait orientation. Margins: left - 2.5 cm, right - 2 ...
Program Committee 2/7/2024 ... , Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland Prof. Dr. Diana Kopeva - University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrich Bodmer - Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Germany Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bozhidar Ivanov – ...
Procedure on PhD Thesis Defense 3/11/2024 ... PhD thesis is in line with the minimal requirements for research defined by the Rulebook on the Implementation of LDASRB.                          II. Within 30 days from the Departmental council’s positive decision on the ...
Administrative Procedures for Education in Doctoral Programmes at UNWE 3/11/2024 ... an order issued by the Vice Rector in charge R&D (research and development). Within the termination/extension, Doctoral students do not lose their status of trainees and are entitled to sit for exams and perform all activities under their Doctoral studies. The Doctoral students that have officially ...
Conference Objectives 3/6/2023 ... goal of the Conference is to bring together early-stage researchers and young scholars affiliated to ENGAGE.EU partner institutions e.g. junior faculty members, post-docs, and PhD students. It is expected to foster communication and future collaboration between representatives of the target groups from all ...
About 5/27/2024 ... for   The Third Sofia Conference For Early-Stage Researchers Affiliated at ENGAGE.EU Alliance Partner Universities   RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION: CURRENT ISSUES AND ADVANCES TOWARDS SDG12   DOWNLOAD THE CALL HERE Conference Dates November 21-22, ...
Third Sofia Conference 5/21/2024 ... for  The Third Sofia Conference For Early-Stage Researchers Affiliated at ENGAGE.EU Alliance Partner Universities   RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION: CURRENT ISSUES AND ADVANCES TOWARDS SDG12   DOWNLOAD THE CALL HERE Conference Dates November 21-22, ...
Sponsors and Media partners 1/27/2023 ... event is organized with the support of the "Scientific Research" Fund;Number of the co-financing agreement: КП-06-МНФ/25 from 27.09.2022 г ...
INTERNATIONAL BOARD 5/8/2024 ... . Prof. Tsvetelina Marinova, PhD, Research Associate LEFMI, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France Assoc. Prof. Zoya Podoba, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation Prof. Xavier Richet, Professor Emeritus, ...
TO THE REVIEWERS OF BJIEP 12/20/2021 ... , or other academic institution, research center, etc. The BJIEP reviewers must comply with the Journal Code of Ethics. The review is written in a Review Form and is part of a double-blind peer review process. The review consists of several criteria. For each ...
About BJIEP 8/17/2023 ... of scientific articles, research papers, book reviews, and other forms of academic writings related to the complex and multifaceted issues of international economics and politics. Invited are authors at various stages of their academic career from renowned ...
About the Conference 11/10/2021 ... aspects of the conducted research can support the implementation of policies at micro and macro level, as well as the formation of recommendations for business practice. The conference will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform. Information about ...
Research 9/29/2021 ... ...
Requirements 10/9/2023 ... suggested by Barney (1991; 1997) . . . or Research in the 1990s (Barney, 1991; 1997) showed that . . . If several publications by the same author in the same year are used, a lowercase letter a, b, c, etc. is added after the year. Example: Previous research by Porter (1990a) shows ...
About the Conference 6/27/2024 ... and lecturers, to present their scientific research to the academic community and to discuss their views with Bulgarian and foreign scientists. This scientific forum is held for the eighteenth time in a row, and the published scientific results of the previous conferences prove the ...
Calendar 2021/2022 9/3/2021 ... , business partner and third-party research. " - Employment relations in municipalities, educational and social institutions - Employment relationships in higher education and scientific organizations - Corporate ...
Coauthorship Declarations 6/15/2023 ... Digital World". The Authors are responsible for the research they have been done and for the results described in the paper. The Authors warrant that the article doesn't infringe upon any copyright, contains no libelous or otherwise unlawful statements, and does not otherwise infringe on the rights of ...
Copyright Forms 6/15/2023 ... in Digital World". The Author is responsible for the research they have been done and for the results described in the paper. The Author warrants that the article doesn't infringe upon any copyright, contains no libelous or otherwise unlawful statements, and does not otherwise infringe on the rights of ...
About the Conference 7/12/2023 ... will be able to present the results of their research.       The papers presented at the scientific conference in Bulgarian, which have passed scientific review, will be published in a conference proceeding with ISBN, entered in the NACID reference list. The papers ...
Publication opportunities 3/18/2021 ... in: the UNWE scientific journals Yearbook and Research Papers (abstracted and indexed in RePec, Google Scholar, ROAD, SIS, J-Gate, CEEOL); a special issue of the journal of the Faculty of International Economics and Politics ...
Conference topics 4/13/2021 ... and empirical findings based on original research on the indicative topics. Besides established scholars, young researchers and students are also welcome to participate, for whom a special session will be organized ...
Section „Creative industries and business“ 3/26/2021 ... sessions   Secretary for research Assist. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Aleksandrov  Tel: (02) 8195 397  e-mail: [email protected] Office: IIPTT 003 Assist. Prof. Dr. Dimitrina Nikolaeva ...
Section „Industrial property and business“ 3/26/2021 ... sessions   Secretary for research Assist. Prof. Dr. Silvija Hristova Todorova CV Tel: (+359) 2 8195 367 e-mail: [email protected]  Office: 1074 Interests: Trademarks and geographical indications New objects of intellectual ...
About IЕP 10/19/2020 ... contributes to raising the prestige of UNWE as a research and educational center of national and international importance. The main activity of the Institute of Economics and Policies as the main unit of UNWE is the implementation of a long-term research activity by its academic staff. In order ...
Quality Management System 3/9/2021 ... staff and scientific research at the University and its basic and supporting units. Interested parties and their requirements are identified in the Quality System documentation containing detailed information about the major activities: Training of ...
UNWE Social Responsibility 7/22/2020 ... scientific forums and research focused on the social responsibility. According to the Agreement of UNWE Membership in the UN Global Compact as contact person is defined Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Slavova. By the UNWE Rectors Council Resolution No. 8 of 27 ...
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 10/13/2020 ... prizes for economic research. 1969 - For having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes  Ragnar Frisch /1895-1973/University of Oslo - Norway  Jan ...
Online platform B.O.S.S. 6/15/2020 ... to promote the abilities of students, researchers and lecturers to use the results of their research and to start entrepreneurial projects. This is made possible by providing free access to: Business Opportunity self-assessment tool in the form of a questionnaire. It ...
Team 6/15/2020 ... . Ivan Nachev Nachev Secretary for research CV Tel: (+359) 2 8195 367 e-mail: [email protected]    Prof. Dr. Maria Ananieva Markova  Acting Head of section CV Tel: (+359) 2 8195 403 e-mail: m.markova@unwe ...
About 5/10/2020 ... in economic development, innovations, research findings and good practices in commerce and the economy as a whole. We would appreciate your attending and sharing your ideas, research and experience with us. The conference programme incorporates the presentation of academic ...
WIPO Academy Accreditation 9/10/2020 ... events are held annually and research projects are implemented. Graduates of the joint Master`s Degree Programme obtain Master`s Degree Diploma and Certificate of completed courses at WIPOAcademy.                 ...
Abstracting and Indexing 9/7/2021 ... Index SIS Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI) RePec Simple Impact Factor: 0 ...
Scientific and Research Profile 12/2/2019 ... Economic Theory - Applied Economics and Information Systems - Political Economy - Financial and Monetary Economics - Interdisciplinary Economics The journal is interested in papers with a special focus on Bulgaria and the Balkans ...
TITLE, ABSTRACT, AND KEYWORDS GUIDELINES 12/2/2019 ... statement of the topic of your paper and your research question. You need to say how your research was/is being undertaken. For example: is it empirical or theoretical; is it quantitative or qualitative? What value are your findings and to whom will they be of use? Please include actual ...
Opportunities 1/13/2021 ... International Research Students (VIRS)” Program of the University of British Columbia (UBC) – Vancouver, BC Canada Website: https://students.ubc ...
Scientific Journals 7/24/2024 ... of the two universities to publish their research papers in the following journals: Review of Business and Economics Studies Editor-in-chief: Prof. DSc Alexandr Ilyinsky Review of Business and Economics Studies (RoBES) is an editorially independent international academic ...
Calls for Papers 11/10/2019 ... and lecturers, to present their scientific research to the academic community and to discuss economic issues with Bulgarian and foreign scientists. This scientific forum takes place for its 15th time in succession, and the published scientific results from the previous 14 conferences ...
Joint Research Projects 11/10/2019 ... existing solutions. Possible areas of research cooperation could be found here. However, students are welcome to further define the topic of their project. The expected output under each project is a research paper that will be presented at a special webinar scheduled for the end of ...
Latest News 12/2/2019 ... forward to the upcoming events and further research partnership!” Before closing the webinar, Prof. Musov pointed out: “We are grateful to have this webinar with the Financial University, because in these times of economic globalization, information technologies, and ...
Partners 11/10/2019 ... specialist training academy into a major research and education center. Today, the University incorporates: 16 Faculties, 14 research Departments, 11 teaching Departments, 11 collaborative provision departments formed in cooperation with the employers, 2 Colleges and a Lyceum ...
INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD 1/18/2023 ... Yakovlev  National Research University - Higher School of Economics & Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT), Russian Federation  Prof. Dr Nikolay A. Dentchev  Vrije Universiteit Brussel Prof. PhD Fabrizio ...
Requirements 10/21/2019 ... the year for each publication: Earlier research by Porter (1990a) found ... but later research carried out again by Porter (1990b) expanded his thesis. In some cases it can be made a reference to an author’s work, which is cited or summarized in another author’s work ...
Cooperation with the World intellectual property organization (WIPO) 6/19/2019 ... and as such receives copies from all current research and publications of WIPO. All publications are accessible on paper in UNWE’s library and in electronic form in ICIB.  You can find a list of WIPO’s publications here. In the service of universities Drafting of a ...
Specialty “Creative industries and business” with specialization in “Intellectual property and business in the industry” 11/6/2020 ... and nongovernmental organizations; associates in research institutes, business centres, tech and business parks; employees in companies’ units for innovation, scientific and technical information, marketing, advertisement and others; employees in law firms, organizations and bureaus that work ...
Doctoral Degree 11/6/2020 ... education plan is affirmed by the vice-rector for Research of UNWE. Attachments: Standardized example of an individual education plan  Reports All doctoral students of IIPTT are attested yearly. They present to the Science and education council the activities they have completed ...
Individual education 11/6/2020 ... . dr. Dimitrina Papagalska and the secretary for research – assist. prof. dr. Ivan Nachev ...
Full time education 11/6/2020 ... prof. dr Dimitrina Papagalska and the secretary for research – assist. prof. dr. Ivan Nachev ...
Specialty “Creative industries and business” with a specialization in “Intellectual property and business in the industry” 11/6/2020 ... and nongovernmental organizations; associates in research institutes, business centres, tech and business parks; employees in companies’ units for innovation, scientific and technical information, marketing, advertisement and others; employees in law firms, organizations and bureaus that work ...
Regular form of education 11/6/2020 ... radio and television organizations; associates in research institutes, business centres, tech and business parks; employees in companies’ units for innovation, scientific and technical information, marketing, advertisement and others; employees in law firms, organizations and bureaus that work ...
Innovative companies 6/20/2019 ... for an innovative company organized by the Applied research and communications fund and Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria, with the support of General directorate “Internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs” of the European commission (2017)     47. ...
Centers for technology transfer 6/20/2019 ... Burgas Free University   10. Centre of research, technology transfer and protection of intellectual property rights at Agricultural university Plovdiv   11. Technology transfer office at Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski   12. Technology transfer office at Varna ...
Partnerships 12/4/2020 ... in a close research and expert relationship with the fallowing national and international organizations: World Intellectual Property Organization> European Patent Office >  European Union Intellectual Property Office > Regional Centre for Safeguarding of ...
Publications of the World intellectual property organization 7/10/2019 ... library. As such it receives a copy of all current research and publications of WIPO. All publications can be found on paper at the library of UNWE or in an electronic form at ICIB.    You can find a list of WIPO publications here ...
Regular form of education 11/6/2020 ... radio and television organizations; associates in research institutes, business centres, tech and business parks; employees in companies’ units for innovation, scientific and technical information, marketing, advertisement and others; employees in law firms, organizations and bureaus that work ...
Specialty “Intellectual property and business” 11/6/2020 ... radio and television organizations; associates in research institutes, business centres, tech and business parks; employees in companies’ units for innovation, scientific and technical information, marketing, advertisement and others; employees in law firms, organizations and bureaus that work ...
Specialty “Creative industries and business” 11/6/2020 ... radio and television organizations; associates in research institutes, business centres, tech and business parks; employees in companies’ units for innovation, scientific and technical information, marketing, advertisement and others; employees in law firms, organizations and bureaus that work ...
Research and education projects 9/10/2021 ... . Dr. Borislav Mihailov Borissov „Оценка и анализ на ефекта от адаптиране на стандартите за оценяване към бизнес средата и практиката на Република България“, № НИД НИ 20/2018 г. (2018-2020) Functioning of the Local production systems in the Conditions of Economic Crisis in Bulgaria and ...
Scientific publications 9/10/2021 ... България и ЕС, в съавторство IP research for business education, 2016 Libreriauniversitaria „Дуалистичната природа на обекта на интелектуална собственост „промишлен дизайн“, Научни трудове УНСС, 2018, бр.3   Assist. Prof. Dr. Petko Georgiev ...
Scientific publications in periodicals 9/10/2021 ... "Promoting the teaching and Research in Intellectual property to meet the needs of business and industry", WIPO/ACAD/R/00/13, original: English, Geneva, 9-13 October, 2000 "Необходимост и същност на обучението по интелектуална собственост в ...
Contacts 1/30/2024 ... (Research work) Iskren Konstantinov Tel: (+359) 2 8195 397 E-mail: [email protected] Office: 1076    Communications Expert Dr. Yuliana Tomova Tel: (+359) 2 8195 397 e-mail: [email protected]    Search ...
Administrative staff 9/18/2020 ... 12.00-12.45   Expert (Research work) Iskren Emilov Konstantinov Tel: (+359) 2 8195 603; (+359) 2 8629 497 E-mail: [email protected] Office: 1076 Working hours: 09.00-16.45 Break: 12.00-12 ...
Management 9/10/2021 ... Director for research Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivan Nachev Nachev Tel: (+359) 2 8195 367 e-mail: i.nachev@unwe ...
Q & A 6/20/2019 ... patent protection, which allows research to be funded at the expense of future income, about two thirds of all modern medicines would not be created; many billion industries such as cinematography, phonogram production, printing and the software that provide the ...
European patent office 1/2/2020 ... of plastic pellets annually. Research Jérôme Galon (France)Immunoscore®, a clearer cancer testThe French immunologist's diagnostic tool assesses the risk of relapse in cancer patients. It uses digital images of tumour samples and advanced ...
About us 4/23/2023 ... national and world economy for research in the field of intellectual property. IIPTT is a well-known research unit on the national and international level. IIPTT organizes and conducts research in the field of intellectual property, innovation industries ...
About Conference 6/27/2019 ... , the practical aspects of the research carried out can help to conduct micro and macro policies, as well as the formulation of recommendations for business application and policy. The conference is held in parallel with the 22nd International Annual Conference ...
Requirements 6/9/2019 ... universities will give a lecture on any topic of their research interest, related to the main topic of the event. They will also moderate the sessions of the Summer School and support the editing process of students’ papers (if needed).   Additionally participating students and professors will be ...
Requirements 6/9/2019 ... . Papers should be as concise as the subject and research method permit. 3. Papers should be written in standard English. 4. The Organizing Committee encourages use of gender-neutral language. 5. Please, be aware that papers in a technically unsuitable form will be returned for retyping (re-formatting) ...
About Conference 3/5/2019 ... aims to act as a platform for exchange of cutting-edge research among academics, policy makers, and practitioners from industry working in all major areas of sustainable economic development focused on countries from South and Eastern Europe. The conference covers various tracks and topics that address broad ...
15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ASECU 9/4/2019 ... Conference is Co-financed by the Annual UNWE Research Programme, 2019 ...
Analyses and research 1/30/2019 ... report (English)   Identifying, visiting, researching and analyzing best practices to support access to lifelong learning for employees by exploring the experience of non-partnership countries Visit 1 in Ljubljana, Slovenia - 12-13.04.2018; Visit 2 in Vienna, Austria - 25.04 ...
About Us 11/24/2018 ... Department of Regional Development places its research emphasis on the new economic realities in our Country and its integration into the common European economic and social space. Modern times require preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of regional development. Regional issues continue ...
Publication Ethics 12/21/2022 ... reporting original research results should present a correct account of the work done, along with a fair discussion of its significance. Data sources should be presented precisely. An article should provide sufficient information and references to allow ...
International Organizations 7/15/2019 ... Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee)European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)European Union ...
Others 7/29/2022 ... Commission's Joint Research Centre /JRC/ - Brussels   CHECH REPUBLIC ROSATOM - Central Europe s.r.o. - Prague   CHINA Beijing Hongzhou International Learning & Consulting Co. /Hongzhou Learning/ Beijing International Education Institute ...
Scientific Research Centres 9/19/2017 ... ...
Research projects 7/19/2017 ... options and policies. Read more. Research Project Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2008 – ...
Research projects 7/19/2017 ... ...
Research projects 7/19/2017 ... options and policies. Read more. Research Project Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2008 – ...
Mission 7/19/2017 ... research in the field of sustainable development and elaborating mechanisms and instruments (market based and administrative) for achievement of environmentally sound and socially justified economic development. Dissemination of the EU’s  and the UN’s  policies ...
About us 8/3/2017 ... organization and execution of interdisciplinary research covering all dimensions of the sustainable development: social, environmental, economic and institutional. That is why the research supposes participation of faculties from different departments at UNWE as well as from other tertiary ...
Home 8/3/2017 ... organization and execution of interdisciplinary research covering all dimensions of the sustainable development: social, environmental, economic and institutional. That is why the research supposes participation of faculties from different departments at UNWE as well as from other tertiary ...
Journals 7/14/2017 ... "Economic and social alternatives" Research papers  Economic Alternatives ...
About the Conference 1/6/2021 ... and lecturers, to present their scientific research to the academic community and to discuss economic issues with Bulgarian and foreign scientists. This scientific forum takes place for its 16th time in succession, and the published scientific results from the previous 15 conferences prove ...
About the Conference 7/29/2019 ... and lecturers, to present their scientific research to the academic community and to discuss economic issues with Bulgarian and foreign scientists. This scientific forum takes place for its 15th time in succession, and the published scientific results from the previous 14 conferences prove ...
Requirements 7/29/2019 ... after the year for each publication: Earlier research by Porter (1990a) found ... but later research carried out again by Porter (1990b) expanded his thesis. In some cases it can be made a reference to an author’s work, which is cited or summarized in another author’s work ...
Requirements 1/28/2021 ... after the year for each publication: Earlier research by Porter (1990a) found ... but later research carried out again by Porter (1990b) expanded his thesis. In some cases it can be made a reference to an author’s work, which is cited or summarized in another author’s work ...
About the Program 6/14/2017 ... , International trade law, International business research methods and team management, Business English.   Second year of study 3rd Semester (Nottingham business school) In the first semester of the second academic tear the study takes place in Nottingham Trent University – Great ...
Organisation and Management 3/20/2024 ...         Scientific Research Activity /R&D/ Range It covers exploring, analytic, prognosticating, expert, developing, technological, legal, incorporative and other kinds of creative activities held out systematically. Its objective is to increase the volume of ...
Exams 5/28/2024 ...       Methodology of Scientific Research Syllabus 14 June   2024   1.00 p.m.   Hall 2006 and MS TEAMS        Academic Writing                      ...
About the Conference 7/13/2016 ... , Controlling Systems and Internal Control 3. Research and Science, R&D, Relationship „Science – Business“, Innovations, Competitiveness, Project Management 4. Entrepreneurship, Management, Marketing, Corporate Control and Business Development in Bulgaria, the EU and in ...
10th Anniversary International Scientific Conference “Logistics in the Changing World” 6/15/2016 ... 450 and more than 60 of them are foreign researchers from USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, France, Finland, Italy, Macedonia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and Serbia. In the past nine international conferences the logistics practices in many organizations were presented like: logistics ...
Program committee 5/25/2016 ... Rakovska - Vice-Dean in Scientific and Research Activity of the Economics of Infrastructure Faculty, Scientific Secretary of the Logistics Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milcho Tolev – Logistics Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolai Dragomirov - Logistics Department Prof. Dr. ...
About the conference 5/25/2016 ... 450 and more than 60 of them are foreign researchers from USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, France, Finland, Italy, Macedonia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and Serbia. In the past nine international conferences the logistics practices in many organizations were presented like: logistics ...
About Conference 6/15/2018 ... and applied aspects of the presented research may support the implementation of relevant macro and micro policies, as well as elicit recommendations with respect to the business practices and policies ...
About the conference 3/6/2024 ... the students, the results of the scientific research work of the PhD students can be presented and discussed. The conference is focused on the problems of infrastructure development in our country, which include a wide range of aspects related to the creation of a suitable business ...
Requirements 7/17/2015 ... , “Bubbles, Banks and Financial Stability”, Research Bulletin, No. 15, ECB, Spring 2012. The accepted papers, written according to the above requirements – after a reviewing process by peer review, will be published in Conference Proceedings in a CD-format with an ISBN number. Each ...
Research Materials 2/4/2015 ... ...
Master's in Nuclear Security 5/14/2015 ... agreement on cooperation in education and research in the field of nuclear security with UNWE, one of the leading Bulgarian universities. The signing took place during an official visit to Bulgaria from 30 June to 1 July 2014. The aim of the Master's program "Economics of ...
Home 1/14/2022 ... than 10 Bulgarian and foreign universities, research institutes, governmental institutions and nuclear facilities. Are you looking for a programme that opens doors for you everywhere from the busy administrative districts of Vienna to high-security locations in France, ...
Professional fields and specialities 10/31/2014 ... and financial operations experts and leaders in the research and consulting organizations, specialized agencies, financial and banking institutions, government, non-governmental and international economic organizations. ACCOUNTANCY AND CONTROL: This specialization prepares professionals for business, ...
Local Partners 1/22/2024 ... /BSE/Cappelen Bulgaria Ltd.Center for Psychological ResearchCentral Cooperative UnionCEZ Bulgaria /Electrohold Bulgaria/Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria /CIAB/ Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria /CIAB/ - Regional Body Sofia-city and Sofia-regionChamber of Professional ...
European Researchers Mobility Network EURAXESS 2/11/2014 ... European Commission to assist incoming and outgoing researchers and highly qualified specialists. EURAXESS develops its activities under 4 key initiatives:  Helps researchers and highly qualified specialists to find jobs, funding opportunities, grants, employment, etc.  Provides integrated ...
Project “iPro / iProfessional” –<br> RE: 540097-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-ERASMUS-EQR 11/11/2013 ... of the project is to build, test and then distribute a research based MODEL FRAMEWORK that will assist the Higher Education Institutions to match the curriculum of their students in (digital) Media and Arts Studies with the professional requirements of media and arts businesses ...
Science 4/12/2013 ... conferences, etc. Projects and independent scientific research (textbooks, academic aids, monographs, habilitation theses, doctorates, studies, articles, analyses, etc.) are continuously elaborated. The Economics Department implements cooperation in various forms: • keeps close professional relations with ...
Specialties 8/8/2024 ... with specialization Social Research, Analyses and Projects– 2 semesters.   Graduated specialists from all professional ...
Master Degree 2/27/2013 ... base of many years of accumulated experience in research, training, consulting entrepreneurship (including family businesses) and in particular in Entrepreneurship bachelor degree programme at the UNWE. The programme targets that the master students: To gain knowledge and ...
№ ДО02-302 12/12/2012 ... of the project involves research on the key factors, determinants, effects and risks, which determine the present status of the balance of payments and which reflect on the macro-economic development of Bulgaria in the context of the process of ...
№ ДО 02-289 12/12/2012 ... description RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Set up of concrete indicators for sustainable development (SD) and an assessment of its four dimensions: environmental, economic, social and institutional. Identification of potential comparative ...
№ МУ-ФС-10 12/12/2012 ... science in the sphere of the research of a company as an economic and business unit. Keywords Objects of intellectual property, intangible assets, corporate property Project stages (terms. results and ...
ИНИ-15/01.08.2005 12/12/2012 ... aims at reinforcing the research capacity  of IPC having research activities. The main part of the project aims at developing effective and efficient schemes for reasonable partnership between Bulgarian and EU institutions involved in IP activities. ...
№ ДДВУ 02/70 12/12/2012 ... object of the scientific-research project “New forms of political participation in Bulgarian society” is to examine the motivations and the socio-cultural environment of the new political mobilizations in Bulgarian society. In that relation it will ...
№ ДДВУ 02/47 12/12/2012 ... Publication of a collective scientific research on the topic. Keywords Energy policy of the EU, energy security, renewable energy sources Project stages (terms, results and funding) First stage: - Provision of the research team with ...
№ ДМУ 02-24 12/12/2012 ... food and beverage sector – results of the research and analysis of dynamic (The Case of Bulgaria)” “Socio-economic, demographic characteristics of the main types of production structures in food and beverage sector in Bulgaria” Impact of structural changes in the industry sector ...
№ ДИД 02/4 12/12/2012 ... aims of the project, there will be done researches in several sciences areas: social-economic and political sciences. The project approach combines cognitive and behavioural with technical and social-science methods, based on the studying consumers, products and level of ...
№ ДКТ 02/55 12/12/2012 ... Fund, Programme: Promoting Scientific Research In Priority Areas Competition (Thematic Competition) – 2009 Information about an additional funding no Total value of the project BGN 250 000 Total sum ...
BG051PO001-3.3.06-0032 12/6/2012 ... and durable orientation towards research activity; Strengthening of the European dimension in doctoral training through mobility. Expected results description including publications - Building a supportive environment that will enable doctoral students to ...
FOLPSEC 12/6/2012 ... objectives: To exchange knowledge on research approaches in studying LPS (research theses and micro-theses, as well as hypotheses for their acceptance/rejection) and to make recommendations for EU good practices implementation in the conditions of economic crisis; To share ...
FADNTOOL 12/6/2012 ... cattolica del sacro cuore Jrc -joint research centre- european commission Project manager Prof. Plamen Mishev Project body (project team ...
FarmPath 12/6/2012 ... agriculture through a transdisciplinary research approach, where knowledge is co-produced by scientists, stakeholders and practitioners. FarmPath will specifically integrate theoretical and conceptual approaches to transition and transition management with recent research on ...
Services 10/24/2012 ... catalogue of university libraries and research organizations in Bulgaria. Lending books for home. Usage of library materials at the reading rooms. Usage of library materials under the system of interlibrary and international interlibrary lending. Usage of Internet access, ...
About us 10/24/2012 ... are to serve the academic and research processes as well as the needs of students and lecturers of UNWE providing them literature, electronic information and other databases.      In relation to these functions the library officials implement ...
Изисквания 7/12/2012 ... outline clearly the objective, the research methods, basic results and practical application of the research. Authors must point out the thematic in which application want to present their reports.   Formating Rules Page Setup: A4, Top – 3 cm, Bottom – 2 cm, ...
Multilateral Projects 5/9/2012 ... are: 1.To develop and test a research-oriented study module whichcombines creativity with strategic thinking and applied research with education. 2.A model how to combine research with education to develop new, innovative ideas. 3.A plan how to integrate the ...
Development of Innovation 5/9/2012 ... Innovation: Training for Research-driven Clusters" (InnoSee) Номер на проекта № 518703-LLP-1-2011-1-BG-LEONARDO-LMP  № 518703-LLP-1-2011-1-BG-LEONARDO-LMP   Срок на проекта 01.10.2011 г. до 30.09.2013 г. /24 ...
Transfer of Innovations 5/9/2012 ... – CMI (Suomi)  Centre of Research on Information System (CeRSI), in LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy OMNIA, The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region (Suomi) Eurocultura (Italy) Lansi-Suomen muotoilukeskus MUOVA –Western Finland Design ...
Pilot Projects 5/9/2012 ... Chamber - Bulgaria Center of Research on Information System - Rome, Italy  Описание  Целта на проекта е да създаде иновативна онлайн система за обучение за нуждите на специалисти и мениджъри, работещи в малки и средни предприятия /МСП/ в ...
Mobility 5/9/2012 ... an algorithm of conducting original research to the needs of the labor market in diagnosis and evaluation of real training needs, implementation of modern teaching methods to evaluate the quality and specific learning outcomes. Was a shared experience with Portuguese and ...
Partners 5/30/2012 ... , Germany  Association for Research and Training - Turin, Italy University of Barcelona, Spain University of Evora, Portugal  KWI Consultants & Engineers - Austria Atlantis - Thessaloniki,  Greece Multimedia Design   Studio - UK ...
Education Projects 11/28/2013 ... Center for Research and Educational Projects (CREP) at the University of National and World Economy is entrusted with the development of externally–funded projects promoting excellence in teaching and learning. Priority is given to projects supporting ...
Research Projects 11/28/2013 ... Center for Research and Educational Projects (CREP) at the University of National and World Economy is focusing on both development and implementation of research projects in the field of economics, management, law and other scientific areas. CREP's activities are dedicated ...
Students Council 7/22/2020 ... of the students; The support of the scientific research of doctoral students at UNWE; The relief of all administrative procedures for the students of UNWE; The removal of the opportunities for corruption in accommodation at the students dormitories; The formation of an efficient and ...
International Relations Research Student Organization 7/22/2020 ... , София, Студентски град, ул. “Осми декември”, УНСС, ст. 3080 Ако сте студент по специалност "Международни отношения" или "Европейска интеграция", или пък имате желание да работите в нашия екип и да получавате полезни знания, то САИМО - УНСС е вашият начин за полагане основите на вашата професионална ...
Scientific Conferences 3/5/2024 ... of the students, the results of the scientific research work of the PhD students can be presented and discussed. The conference is focused on the problems of infrastructure development in our country, which include a wide range of aspects related to the creation of a suitable business environment for the ...
Projects with Other Organisation 2/27/2012 ... of Review for Public Thesis Defence of Dissertation and Research Work for Academic Degree 11 Participation As A Chairman in Examination Commissions for Doctoral Student and Prospective Doctoral Student 4 Participation As A Member in Examination Commissions for Doctoral Student ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... ...
About the conference 3/6/2024 ... results of the scientific research work of the PhD students can be presented and discussed. The conference is focused on the problems of infrastructure development in our country, which include a wide range of aspects related to the creation of a suitable ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... ...
History 2/1/2012 ... managerial, management, marketing and financial research and consulting activities in organizations and enterprises with different forms of ownership, operating under different legal forms in different sectors, subsectors and activities of the national economy. All lecturers in the Faculty carry ...
History 2/1/2012 ... in various socio-economic fields. A wide range of research activities are also carried out in the faculty, dealing with up-to-date issues connected with the development of the Bulgarian economy: economic growth, life standard, employment, industrial relations, intellectual property, etc ...
History 2/1/2012 ... according to which students are trained, and the research, involving lecturers and students. The Faculty Departments are (in alphabetical order): „"Marketing and Strategic Planning” „"Public Administration and Regional Development” "Management" The academic ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
Research 2/1/2012 ... is not available ...
Finance and Accountancy 1/31/2012 ... has approved in the modern world as a unity of economic research, reporting coverage, economic analysis and financial management. Certified Bachelors are able to work in the average level of the financial sphere and to make rational decisions at operational level. The education in the speciality is ...
International Economic Relations 8/28/2012 ... , Empirical Methods for The International Markets Research, Logistics Systems, Integrated Marketing Communications, Foreign Language. In the fourth year of education are studied compulsory and eligible special academic disciplines: International Marketing, Prices and Pricing of International Markets, ...
Economics 1/31/2012 ... educational institutions, experts and managers at the research and consulting organizations, specialized agencies, financial and bank institutions, governmental, non-governmental and international economic organizations ...
History 2/3/2012 ... for development, as well as experienced in teaching, research and business consulting ones – a professor, an assoc. professor, a doctor, and assistants working on their dissertations. Some of them hold important positions in national and international organizations, which support entrepreneurship. In its ...
History 2/3/2012 ... professional contacts with leading universities and research centers in the countries of European Union and USA, including the realization of joint projects. The transformation of the Higher Institute of Economics into the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and the establishment of the Faculty ...
History 6/23/2017 ... sections (Institute for Trade-union Problems, Youth Research Institute and Cultural Institute as well as other departmental units that conduct sociological and interdisciplinary research); The international recognition that Bulgarian sociology received at the VІІ Sociological World Congress, which was held ...
History 2/3/2012 ... the European Consortium in Political Research. In August 1999 in the Consortium journal “European Journal of Political Research” the Department has been described as “the most significant Department of Political Science in Bulgaria and South-Eastern Europe”. In the autumn ...
History 2/3/2012 ... , different generations of researchers - professors, associate professors and assistants - have contributed, and still do, to the development of the sectoral economic science, to the training of qualified specialists with higher education for the Bulgarian ...
History 2/3/2012 ... , it has been one of the major research and teaching centers of several generations of researchers in the field of agricultural economy at Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski", the "Higher Agricultural Institute”, Sofia, and since 1976 – the ...
History 2/3/2012 ... years ago as an educational and research unit at UNWE. The Department trains students in the Specialty of “Trade” - one of the leading and most desired ones among the Specialties in the University. The training is carried out in two forms (regular/full-time and ...
History 2/3/2012 ... Business management games Marketing research Financial analysis Heuristic approaches in management The Department of “Management” carries out training for Master's in “Business Administration” and related specialties for Bachelor graduates in: Economic disciplines - with a ...
History 2/3/2012 ... academic staff) are actively involved in research and projects; some of them work in different institutions, making it possible to connect the students’ seminars to real practice. However, it is significant that 45% of the lecturers without academic rank are Doctors of Economy. In ...
History 2/3/2012 ... , Algebra, Numerical Methods, Operations Research, Differential Equations. Currently, the Department consists of 13 lecturers -7 full-tenure and 6 non full-tenure lecturers. Each year the Department provides the methodological guidance to the students involved in math competitions ...
History 2/3/2012 ... . With its educational, teaching and research activities, the Department contributes not only to the development of economic theory and practice, but also for the training of highly qualified specialists. The academic staff has strong positions in government, NGOs and ...
History 2/3/2012 ... students in scientific and applied research, provided excellent conditions of material and technological learning environment. The main objectives of the Department are:: To prepare media specialists and journalists, who can combine knowledge and competence in the field ...
History 2/3/2012 ... the field of defense and security; In research organizations with interests in the area of defense and security ...
About us 6/7/2013 ... , Economics and Organization of Scientific Research and Development Activities, Economics of Non-Production Sphere. The Economics Department provides education on fundamental and special academic disciplines for acquisition of knowledge in the field of microeconomics and macroeconomics ...
About us 10/29/2018 ... Development, the latter being a pioneer in research and consulting in the field of entrepreneurship and SMEs in Bulgaria The new institute also integrates the academic functions that have been performed since its start by the Department of Entrepreneurship, which since 2006 provides a ...
Publications 10/29/2018 ... results of the research of faculty of the Institute of Entrepreneurship is expressed in a series of publications, most of which are in the form of books and textbooks to help students' education at the UNWE. The participation of members of the Institute in international research ...
Conferences and Seminars 10/29/2018 ... Environment, 2014; Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment - Building Bridges, 2016; The International Entrepreneurship: Trends, Challenges, Achievements, 2017; Youth and Women Entrepreneurship in Challenging International (Global) Business Environment, 2018 ...
Scientific Research Projects 6/7/2013 ... Scientific Research Projects Period Title Project Manager 2013-2015 Government Efficiency As a Factor for the Competitiveness of Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Marikina 2013-2015 Competitive Opportunities in the "Green ...
Projects 6/23/2017 ... Bakalova, Phd partner : Institute for Economic Research - BAS   2017-2019 Bulgarian "socialist" state ownership: politeconomical analisys prof. G. Naydenov - Head of project Team Departments:"Economis", "Economic sociology", "Public administration and ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 6/26/2017 ... FOR SOCIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Director:                   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrei Ivanov Nonchev Advisory Board: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Stoianov Stoianov Chief Assist. Dr. Mihaela Mihajlova Misheva Assist. Dr. Marieta ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 2/14/2012 ... activities of “Economics” Department             The teaching staff of “Economics” Department carries out wide research activities, taking part in: Development of national research projects; Scientific ...
Research 10/29/2018 ... Institute develops an intensive research in the field of entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized companies, as well as in the field of corporate entrepreneurship and management in large companies ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Research 1/31/2012 ... information ...
Bachelor Degree 2/26/2013 ... by: Embedding in the learning process of research results, including reached by the personal participation of lecturers doctoral students and students; The predominance of interactive teaching methods such as problem-oriented lectures, controlled discussions; case study method, role ...
Specialities 6/23/2017 ... and skills of empirical research methods in various spheres (social, economic, political, marketing, advertising, and opinion research).   CONTENT OF TRAINING KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Sociology training is in line with the practices in ...
Specialities 2/15/2012 ... work and in the marketing and sociological researches; Along with the profound learning of specialized statistical disciplines the training includes an advanced study of informatics in particular databases (storage and management). The high level of theoretical preparation and practical ...
Specialities 6/5/2012 ... has become a logical unity of basic economic research, accounting reporting and internal control over business operations, business and financial analysis of investment, production, trade and financial activities of the enterprise in their mutual relations, dependency and conditioning. The ...
Specialities 6/5/2012 ... at senior levels and carrying out research, analytical and applied, and methodological work. The training in Master's degree is subject to the view that it should be mainly aimed at creating and developing the ability of students to perform independent analysis, to make ...
Education 6/23/2017 ... "Sociology" Specialization: SOCIAL RESEARCH, ANALYZES AND PROJECTS Vocational Qualification: "Master of Sociology" Form of training: Regular Duration of training: One year / two semesters / Total workload: 585 hours Credits: 60 Form of graduation: Master’s ...
Services 2/14/2012 ... national catalogue of university libraries and research organizations in Bulgaria. Lending books for home. Usage of library materials at the reading rooms. Usage of library materials under the system of interlibrary and international interlibrary lending. Usage of Internet access, E-mail ...
About library 7/27/2012 ... library functions are to serve the academic and research processes as well as the needs of students and lecturers of UNWE providing them literature, electronic information and other databases.      In relation to these functions the library officials implement the ...
Other Organisations 7/22/2020 ... Business > International Relations Research Student Organization > Student Information Network > Youth Information ...
Membership in Organizations 4/5/2013 ... of articles and results from scientific researches - participation in elaboration of joint research projects, scientific conferences and exchange of information for scientific events of mutual interest as well as in European educational and research programmes, in prestigious ...
International Organizations 2/24/2015 ... (ASECU) European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & ...
Universities 5/7/2024 ... State University Republican Scientific Research Institute of Intellectual Property - Moscow Rostov State University of Economics Russian Customs Academy - Lyubertsy, Moscow Region Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration /RANEPA/ - ...
Partners 12/8/2011 ... joint publication of articles and scientific research results; - participation in the development of joint research projects, scientific conferences and exchange of information on scientific events of mutual interest as well as in European educational and research programmes, in prestigious ...
Forms and Organization 2/13/2012 ... joint publication of articles and scientific research results; - participation in the development of joint research projects, scientific conferences and exchange of information on scientific events of mutual interest as well as in European educational and research programmes, in prestigious ...
International Activity 11/29/2011 ... and enlargement of the educational and research programmes considering the best global and EU practices.. To be an integral part of European educational and scientific research community. To implement high educational and research standards that combine global trends and Bulgarian ...
Reports on The Scientific Research Activity 2/14/2012 ... information is currently available ...
Scientific Journals 6/1/2018 ... Economic and Social Alternatives   Research Papers   Economic Alternatives ...
Scientific Institutes and Centers 10/1/2013 ... and Lecturers Mobility Center for Strategic Research in Defence and Security at UNWE University Center for Logistic Research and Education at UNWE Center for Research and Educational Projects Center for Statistic Research of UNWE University Center for Sustainable ...
Programme Council 12/4/2014 ... the Programme Council for Scientific Research Activity (SRA) (after 25 October 2014)   Prof. Dr. Valentin Dimitrov Goev - Chairman Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Ivan Stoilov Georgiev – Deputy Chairman Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Dimitar Veselinov Hadzhinikolov Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Kiril ...
Essence 2/14/2012 ... Research Activity involves: Activities connected with research, analysis, forecasting, expertise, development, implementation of innovations, technological and legal issues and other creative deals conducted systematically. That is to be enlarged the scope of scientific ...
Research Activity 2/13/2012 ... Research Activity involves: Activities connected with research, analysis, forecasting, expertise, development, implementation of innovations, technological and legal issues and other creative deals conducted systematically. That is to be enlarged the scope of scientific ...
Research 12/6/2011 ... Research Activity Scientific Research Activity involves: Activities connected with research, analysis, forecasting, expertise, development, implementation of innovations, technological and legal issues and other creative deals conducted systematically. That is to be ...
Schedule 9/17/2016 ... a.m. – Hall No. 4013   Scientific Research Methodology and MethodsNovember, 24th, 2015 – 4.00 p.m. – Hall No. 2032АMarch, 29th, 2016 – 4.00 p.m. – Hall No. 2032АJune, 28th, 2016 – 4.00 p.m. – Hall No. 2030    Statistical Methods ...
Examinations 11/23/2016 ... a.m. – Hall No. 4013   Scientific Research Methodology and Methods8 November, 2016 – 4.00 p.m. – Hall No. 4003 12 December, 2016 – 4.00 p.m. – Hall No. 2028А 14 March, 2017 – 4.00 p.m. – Hall No. 2028A 20 June, 2017 - 4.00 p.m ...
Schedules for Courses 9/17/2016 ... Methods and Econometric Models in the Research Activity / Methodology and Methods of Scientific Research will be announced in October 2016.   In compliance with the UNWE Academic Council Decision the Doctoral students not studying at the UNWE who would like ...
Grantors 6/22/2020 ...    Assoc. Prof. Sen. Research Fellow Dr. Tsanyu Penchev Tsvetkov    Engr. Georgy Nikolov Petrov            Research Fellow Nikolay Nikolov      ...
UNWE No.1 3/17/2022 ... integral part of the European educational and research area and preferable place for the young people willing to acquire modern education, to provide competitive educational services. In 2017 the UNWE has obtained for the third time the highest assessment among all Bulgarian universities for ...
Vision and Mission 4/6/2020 ... Europe educating students and conducting research in the field of economics, management and administration. UNWE will continue being an important factor for reforms and development of higher education and R&D activities as a basis for achieving the strategic objectives set out in ...
About UNWE 12/8/2011 ... Europe that educate students and conduct researches in the field of economics, management and administration, law and politics. Mission University of National and World Economy is called to realize the forming of highly educated persons who could lead the society to a more perfect ...


670 results found
Summer School in Entrepreneurship 2024 8/8/2024 ... . Maria Vodenicharova, PhD (VR for Research) and Assoc. Prof. Yanko Hristozov, PhD (VR for International Activity). Guests at the opening ceremony were young people supported by the Arete Foundation.   The course in Principles of Entrepreneurship covered a wide ...
Summer School in Entrepreneurship 2024 8/8/2024 ... Assoc. Prof. Maria Vodenicharova, PhD (VR for Research) and Assoc. Prof. Yanko Hristozov, PhD (VR for International Activity). Guests at the opening ceremony were young people supported by the Arete Foundation.   The course in Principles of Entrepreneurship covered a wide range of ...
UNWE Is the Only Bulgarian Economic University in the Prestigious QS World University Rankings 7/26/2024 ... academic reputation, research reputation, employer reputation, student-lecturer ratio, citations per lecturer, number of international students and number of international lecturers. Our university has been participating in the ranking since 2024 and ...
2024 Summer School on Modeling, AI, and Complex Systems Successfully Concluded 7/4/2024 ... scientific methods in their research and shift their attitudes towards scientific inquiry. This mission was achieved through a rigorous schedule that balanced lectures, hands-on workshops, and team assignments. Participants were required to have a strong ...
The 5th China-Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) Cultural and Creative Industry Forum 6/28/2024 ... , Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Dr. Nikolay Krushkov, Head of Department of "Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer", Dr. Ivan Nachev Acting director of the Institute of IIPTT. During the meeting, the rector presented UNWE, stressing that ...
The Rector Met with the Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Poland for the Three Seas Initiative 7/16/2024 ... the cooperation in the education, research and innovation were discussed. Future partnerships between the UNWE and universities from Poland through mobility, project development, research and organization of joint initiatives were also discussed. In the ...
UNWE Will Collaborate with Leading University of Uzbekistan 6/25/2024 ... Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Vice Rector for Research, signed the Memorandum on behalf of the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, together with Prof. Sardorbek Samaridinov, Vice Rector for International Affairs, who signed the agreement on behalf of the Rector of the University ...
The UNWE Quality Policy is Expanded with a Strategy for the Integration of the University into the European Educational Space 6/19/2024 ... a benchmark for innovative educational, research and employer practices, as well as proactive behavior and presence in the global market of educational services: "The management is committed to providing adequate resources necessary for the implementation of the set objectives and ...
PhD Students from the UNWE Represented the University Excellently at the ENGAGE.EU Annual PhD Research Workshop & Early-Stage Researcher Symposium 6/13/2024 ... ENGAGE.EU Annual PhD Research Workshop & Early-Stage Researcher Symposium held from June 5th to 7th 2024 at Luiss University in Rome, brought together PhD students and Post-Doctoral students, researchers from the 9 partner universities of the European Alliance. The UNWE was ...
UNWE Is Already a Member of the European Law Institute 6/12/2024 ... to initiate, conduct and facilitate research, make recommendations and to provide practical guidance in the field of European legal development. Its very considerable intellectual resources are focused on the law not as it is, but as it should be. The Institute ...
Entrepreneurship Summer School for Indian Students Was Opened at the UNWE 6/13/2024 ... Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Vice-Rector for Research, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, who welcomed the participants and wished them to gain new knowledge during their stay in Bulgaria, as well as to visit the seesights of our country. The ...
The Decarbonization Process Was Duscussed at International Scientific Forum Held in the University 6/7/2024 ... event was organized by the Scientific Research Center for Energy Business and Infrastructure of UNWE, together with the Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy, Kyoto University, Japan, and the Research Centre on Decarbonization of the SUNOTEC Group, Germany. Assoc. Prof. Dr. ...
Lecturers from the UNWE Participated in Round Table on the Sustainable Management and Development of Rural Areas 7/22/2024 ... . The project is funded by the Scientific Research Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science under the Competition for Fundamental Scientific Research - 2021. At the opening of the Forum the Project Head Prof. Dr. Marina Nikolova, presented the team that consists ...
The Institute for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer "Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov" Started a Podcast 6/7/2024 ... and Iskren Konstantinov, Expert on Research at IIPTT /from the right to the ...
Discussion Forum: From Crisis to Sustainability: Global Challenges and Solutions in Tourism Was Held at the University 6/3/2024 ... the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund at Ministry of Education under contract № KP-06-MNF/40/14.12.23 and by the partnership of Aparthotel Lucky Bansko SPA & Relax and the Bulgarian IT company SSARM. The Forum brought together leading experts, scientists and ...
Prof. Polya Katsamunska Participated in the NISPAcee Annual International Scientific Conference in Tbilisi 6/3/2024 ... Europe through education, training and research. Today more than 100 universities in the region are members of NISPAcee, and in the field of public administration, it also works closely with global organizations such as EGPA, EAPAA, IASIA-IIAS, UN DESA, ASPA, NASPAA, etc. The ...
Prof. D.Sc. Lyubomir Stoykov Was Awarded a Commemorative Medal for Contribution to the Communication Science and Media Studies by the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov on the Occasion of His 70th Anniversary 5/29/2024 ... Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Vice-Rector for Research, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Hristov, President of the Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies and Vice Dean for Quality and International Cooperation of the International Economics and Politics Faculty "It is a ...
Public Lecture by the Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix on the Power Shift in Europe Was Held at Our University 4/29/2024 ... Cabinet at the Ministry of Science and Research, Austrian Consul General in Cracow, Poland, Director of the Austrian Cultural Institute in London, Director-General of Foreign Cultural Policy at the Ministry for European and International Affairs and Austrian Ambassador to the ...
Prof. D.Sc. Zhivko Draganov Has Been Elected As President of the European Law Faculties Association 4/24/2024 ... period 23 - 25 April 2025. To promote research the ELFA has established and provides a prize for the best dissertation on topics in European, international, or comparative law. The Association also publishes the only specialized scientific journal in the field of legal education ...
A Graduate of UNWE - Candidate for President of Mauritania 4/18/2024 ... to PhD students. I also worked in research institutes. I was a consultant on economic, demographic issues and mining in Africa. Part of my job was to elaborate forecasts for Africa's development. I am still in contact with major media in France who seek my expertise on issues ...
UNWE and TEREM-HOLDING EAD Signed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership 4/18/2024 ... on best practices and standards, and interaction in research activities in the field of economics of defence and security as well as discussions and consultations in the preparation of curricula for training in this field. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Kalin Dimitrov  Our ...
Signature of the Magna Carta Universitatum - MCU 2020 4/11/2024 ... autonomy, the connection between teaching and research, social responsibility and the core values of higher education. Join us by signing the 2020 MCU and become part of a community committed to continuously improving the future of higher education. Apply now here: https://www ...
The Italian Associate Professor Pietro Pavone Delivered an Open Lecture to Doctoral Students and Undergraduates of the Accountancy and Analysis Department 4/11/2024 ... dozens of her works and more than 20 years of research to these issues. In his lecture on the Accountability and Alternative Accounting Tools in the Judicial Sector: between the Theory and Practice Assoc. Prof. Pietro Pavone examined the accountability from the public management and ...
Apply to Sign the Magna Charta Universitatum 4/8/2024 ... institutions; inseperable nature of teaching and research; freedom of teaching and research; constant care to universal knowledge. Introduction to MCO and MCU 2020 Join this worldwide community by clicking here to apply for signing the MCU 2020! There is no fee for signing the MCU 2020 and ...
Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova: Each Prospective Student Could Request an Individual Online or In-person Consultation 4/10/2024 ... new specialties at the UNWE is the specific research and feedback from employers and branch organizations about the demand for staff with modern training.  What is upcoming in the prospective students campaign 2024-2025? What should the prospective students expect from the UNWE? The ...
Prof. Dr. Hristina Nikolova Participated as Lecturer in the International Seminar on European Transport Markets and European Transport Policy 4/2/2024 ... the Board of Directors of the German Aerospace Research Society /GARS/; Prof. Dr. Claudia Hermeling /Heilbronn University, Germany/ - Dean for Educational Affairs and Head of the Bachelor`s and Master`s degree programmes in Transport Management and Logistics; Prof. Dr. Jan Willem Propper ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in the Review Panel of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Programme - COST 4/2/2024 ... networks involve universities and research institutions from the European Union, non-European countries and associated partners - international organizations carrying out analytical activities in various areas of public interest. The major part of the funding for the network ...
As Part of the National Scientific Programme - Security and Defence a Thematic Seminar on Enhancing the Crisis Capabilities through Unmanned Aerial Systems Was Held at the UNWE 4/3/2024 ... Director of the Aerospace Technologies, Research and Applications Cluster, explained the possibilities of European funding for such activities and addressed the problems related to the lack of specific programs for innovation in the field of security and defense. The event was attended ...
Thematic Seminar on the State of Cybersecurity Capabilities for the Demands of the State Government under the National Scientific Programme - Security and Defence 4/3/2024 ... the results of the Programme under task 2.1.3. Research on the Security of Critical Information Systems for the Demands of the State Government. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noncho Dimitrov presented the National Scientific Programme - Security and Defence /NSP S&D/ and pointed out that the UNWE ...
H.E Dr. Moftah Derin, Minister Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of Libya to Bulgaria, Delivered a Public Lecture at the UNWE on Bulgaria and the Middle East. Economic and Political Relations between Bulgaria and Libya 3/26/2024 ... Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Vice-Rector for Research, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of UNWE, Mrs. Gergana Kirilova, Director of the Rector's Office, representatives of the academic staff of the university, students and employees. Haysam ...
Awards for the Winners in the National Competition in Political Economy 3/26/2024 ... and mindset as well as a willingness to research and integrate theories and practice and I am honoured and pleased to bestow this award." Prof. D.Sc. Pencho Penchev, Head of the Political Economy Department clarified: "All three contestants were aware of what Political Economy is and ...
UNWE and Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD Signed a Cooperation Agreement as Part of the Seminar on the Energy Ensurance in the Modern Security Environment in the Republic of Bulgaria 4/9/2024 ... the opportunities for training, scientific research, feasibility studies and project activities, promotion and implementation of scientific, technical and professional achievements. The objective of the agreement is to increase the efficiency of educational, research and development ...
UNWE and Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD Signed a Cooperation Agreement as Part of the Seminar on the Energy Ensurance in the Modern Security Environment in the Republic of Bulgaria 4/9/2024 ... the opportunities for training, scientific research, feasibility studies and project activities, promotion and implementation of scientific, technical and professional achievements. The objective of the agreement is to increase the efficiency of educational, research and development ...
Kaufland Celebrates Its 18th Anniversary at the UNWE 4/1/2024 ... Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Vice-Rector for Research     ...
UNWE Will Cooperate with Sandansky Municipality 4/1/2024 ... , partnership in conducting studies and research and training personnel in a real working environment. The scope of the Memorandum includes partnership and commitment to work together to support the career development of human potential through joint initiatives, common projects, ...
The Third Edition of the Athlete's Ball Honoured the Best Students-Athletes of UNWE 3/14/2024 ... Alexandrova-Boshnakova, the Vice-Rector for Research Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, the Vice-Rector for International Activities Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, the Vice-Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies of UNWE Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, the ...
The UNWE Management Team Got Acquainted with the Changes in the Programme Accreditation Procedures 3/15/2024 ... , Vice Deans for Academic Affairs and Research, Secretaries General, Heads of Departments and representatives of Committees working on the accreditations as well as lecturers and officials of the University. The Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Prof. Dr. Matilda ...
The Rector Opened the Smart Home System at the UNWE 3/12/2024 ... part of the Smart Home system was built by a research team from the Republic of China /Taiwan/. The deadline for construction of the entire Smart Home system is the end of September 2026. The official event was attended by Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Vice-Rector for Educational Activity ...
The Vice Rector for International Affairs of UNWE Participated in a Discussion on the Transnational Cooperation 3/11/2024 ... focused on the double diplomas and the research projects and partnerships. The main focus was on the transnational educational partnerships and types of TNE programmes - with an emphasis on the double diplomas. Case studies of the existing UK TNE partnerships applicable in Bulgaria ...
Closing Press Conference on the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 3/13/2024 ... Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Vice-Rector for Research /from the left to the right/ Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov emphasized that the major objective of the project to modernize the teaching in a way that allows the UNWE and the partners to be competitive with the European universities ...
Consortium Meeting on the Project STUDIES-DIG Was Held at the UNWE 2/23/2024 ... at the UNWE which marked the official start of the research activities related to the project No.101131544 STUDIES-DIG - Models and Instruments for Transforming Higher Education Systems through Transnational Multi-Sector Links. The UNWE is the Coordinator of a Consortium of 14 partners - universities, ...
The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov Gave an Intervew for the Most Influential Economic Newspaper in China - Economic Daily 3/13/2024 ... , a good education system and continued investment in research are crucial. China's successful experience is a valuable reference for other countries. Bulgaria's economic and social development must also go through a similar process. Chinese experts and scientists are therefore expected to pass on more ...
The Acting Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates Met with the Rector and Delivered a Lecture at the UNWE 2/16/2024 ... the cooperation development in the field of education, research, and innovation were discussed. The future partnership between the UNWE and the UAE universities through implementing mobility, project development, research and joint initiatives were also discussed. The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov ...
National Scientific Practical Conference on the Pedagogical Communication - Social and Emotional Was Held at the UNWE 2/12/2024 ... of the Ministry of Education, trade unions, research institutes, university lecturers, high school and kindergarten directors, teachers, and students. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kalina Yocheva, lecturer at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen and moderator of the event, Prof. Dr. Yanka ...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bilyana Tomova Won the Icarus Award for Lecturing Activity 2/6/2024 ... Prof. Dr. Bilyana Tomova, Director of the UNWE Scientific Research Center for Media Research, Audiovisual Policy and Cultural Industries and lecturer at the Media and Public Communications Department which has a statute of UNESCO Chair on Media and Information Literacy and Cultural Policies for Sustainable ...
Expert Group of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Visited the UNWE 2/2/2024 ... , Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Michail Musov, Acting Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Acting Vice-Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies, who presented their portfolios and the activities they organize. At the invitation of Prof. Tsvetana ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Is Member of the Scientific Council of the International Entrepreneurship Conference in Dubai 1/26/2024 ... of the Business Faculty and Director of the Scientific Research Center for Business Competencies Development - Innovation and Competitiveness /u2b/, is invited to be a member of the International Scientific Council of the International Conference on Empowering Entrepreneurship and Employability /ICEEE 24/ ...
Welcome Party for Erasmus+ Students Prior to Valentine's Day 1/26/2024 ... as well as for the implementation of collaborative research projects and Doctoral programmes. In the academic year 2023/2024 continued the presentation of Erasmus+ Programme to students in the Educational Qualification Degree /EQD/ of Bachelor from different specialisatiеs at UNWE. As a result of the events ...
First transnational meeting of The SeedFund Project 2/6/2024 ... and World Economy, Bulgaria, University of Piraeus Research Center и University of Peloponnese, Greece, Universidad de Burgos, Spain, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Poland, Syncnify, France, and Neapolis Universit,y and PA Partners for Skills Development, Cyprus ...
XV Table Tennis Tournament for the UNWE Cup 1/25/2024 ... so eager for sports, scientific and research success. He greeted all the participants saying that "among whom there are very strong competitors" and wished those who have not ranked today to reap success in the future competitions. "Because the Spirit Makes the Power - the ...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelina Trifonova Called the UNWE Her Shelter at a Scientific Symposium Organized by the Economics Department on the Occasion of Her 75th Jubilee Anniversary 1/24/2024 ... . D.Sc. Michail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice-Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies. Prof. Dr. Silvia Trifonova, Vice-Dean for Quality and International Cooperation of the Finance ...
UNWE and Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Signed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership 1/24/2024 ... of experience in the field of research and project activities in order to increase the efficiency of educational research and development activities in the field of energy and security sector. Mr. Nikolov and Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov "Our ...
Round Table Conference on the Role of Universities, Business, Politics and High Schools to Attract Young People to Tourism Was Held at Our University 1/23/2024 ... Michail Musov, Acting Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs and emphasized: "For young people the most important thing is to understand that the tourism industry is extremely diverse because it consists of different sectors such as accommodation, transport, dining ...
Apply for a one-year paid internship under the Pan-European Seal program 1/30/2024 ... is Mr. Iskren Konstantinov, expert (research work) of IIPTT - email address [email protected], phone: 02 / 8195 397 ...
UNWE and Service Centrix Ltd. Signed a Memorandum of Strategic Partnership 1/18/2024 ... this field and we also work on several research projects related to the software technology and data processing on which we can collaborate as well as support the education of undergraduates and Doctoral students at the UNWE by organizing public lectures, discussions and ...
Memorandum of Cooperation with the International Franchise Company Office 1 1/18/2024 ... envisages a partnership in conducting research and scientific studies in the fields of economics, management, logistics, etc. Opportunities are provided for holding joint scientific events, training and competitions as well as collaborative project applications and joint public ...
The New Faces of the UNWE Prospective Students Campaign 2024-2025 1/17/2024 ... of the International Relations Research Student Association /IRRSA/. She has won the award Volunteer of the Year 2023. Alexandra is a volunteer for the Bulgarian Youth Delegates to the UN as well as to other organizations. The faces of the ...
Kick-off Meeting for the Start of STUDIES-DIG Research Project, Funded by the European Commission and Coordinated by the UNWE 1/15/2024 ... Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation /2021-2027/ under the funding scheme of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange – RISE. It will be implemented by an international and multi-sector consortium composed of academic and non-academic ...
The Rector of UNWE Met with Lecturers and Students from the USA 1/16/2024 ... Prof. D.Sc. Michael Musov, Acting Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs. After the meeting with the Mahaging Body the students visited the renovated UNWE Library where Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pascal Zhelev, lecturer at the International Economic Relations and Business Department, deliverd a ...
The New Deans of the Faculties at Our University 1/15/2024 ... of the educational process, conducting in-depth research among the undergraduates and Doctoral students concerning the quality and practical usefulness of training, expanding the range of partnerships with foreign universities and local organizations; research activities focused on the current ...
The UNWE General Assembly Elected Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov as Rector for a Second Term 12/22/2023 ... as a benchmark for innovative educational, research and employer practices as well as proactive behavior and presence in the global market of educational services. Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov emphasized that the principles which would continue to be a basis for the management of the University are ...
UNWE Hosted the Chinese Culture Day 1/16/2024 ... from several Chinese universities we also conduct research which has been organized by the National Fund for Scientific Research Fund. The lecturers from our university have a very good relationship and work in cooperation with their colleagues from Shanghai University. Recently a Bulgarian ...
UNWE - the First University That Obtained the Information Security Certificate ISO 27001:2022 12/15/2023 ... Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Michail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs /from the right to the left/ At this stage the processes related to information security have been improved at the UNWE. Eight people have been trained and certified as internal auditors who have the ...
Prof. Dr. Silvia Trifonova is the New Secretary of the National Statistical Council 1/17/2024 ... is the author of numerous publications and research papers, including Comparative Study of the Investment Flows in Bulgaria before and after the Crisis /2015/, Business Environment in Bulgaria: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis /2015/, Key Trends in Foreign Direct Investments in ...
The Rector Opened an Exhibition Devoted to 20 Years of Cooperation between the UNWE and the Economic and Social Council of the Republic of Bulgaria 12/18/2023 ... Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Michail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity, current and former members of the ESC, lecturers, employees and students. The Economic and Social ...
Representatives of the University of Carthage Visited the UNWE 12/18/2023 ... lecturers and students, joint research activities, etc. were also discussed. The foreign lecturers met with the Dean of the Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boneva, the Head of the Political Science Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Simeonova and with the Head ...
The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund Paul Hilbers Delivered a Lecture at the XVI Annual Scientific Session of UNWE 12/11/2023 ... the results of the university research projects completed in 2023. The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund Paul Hilbers, delivered a lecture in the frameworks of the event. The official opening was attended by the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. ...
The Rector Awarded to Dimitar Radev the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 12/13/2023 ... Dimitar Radev for enhancing the UNWE's reputation as a research and educational center of national and international importance and for his services as a world-renowned economist and expert in the public finance management. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Rosen Zhelyazkov, Dimitar Radev, Paul Hilbers, ...
Prof. Dr. Carlos Flavian with keynote speech in Third International Scientific Conference "Strategic Planning and Marketing in Digital World" 11/27/2023 ... at UNWE and online in MS Teams. 153 scientists and researchers from 17 universities took part in the conference, and presented their 94 reports in the field of strategic planning and marketing in the terms of digitalization.The keynote speech of Prof. Carlos Flavián - "Beyond the Uncanny Valley ...
The Third International Scientific Conference on the Strategic Planning and Marketing in Digital World Welcomed 153 Scientists and Researchers from 17 Universities 12/1/2023 ... and Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Michail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, who created a sustainable environment for the organization of scientific forums like today's. This allows us to become better and better with each passing year which is also evident from the increased interest in this ...
Microsoft Became a Strategic Partner of UNWE after Signing a Memorandum 11/24/2023 ... Southeastern Europe, training students and conducting research in the field of economics, management and administration", said the Rector of UNWE explaining that the University was working on several projects related to software technologies and data processing. "One of them is entitled Digitalization of the ...
The Youth Economic Forum at the UNWE Ended with a Public Lecture by the Minister of Education and Science Prof. Dr. Galin Tzokov 1/25/2024 ... UNWE, Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Michael Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs of UNWE, Prof. Dr. Eng. Lilyana Valcheva, Chairman of the UNWE Trustees Council and Chairwoman of the National Branch Syndicate Higher Education and Science to the Independent Syndicates Confederation /from the left to the ...
Open Lecture to Students Studying Marketing by Jonathan Bayat from the US Embassy in Bulgaria 11/16/2023 ... . Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs of UNWE, also took part in the meeting. The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Jonathan Bayat, the Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Michail Musov The event was hosted by Prof. Dr. Krasimir Marinov, Deputy Head of ...
Chinese Delegation Visited the UNWE 11/16/2023 ... , the UNWE also works on a number of research projects and student exchange. We also have good relations with the Chinese Embassy. The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Bulgaria H. E. Dong Xiaojun took part in the opening of the new academic year with a video ...
The Rector Signed a Memorandum with the Austrian Economic Chamber in the Presence of the Vice President Iliana Yotova and the Deputy Prime Minister Maria Gabriel 1/17/2024 ... economic and governance studies and research are also part of the agreement. It is also envisaged an opportunity for joint scientific events, trainings, competitions, organization of public events for presentation of good practices as well as joint applications for ...
The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Presented at the UNWE a Scientific Publication on the Education Policy Outlook 2023 with Data for Bulgaria 1/25/2024 ... Dr. Ekaterina Tosheva, Vice Dean for Research of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty, appealed for regular statistical studies that take into account the specificities of education at local level. She expressed her admiration for the report and the fact that the ...
XVIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 5/16/2024 ... Systems and Internal Control, Research and Science, Research and Development, Science-Business Link, Innovation, Competitiveness, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Management, Marketing, Corporate Control and Business Development in Bulgaria, in the EU and ...
XVIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 5/16/2024 ... Systems and Internal Control, Research and Science, Research and Development, Science-Business Link, Innovation, Competitiveness, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Management, Marketing, Corporate Control and Business Development in Bulgaria, in the EU and ...
The President Rumen Radev Highlighted the Rector of UNWE among the Significant Personalities of Our Time, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov Celebrated His 60th Anniversary with a Noble Cause 11/8/2023 ... , which shows that the most fulfilling age for research and teaching is firstly between 60 and 70 years old, secondly between 70 and 80 years old and thirdly between 50 and 60 years old. Secondly, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, in his academic speech to the Faculty Council when he became a professor, ...
UNWE Lecturers Were Awarded Certificates for the Academic Positions of Professor and Associate Professor and the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences. 71 Young Scientists Became PhD 11/8/2023 ... , Prof. Dr. Vyara Stoilova, Vice Dean for Research of the General Economics Faculty, Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova, former Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty, Prof. Dr. Emil Atanasov, Vice Dean for Research of the Finance and Accounting Faculty and Deputy Chairman of the ...
UNWE and Korea's Kangnam University in Seoul Signed a Cooperation Agreement 11/7/2023 ... , lecturers and students exchange, joint research, lectures and professional development programmes. "The UNWE already has a tradition to cooperate with foreign universities. We have partnerships with almost 180 universities and research networks from all over the world ...
The Rector Participated in the Third Annual Conference of ENGAGE.EU in Rome 10/30/2023 ... . D.Sc./Econ./ Michail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and Coordinator of ENGAGE.EU for UNWE, representatives of the Trustees Board - Mr. Maxim Behar (CEO and Chairman of the Board of M3 Communications Group, Inc.) and Mr. Yovko Atanasov (Regional Manager of Lenovo ...
UNWE Became a Member of Magna Charta Universitatum 4/8/2024 ... . The first principle was independence: research and teaching must be intellectually and morally independent of all political influence and economic interests. The second was that teaching and research should be inseparable, with students engaged in the search for knowledge and greater ...
Information Event on Widening the Participation and Spreading Excellence under Horizon Europe Programme Was Held at Our University 10/25/2023 ... European Commission's Directorate General for Research and Innovation and with the kind support of UNWE. In the event took also part Assoc. Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Michail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, and Dr. Milena Damyanova, Director of the Science Directorate at the ...
Lecturer from the International Economic Relations and Business Department Was a Visiting Professor in Kazakhstan 10/23/2023 ... universities the opportunity to invite renowned researchers from prestigious foreign academic institutions to deliver a series of lectures, update curricula, improve the teaching and research process and promote international cooperation. With the students from the Kokshetau ...
The Team Winner in the ENGAGE.EU Expedition Week at UNWE Was Announced 10/21/2023 ... at the Free University of Brussels and researcher at the UNWE Entrepreneurship Institute, Pavel Ivanov, Executive Director of the Public Administration the Institute, Svetlana Lomeva, Executive Director of Sofia Development Association and Kremena Dervenkova, Executive Director of ...
Scientific Conference on the Innovative Information Technologies for the Digitalization of the Economy on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary of Speciality Business Informatics and Communications 10/23/2023 ... achievements of lecturers, PhD students, young researchers and students as well as the practical experience of business, the NGO sector and government institutions in the field of information technologies", said Assoc. Prof. Murdjeva. The Conference continued with a business session where ...
The ENGAGE.EU Expedition Week Began at the UNWE 10/18/2023 ... . D.Sc./Econ./ Michail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and Coordinator of the ENGAGE.EU initiatives for the UNWE. Assoc. Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Michail Musov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Denitza Gorchilova, Head of the Public Administration Department and Chair of ...
XXII International Scientific Conference on Bulgaria's EU Membership: 16 Years Later Had the Largest Number of Participants 10/16/2023 ... . Prof. Dr. Svetla Boneva, Secretary General for Research Projects, the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasil Petkov, Head of the International Economic Relations and Business Department, Chief Assist. Dr. Panayotis Kontakos, Deputy Head of the School of Business and ...
The International Economic Relations and Business Department Held a Student Competition on Bulgaria's EU Membership: Sixteen Years Later 10/16/2023 ... in the European Union and Secretary General for Research Projects of UNWE, reminded that it was the consecutive student competition to which students from the speciality International Economic Relations as well as students from all other specialities had been invited. "Our department organizes ...
Prof. Dimitrov Was One of the Keynote Speakers at a Discussion on the Interaction between the Science and Business in the Relations between Bulgaria and China 10/16/2023 ... and various universities in China, including research projects and student exchanges. I would like to express thankfulness to the Chinese ambassador H. E. Dong Xiaojun for his video address to students at the opening of our academic year. Earlier, he and I opened a renovated campus of UNWE ...
The Rector Visited the University Toulouse Capitole 10/12/2023 ... to discuss concrete ideas for joint research projects within and outside the frameworks of the Alliance. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Jacotte Faure, ENGAGE.EU Coordinator for the University of Toulouse Capitole The French hosts organized discussion ...
Lecturers from the Accounting and Analysis Department Participated in an Important International Forum on Economics, Management and Business 10/12/2023 ... at UNWE, were the only Bulgarian researchers admitted to participate in the 8th International Scientific Conference on Economics, Management & Business 2023 organized by the Management and Economics Faculty of the University of Prešov, Slovak Republic and ...
Excellent Evaluation by the Ministry of Education and Science for the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov 10/2/2023 ... proportion of young scientists involved in research projects is already 60%. We have made efforts to be a green university and we open one of the largest photovoltaic parks in the sphere of education. The renovation of our university library will also be completed soon", added Prof. ...
The Rector Met with the President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue 9/26/2023 ... but also in the field of education and research". Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov outlined that the UNWE is part of the European alliance of leading universities ENGAGE.EU and has already have an extensive experience in collaborating with foreign universities from all around the world ...
The Rector Took Part in a Meeting of the Presidents of SDSN Networks 9/25/2023 ... the next day the UNWE Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and Co-Chairman of SDSN Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Musov participated online in the Meeting of the SDSN Leadership Council devoted to the role of SDSN in a changing world and how these networks of ...
Round Table Conference on the Financial Literacy of Students in Bulgaria - Current Issues and Challenges 9/21/2023 ... which is jointly organized by the Monetary Research Center, the Institute of Economics and Policies and the Finance Department of UNWE and the Union of Economists in Bulgaria. The President of the Union of Economists in Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Tatyana Hubenova-Delisivkova opened the event ...
XI International Conference on the Entrepreneurship in a Challenged World: The Role of Universities in the of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Development 9/21/2023 ... Kiril Todorov, a pioneer in small business research and entrepreneurship in Bulgaria, who had received a number of international recognitions as well as bright names in entrepreneurship science and education, who participated as leading speakers and contributed to the development of ...
The Rector and the Minister of Education Opened the New Academic Year 2023/2024 at the UNWE 9/19/2023 ... . Prof. Dr. Michail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs Before the opening of the new academic year the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov met with the Minister of Education and Science Prof. Dr. Galin Tsokov who wrote in the Golden Book of UNWE: "Dear ...
IX Annual International Scientific Conference on the Inflation 2022 – Circumstances, Challenges, Impact Was Held at the UNWE 9/21/2023 ... . The Forum is organized jointly by the Monetary Research Center, the Institute of Economics and Policies and the Finance Department of UNWE and the Union of Economists in Bulgaria. Chief Assist. Dr. Diana Miteva, Acting Director of the Institute of Economics and Policies, greeted the ...
Participants from 15 countries on four continents contributed to the success of the 11th International Conference "Entrepreneurship in a Challenged World: The Role of Universities in the Development of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems" 9/20/2023 ... – Prof. Kiril Todorov, a pioneer in the research of small business and entrepreneurship in Bulgaria, recipient of numerous international recognitions, but also notables in entrepreneurship science and education, who participated as keynote speakers and contributed to the development of the ...
UNWE Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the NATO Crisis Management Centre 9/25/2023 ... also include education and training opportunities, research and the provision of expertise. The official ceremony was attended by the command staff from the CMDR COE, the Vice Rector of UNWE for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Musov, the Head of the International Relations ...
Our Rector Met with the Ambassador of Montenegro 9/14/2023 ... of cooperation in the education and scientific research. Future partnerships between the UNWE and the Montenegrin universities through mobility, project development, research and organization of joint conferences and initiatives were discussed. The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov ...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Terezova is the New Chairperson of the National Council on Prices and Reimbursement of Medicinal Products 9/11/2023 ... Categories Management in the Trade, 2009, etc. Her research interests are in planning and analysis, assortment policy, economic and mathematical methods and models. Assoc. Prof. Sylvia Terezova has worked in the Committee on Prices at the Council of Ministers as a specialist in the Agriculture, Public ...
The UNWE and Elsevier Plan Future Collaboration 9/11/2023 ... by Assoc. Prof. Michail Musov - Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs. He presented our university, the UNWE journals, including Economic Alternatives which is indexed in Scopus - the database owned by Elsevier, as well as the strategic directions of development of research and innovation ...
Excellent Performance of Participants from the UNWE at ENGAGE.EU 2023 Summer School 9/13/2023 ... were encouraged to work actively in teams, to research current issues and to present the results of their research in relation to the principles and practices of sustainable development. Each of the students worked in teams with colleagues from the other universities which provided an opportunity to ...
Dual Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Marketing and Transformation taught in English between the UNWE and Abertay University, Scotland, Is Already Accessible 7/31/2023 ... the world of business combined with excellence in research and knowledge exchange. Its roots date back to 1888 and it has always responded to the necessity of the environment, providing a pipeline of talented professionals to work, lead and innovate across a wide range of sectors. We are proud of ...
The Rector Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Company Accenture Bulgaria 7/20/2023 ... UNWE as the largest business university conducts research and educates students in all areas of the socio-economic life. "We have also opened two new specialties in the field of Informatics - Cyber Security and e-Government and Computer Processing and Data Analysis/(Data Science/”, said the ...
The Rector Signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Center for Promotion of Agricultural Cooperation to Encourage the Collaboration between China and the CEE Countries 7/17/2023 ... of a range of topics that are the subject of research by scholars and researchers from the member states related to the economic development, investment plans, best practices in agriculture, academic and cultural exchanges between the CEE countries and China.  The CPACCCCEE jointly with the ...
The Rector of UNWE - Keynote speaker at the XVIII International Conference on Strategic Management 7/13/2023 ... economy so I look forward to the results of your research", said the Turkish Ambassador H. E. Aylin Sekizkök. On behalf of the Dean of the General Economics Faculty Prof. Dr. Margarita Atanasova a Greeting address presented was presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamelia Asenova, Vice ...
The Rector Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Institute of Robotics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for Collaboration in the Field of Security and Defence 7/11/2023 ... scientific surveys focused on security and defence, research and development, including in the field of cybersecurity. Acad. Chavdar Rumenin, the Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov and Prof. Siya Lozanova /from the left to the right/ The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov pointed out that ...
Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov for Focus Information Agency: The Participation of UNWE in ENGAGE.EU Is a Recognition of the Quality of Education 7/12/2023 ... we are part of the common European educational and research area. At the time when this idea came up, our consultant who helped us with the application 5 years ago said that it was an idea of the President Emmanuel Macron who used to say: "We want to see European universities as one Airbus - a common ...
The UNWE Team on BOLSTER Project Established a Local Justice Transition Alliance in Stara Zagora 7/13/2023 ... topic for discussion was related to the necessity of research on how marginalized communities are affected by the policies of the European Green Deal and necessity to study the opportunities to involve all potentially affected parties in the decision-making processes. The Alliance members ...
National Survey Finds Out That the Administrative Capacity of State Administration Declines 7/11/2023 ... in the study. The rector of UNWE outlined: "This research, besides being interesting, is extremely important. It demonstrates the role of research for supporting the practice, in this case the state administration. The role of the public administration is a little bit underestimated, the numbers for ...
The UNWE and the Universities of the European Alliance ENGAGE.EU Received New Funding of 14.4 Million Euros from the European Commission 7/4/2023 ... of the European Education Area and the new European Research Area". Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and ENGAGE.EU Coordinator for UNWE, added: "The European University Alliances are drivers of the change in higher education and research in Europe. Being ...
Guest Lecturers from the Shanghai Zhao Tong University Spoke to Students about the New Aspects of Foreign Policy and Environmental Governance in China 7/13/2023 ... Programme for Talents of Pudong. She has led research projects supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. Her research has been published in high-quality academic journals such as World Economy and Politics, The Journal of ...
SDSN Bulgaria Participated in a High-Level Meeting on the Reform of the International Financial System 6/26/2023 ... , Co-Chairman of the Network and Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs of UNWE and by Chief Assist. Dr. Ekaterina Bogomilova, Director of the International Master's Degree Programme on Economics of Defence and Security with specialization in Nuclear Security. Chief Assist. Dr. ...
Intensive Course on Applied Corporate Finance under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 7/18/2023 ... as well as to the improvement of the quality of research at UNWE and other partner universities.   ...
Intensive Course on Crisis Communication under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 7/19/2023 ... as well as to the improvement of the quality of research at UNWE and other partner universities ...
Our University Organized a Meeting-Discussion on Cyber Security Issues with Representatives of the National CyberWatch Center, USA 7/20/2023 ... USA and had the opportunity to work together with researchers of one of the leaders in cybersecurity education – the National CyberWatch Center. The objective of the event is to foster the global collaboration in advancing cybersecurity science for practice and education. Along with Prof. ...
The Rector Took Part in a Meeting of the Executive Board of the National Scientific Programme Security and Defence 7/20/2023 ... , the Center for National Security and Defence Research at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of the Ministry of Interior, N. J. Vaptsarov Naval University, Vasil Levski National Military University and G. Benkovsky Air Force Academy. In the session participated representatives of all ...
Prof. D.Sc. Lyubomir Stoykov Presented His New Book Public Communication and Media Morphoses 7/21/2023 ... . Stoykov is a kind of summary of his scientific, research and practical experience. In it he makes a professional dissection of important and topical communication and political phenomena such as image and political communication, politainment, politics and pop culture, digital PR, pandemic ...
For the First Time in Bulgaria a Course on the Music Business as a Creative Industry Was Held at the UNWE 7/21/2023 ... by Prof. Dr. Maria Markova, Deputy Director for Research of IISTT and Head of the Intellectual Property Department. Leading lecturers and representatives of UNWE and BAMP: Adv. Velizar Sokolov, producer Stanislava Armutlieva, Prof. Dr. Maria Markova, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, the ...
Memorandum of Cooperation with the Bulgarian National Radio in Support of Young Talents in Journalism 7/21/2023 ... a rich portfolio of specialties, conducts scientific research and educates students in all areas of socio-economic life. Therefore, in collaboration with the BNR we can be mutually beneficial in various fields, not only in the field of journalism". "I am glad that we have the opportunity to ...
The International Scientific Conference "Strategic Planning and Marketing in Digital World" Welcomes New Co-organizers 7/12/2023 ... strong commitment to excellence in education and research, our partners offer a unique perspective to the conference. As a renowned institution dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice of law enforcement, they will provide valuable insight into the intersections of strategic planning, ...
The Ninth AESB National Meeting with the Directors of the Economic Schools Was Held at the UNWE Facilities in Ravda 7/25/2023 ... of universities, in addition to teaching and research - the social function aimed at communities and businesses, the impact on their environment. Prof. Dimitrov encouraged the AESB members to participate in the initiatives of the European University ENGAGE.EU. "These are new development ...
Our University Hosted the Second ENGAGE.EU International Scientific Conference for Young Scientists 7/31/2023 ... the Conference is to bring together early-stage researchers and young scholars affiliated to ENGAGE.EU partner institutions e.g. junior faculty members, post-docs, and PhD students. It is expected to foster communication and future collaboration between representatives of the target groups from ...
Certificates Were Awarded to the Graduates of the Master Class on Leadership - Centurion 2022 6/12/2023 ... Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angel Marchev, Vice Dean for Research Activity of the Management and Administration Faculty, greeted the participants in the event and emphasized that the Scientific Research Center for Good Management Practices at UNWE jointly with Ivan Kozhuharov have organized the master ...
SDSN Bulgaria Has Been Officially Launched 6/7/2023 ... . Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Musov. Among the official guests were also the Vice President and Head of the SDSN office in Paris Guillaume Lafortune, the Co-Chair of SDSN Europe and SDSN Greece Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, ...
Delegation from the UNWE Discussed the Future of our European University ENGAGE.EU in Bergen 6/5/2023 ... . Prof. Dr. Michail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and Coordinator of the project for the UNWE, was part of the meetings of the management team of the Alliance focused on the activities related to the upcoming new stage of the European University development. After ...
Scientific Forum Devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the Human Resources and Social Protection Department, 70th Anniversary of Economics of Human Resources Specialty and 32nd Anniversary of Insurance and Social Affairs Specialty 6/2/2023 ... 1970s he founded the Laboratory for Demographic Research which made the first demographic studies in Bulgaria. Prof. Naumov also made the first forecasts of the demographic crisis in Bulgaria ...
The NGO Sector Was Represented in the Third Day of Career Bourses in the Frameworks of the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 6/1/2023 ... Bulgaria, as well as to improve the quality of research at the UNWE and other partner universities.   ...
The Law Faculty Presented the Book by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Muleshkova Entitled Legal Analysis of the International Human Rights Protection Development 6/2/2023 ... . Prof. Dr. Irina Muleshkova both in the field of research and as a lecturer and mentor. "In this university, if there is a name associated with the international law, it is the name of Assoc. Prof. Muleshkova. She has made an exceptional contribution to the development of the Department and in the ...
The Second Day of Career Bourses in the Frameworks of the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 Provided New Opportunities for Students 6/1/2023 ... Bulgaria, as well as to improve the quality of research at the UNWE and other partner universities.     ...
Career Bourses in the Frameworks of the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 5/31/2023 ... Bulgaria, as well as to improve the quality of research at the UNWE and other partner universities ...
Official Start of the Renovation of the UNWE Library 5/30/2023 ... , the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Dr. Mihail Musov, the Assistant Rector Prof. D.Sc. /Econ./ Kiril Stoychev who is responsible for the implementation of the activities, and all colleagues from the Library as well as Assoc. ...
Lecturers from the Middle East University, Amman, in Principles of Entrepreneurship classes 5/27/2023 ... , as well as for common research and education activities of the academic staffs ...
The European Group for Territorial Cooperation HELICAS Held Its General Assembly 5/26/2023 ... Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and member of the General Assembly. During the session it was given high assessment for the scientific conference on the Territorial Cross-Border Cooperation in Southeastern Europe ...
3rd National Doctoral Conference in Sociology 5/26/2023 ... Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, opened the Conference on behalf of the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov and emphasized on the activities that the University undertakes for development of its Doctoral students: "As part of ...
4th Doctoral Students Seminar of the Media and Public Communications Department 5/26/2023 ... . Simona Nanova presented a research on the Streaming Performing Arts - Necessity or Extra. Opinions of Theatre Organizations Managers with a focus on technological challenges and their effect on theatre activities. Maria Konstantinova's presentation was on ...
The New Website of the Law Faculty Is Focused on Scientific Publications 5/25/2023 ... by the Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov The Dean of the Law Faculty Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahary Tormanov In response to invitations by the Supreme Courts, lecturers from the Law Faculty have ...
Assoc. Prof. Irena Markova Defended Dissertation Thesis on the Insurance of Environmental Risks and Corporate Security for the Degree of Doctor of Science 5/25/2023 ... Security. The research is in the scientific area of professional field 3.8. Economics, Scientific Specialty Economics and Management /Defence and Security/. The scientific jury was composed of Prof. Dr. Tsvetan Tsvetkov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. ...
Bachelors and Masters from the International Relations Department Received Their Diplomas 5/26/2023 ... boldly. "According to recent research, it is the attitude, not the IQ, that determines the success." The excellent student of the class is Yveson Tien Chan who studied both International Relations and ...
New Double Bachelor`s Degree Programme with the UBT, Kosovo, Started at the University 5/23/2023 ... approaches in teaching and research in an inclusive and student-centered environment, by applying a multidisciplinary approach that will contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of Kosovo. The UBT has among its main objectives to be a ...
UNWE Successfully Defended Its First Place in the ENGAGE.EU International Online Speed Chess Tournament 5/23/2023 ... Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs /on the right/ and Georgy Nikolaev, Tournament judge, opened the competition Our university team successfully defended its first prize in chess. In the individual competition the champion ...
Rosen Plevneliev Will Be a Special Guest at the Opening of SDSN Bulgaria at the UNWE 5/22/2023 ... and the Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov. The event will be attended by special guests including the President of Bulgaria in the period 2012-2017 Rosen Plevneliev, the Vice President and Head of SDSN ...
UNWE Hosted Pythagoras Annual Awards for Contribution to Science for 2023 5/25/2023 ... in science and education. Research and innovation contribute to the realization of citizens' priorities, boosting productivity and competitiveness. That is why at the UNWE we strive to provide practically oriented training and to develop ...
Our University Celebrated 103 Years of Creation and Rise with Solemn Academic Council 5/23/2023 ... Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity, Prof. Dr. Kiril Stoychev, Assistant Rector of UNWE /in picture below from the left to the right/. After ...
Taiwan Foundation Donates Smart Lighting for Bonsist Sports Complex in the Amount of 120 000 USD 7/3/2023 ... to support continuous research and development of operational energy and lighting strategies. The signing ceremony at MS Teams was attended by the Taiwan representative Mr. Sherman S. Kuo, Mrs. Cynthia Chow, International Project Manager ...
UNWE Lecturers Presented the University at the International Erasmus+ Week 2023 in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia 5/17/2023 ... in Belgrade lecturers and researchers from Serbia, France, Spain, Bulgaria, Turkey, Albania, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The host of this international academic forum - Singidunum University provided for the participants a rich and ...
The "Industrial Property" Network has been established 5/17/2023 ... and Deputy director of the research activity of the IIPTT "Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov" presented to the participants in the conference hall of IIPTT the initiative to create the network as an environment for discussion and exchange of opinions on various issues from ...
Jurists from Bulgaria and Poland Held a Scientific Session on the Influence of Culture and Law of the Roman Empire in Bulgaria 5/15/2023 ... . Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Marinova from the Law Faculty, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Rector of UNWE and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Tanev from the Law Faculty "I am delighted to open this session ...
The "Industrial Property" Network will be established 5/17/2023 ... the deputy rector for scientific research and international cooperation of the UNWE Assoc. Ph.D. Mihail Musov.   Memorandum of cooperation between the Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer "Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov" of UNWE, the Department ...
Thematic Seminar on the National Scientific Programme - Security and Defence 5/16/2023 ... Strategy for the Scientific Research Development 2017-2030 aiming to enhance the national scientific capacity in the field of security and defence. UNWE is a partner of the Programme which is implemented jointly with Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Institute of Defence, ...
Five Teams Took Part in the ENGAGE.EU International Competition on Innovative Entrepreneurship for Secondary School Pupils 5/11/2023 ... . Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Daniela Feschiyan, Chairwoman of the Association of Economic Schools in Bulgaria, Inno Starch team, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radka Andasarova , Mrs. Nedyalka Dieva, senior teacher in economics at ...
11th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on the Infrastructure: Business and Communications 4/26/2023 ... . Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Terezova, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Infrastructure, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Deputy Dean for Research of the Faculty of Economics of Infrastructure ...
International Scientific Forum "Intellectual Property and Business - Challenges and Solutions" 5/17/2023 ... by National fund Scientific research of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The forum was conducted with the sponsorship of couple of Bulgarian companies, including "Tandem" AD, "Bella Bulgaria" AD, "Tivamex" AD, DARP EOOD and other. National fund Scientific ...
450 Pupils Participated in the National English Speech and Debate Tournament 2023 Hosted and Partnered by Our University 4/25/2023 ... . Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs. "Our motto is 'The Spirit Makes the Power'. Spirit can only be given to students by people who have spirit and these people are my colleagues at the University and Kristalina Georgieva is an inspiring ...
First Visit of the New American Ambassador H. E. Kenneth Merten to the UNWE 4/24/2023 ... . Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs. The Ambassador was accompanied by his wife - Mrs. Susan Greenman Merten and the Counselor for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Bulgaria - Mr. Jeffrey Weinshenker. The meeting was attended by Prof. ...
ENGAGE.EU Presented Its Own Platform for Scientific Collaboration and Research Opportunities 4/24/2023 ... for creating and sustaining a research community across the nine partner universities. By registering on the platform the UNWE lecturers and PhD students will have the opportunity to connect with scientists with similar professional interests, create collaborative ...
THE FORTHCOMING INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC FORUM “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND BUSINESS – CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS” 5/17/2023 ... , National fund Scientific research - Ministry of Education and Science, BO - University of National and World Economy   Please confirm your participatin: e-mail:  [email protected]   Please, fill in and send a participation request to e-mail: j ...
The Minister of Education Visited the UNWE and Opened the Renovated Dormitory Block 61A 4/19/2023 ... issues related to the academic and research work of our university were discussed. Together with representatives of the UNWE Managing body and the Student Council the Minister Penov and Prof. Dimitrov cut the ribbon of the completely renovated Block 61A of ...
SDSN Bulgaria Took Part in Seminar on the European Leadership in the Field of Sustainable Development 4/10/2023 ... . Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and Co-Chair of SDSN Bulgaria, with participants in the seminar On behalf of Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Rector of UNWE and Chairman of SDSN Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov invited Prof. ...
UNWE Will Host the Pythagoras Awards for Contribution to Science 4/10/2023 ... Bulgaria. Through our scientific research activities we also fulfil an important societal function - to contribute to tackling the global challenges of our time and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is important to have forums where we measure up and ...
Training for the Acquisition and Improvement of Digital Skills under the Project on the Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 4/10/2023 ... as to improving the quality of research at UNWE and other partner universities ...
Round Table Conference on the Balkans in the 21st Century - the Bulgarian View 4/10/2023 ... International Relations Research Student Organization /IRRSA/ and the Student Diplomatic Club /SDC/ organized the 9th Youth Round Table Conference on the Balkans in the 21st Century - the Bulgarian View: the War in Ukraine and the Impact on Bulgaria". The Round Table ...
UNWE Initiated the Establishment of the Association of Language Schools in Bulgaria 4/5/2023 ... Boneva, Secretary General for Research Projects /from the right to the left/ The founders of the Association are seven language schools - First English Language School, Sofia / Thomas Jefferson Second English Language School, Sofia / 203. St. Methodius ...
Third Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on the Economy, Society and Human Resources in the Challenge of Time 4/5/2023 ... wish this Conference bring you new research challenges", said Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov at the opening of the Conference. "This Conference is a signal not that we fulfill our obligations in the field of the educational process but that we make a serious ...
Public Lecture on Democracy Delivered H. E. Alfredo Atanasoff, Ambassador of Argentina to Bulgaria 4/26/2023 ... Boneva, Secretary General for Research Projects, Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska, member of the International Commission for Public Administration Accreditation, lecturers from the Departments of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics and Public Administration as ...
ENGAGE.EU Platform for Scientific Collaboration 4/3/2023 ... for collaboration between the researchers of the nine partner universities was developed. The platform is available online at Through the platform relations can be made with the members of the ENGAGE.EU ...
9th ASECU General Assembly Was Held at the University 4/3/2023 ... and departments in the field of research for the benefit of the economy, society, peace and cultural development of the member countries. Prof. Dr. Leonid Nakov, Secretary General of ASECU, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, North Macedonia, ...
Day 3. Ten Editions Were Presented at the Week of the Book 4/3/2023 ... was presented the monograph Research, Development and Introduction of Innovative Methods in the Learning Process by the authors Prof. Dr. Miroslava Peicheva, Prof. Dr. Lyubomir Stefanov, Prof. Dr. Margarita Atanasova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nevyana Kaneva, Chief Assist. ...
An Open Doors Day Was Held at the University 3/30/2023 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirillov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity, Secretaries General ...
BSIDES International Cybersecurity Conference. Day 1 3/20/2023 ... elsewhere. Radoslav Gerganov presented his research on Hyundai Head Unit Hacking regarding how cyber-secure are the new cars, Christian Cornea spoke about the possibility to evade the antivirus protection by "bad-usb". "Stalking the Stalkers" was the topic of presentation by Vangelis ...
ROUND TABLE "THE PROBLEMS IN COPYRIGHT ENFORCEMENT IN THE PHOTOGRAPHY" 3/13/2023 ... , presented her plenary paper containing research, conducted among 100 professional photographers. The survey emphasis was placed on the violation of the property and especially the non-property rights of the photographer, on the photographic works - an object of intellectual property, ...
Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska Won an International Award 3/13/2023 ... annually confer on women scientists and researchers from different scientific fields and categories around the world for scientific achievements. During the ceremony Prof. Prof. Polya Katsamunska was honoured the Outstanding Woman Researcher in Public Administration Award in the ...
Joint Master`s Degree Programmes between the UNWE and Abertay University 3/14/2023 ... by Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International Affairs, Prof. Hristo Katrandjiev, Head of the Marketing Department, Prof. Krasimir Marinov and Assoc. Prof. Angel Marchev, Vice Dean for ...
Lecturers from the University of Dubrovnik Delivered Lectures at the UNWE 3/14/2023 ... , opportunities for publication of scientific research, development of joint scientific projects that reflect the specificity of economic and social processes in Southeast Europe ...
The Rector Awarded to Valdis Dombrovskis the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 12/13/2023 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Margarita Atanasova, Dean of the General Economics Faculty, Venelin Boshnakov, Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty, Assoc. Assoc. Dr. Maria Bakalova, Dean of the International ...
Jubilee Yearbook of UNWE 2/27/2023 ... scope, quality and visibility of Bulgarian research within the Open Science initiative, the journal focuses on developing and providing opportunities for complete information on the interest of scientists from all over the world in the published articles. The Rector Prof. ...
Representative Forum of the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation HELICAS Was Held at the UNWE 2/21/2023 ... part is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs of UNWE, who is also a member of the HELICAS General Assembly /in the picture on the left/. He was awarded a gift by Simos Daniilidis, Chairman of HELICAS EGTC, Mayor of Neapoli – Sykies. Vasilis ...
SCIENTIFIC FORUM "PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - VIOLATIONS, PLACE AND ROLE OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM" 5/17/2023 ... National and World Economy  program for Scientific Research Activity for year 2023, and noted: "We have today, as the subject of our discussion, the presentation of data, facts, opinions and proposals in the field of Intellectual property (IP) rights PROTECTION. Allow me to point out, that the protection ...
Students Graduated from the Dual Master Programme between the UNWE and the University of International Studies in Rome Were Awarded Diplomas 2/20/2023 ... . Dr. Svetla Boneva, Chief Secretary for Research Projects of UNWE and Coordinator of the Dual Master`s Programme by the Bulgarian part, Assoc. Prof. Hebe Nanoni, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova-Boshnakova "It`s our pleasure to award the diplomas to students who ...
UNWE Will Cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2/13/2023 ... , Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boneva, Secretary General for Research Projects, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Ralchev, Head of International Relations Department, Assoc. Dr. Diana Marinova, Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies, Gergana Kirilova, Director ...
History of Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Was Published 2/9/2023 ... at the UNWE - Dr. Boyko Takov. In the historical research participate authors from the University of National and World Economy /UNWE/ and "St. Climent Ohridsky" University of Sofia /SU/. Among them are Chief Assist. Dr. Silvia Georgieva - UNWE, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonya Georgieva - SU, Prof. D.Sc./Soc./ ...
UNWE and the Thracian University Open 5 Joint Academic Programmes 2/8/2023 ... and his team in 2023 the UNWE to enter the group of research universities because Bulgaria cannot stand in the economic field without such a center and the UNWE actively works in this direction. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ing. Lilyana Valcheva UNWE is the coordinating university of the newly opened ...
Public Discussion with H. E. Lukasz Kautsky, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Bulgaria 1/24/2023 ... of the event organized by the International Relations Research Student Association /IRRSA/. The President of IRRSA Dian Genov opened the public discussion by introducing H. E. Mr. Lukasz Kautsky, his career and development as a diplomat. H. E. Mr. Lukasz Kautsky and Dian Genov, President of ...
The Fifth CO-WORKING Master Class Will Acquaint Future Entrepreneurs with the Business Plan Development 1/23/2023 ... Department of Business Faculty and Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of Entrepreneurship, who will lead the master class. Chief Assist. Dr. Iliya Kereziev The purpose of our training is to develop the business ideas of the participants to a level of readiness that allows them to ...
The Syndicate of Bulgarian Teachers Awarded to the Rector of UNWE a Golden Jubilee Medal 1/23/2023 ... Director of the Institute for Social and Syndicate Research and Training, Chief Economist of CISB and lecturer at the UNWE Economics Department, the Rector of St. Climent Ohridsky University of Sofia Prof. D.Sc./Phil./ Atanas Gerdzhikov, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, vice rectors ...
The Government Approved BGN 1 940 000 Additional Funds for the UNWE Library 1/20/2023 ... activity, to turn into a base for the development of research not only through rich library collections but also by providing remote access to global scientific and information databases ...
The UNWE General Assembly Gave High Assessment for the Work of the Rector 1/11/2023 ... two priorities that the UNWE should develop. One is the research and publishing activity, and the other is the internationalization - in research, in teaching and in attracting foreign students and lecturers. The General Assembly unanimously adopted the Report of the Control Council presented by its Chairperson ...
UNWE Students Presented the University in an Innovative COIL Course 1/11/2023 ... , declared Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Head of the ENGAGE.EU initiatives for Bulgaria. "Like any project, there were many unknowns, including what the reaction of the students would be, whether or not there would be interest in participating in ...
SDSN Bulgaria Already Has Its Leaders 7/10/2024 ... Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and the Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov are the two Chairmen of the Network. The Deputy Chairman is Chief. Assist. Dr. Sheryo Nozharov.    The Chairmen of SDSN Bulgaria ...
The First Executive MBA Programme between the UNWE and Northern Illinois University Was Presented at the US Embassy in Bulgaria 12/5/2022 ... , NIU, Assoc. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation and Head of the Programme by the UNWE, lecturers and many guests from leading Bulgarian and international companies. H. E. Ms. Herro Mustafa welcomed the guests and greeted all those who have ...
UNWE Lecturers Led an Online Seminar at Ho Chi Minh University of Economics and Finance, Vietnam 11/29/2022 ... . /Econ./ Nikolay Nenovsky, Director of the Monetary Research Center and Prof. D.Sc. Pencho Penchev, Head of the Political Economy Department, led an online Seminar devoted to the research and publication activity at Ho Chi Minh University of Economics and Finance, Vietnam. The Vice-Rector ...
The Executive MBA Programme between the UNWE and Northern Illinois University Was Presented in Belgrade 11/23/2022 ... , Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and EMBA Coordinator for UNWE and Mrs. Annie Filipova, NIU Representative for Europe. They held meetings with over 20 candidates looking for the proper MBA Programme to develop their leadership skills necessary to run ...
RuraLAB Project 11/24/2022 ... by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs who welcomed the participants and wished them success in the implementation of project objectives to build an innovative learning environment for supporting the social entrepreneurship. Assoc. Prof. Musov shared the ...
Media and Public Communications Department of UNWE Is Already Officially a Chair of UNESCO 11/22/2022 ... Hristov, Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Matilda Alexandrova-Boshnakova, Vice Rector for Educational Activity, Assoc. Prof. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cyber Security, Chief Assist. IIlia Valkov The Department Prof. D ...
Memorandum in Support of Training in Master's Degree Programme in Accounting, Financial Control and Finance Accredited by ACCA 11/22/2022 ... Activity, Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs and Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies. The signing of the Memorandum provided for the UNWE the consecutive donation of educational ...
The Rector of UNWE Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov Received Again an Excellent Assessment for the Implementation of Policies Set by the Ministry of Education and Science 11/1/2022 ... , updated rules for the University Competition for Research Projects 2023. The incorporated system for stimulation of scientific activity and publication activity already gave results, but it is a process that will take time to make our University's scientific potential even more visible", said Prof. ...
"Creative Industries" Network has been established 5/17/2023 ... was opened by the vice-rector for scientific research work and international cooperation of UNWE Assoc. Dr. Mihail Musov. He expressed support from the university management for the initiative and wished the network success.   Assoc. prof. dr. Mihail Musov, vice-rector for Research and ...
The Team Winner of the ENGAGE.EU Competition for Secondary School Students Was Selected 10/28/2022 ... Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice-Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies of UNWE The moderator of the event Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kostadin ...
Enrollment for the Dual Executive MBA Programme between the UNWE and Northern Illinois University Has Begun 11/23/2022 ... Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov – Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs of UNWE, EMBA Coordinator for Bulgaria. According to his words, the Programme is innovative because it develops both professional and personal skills of students which turns them not just into managers but into the ...
Fifth International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences NORDSCI 10/24/2022 ... the University so that is why the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov and the Secretary General for International Cooperation Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov attended the event in-person. He paid attention to the processes started in recent years to strengthen the ...
Media and Public Communications Department Presented the Bulgarian Edition of ABC of Journalism. Handbook for Students, Lecturers and Practitioners 10/24/2022 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, greeted the participants on behalf of the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. He outlined that in the world of digital communications and fake news the qualitative journalism is extremely important. "It is an honour ...
Prof. D.Sc. Simeon Zhelev Presented His Book 100% Loyalty, 100% Loyal 10/17/2022 ... title 100% Loyalty, 100% Loyal by the fact that for researchers and scientists the more important is the phenomenon, for the managing people – the more important are the bearers of the phenomenon. He pointed out that the book examines six different consumer goods within four years, applying the ...
Presentation of Еducational Еxchange Opportunities on Fulbright Programme 10/17/2022 ... develops on the basis of collaboration between the research teams with the participation of world scientists and in this regard a visit to an American university under the Fulbright Programme is an opportunity for development. I would like to wish everyone the courage to follow this path. It is ...
A Research Team from the Media and Public Communications Department Presented Their Studies at an Expert Meeting on Media Literacy 10/17/2022 ... research team from the Media and Public Communications Department presented the results of their studies at the expert meeting on the Best Practices in Developing Media Literacy in Bulgaria and Germany. Lecturers from the Department are in the final stage of a three-year project on the Media Literacy ...
21st Scientific Conference on the Membership of Bulgaria in the European Union: Fifteen Years Later 10/10/2022 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasil Petkov, Head of the International Economic Relations and Business Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boneva, Secretary General for Research Projects of UNWE, Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Bistra Boeva, ...
Six Austrian Universities Interested in Joint Projects and Programmes Visited the UNWE 10/4/2022 ... UNWE. Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs met the guests saying: "You have found the right partner - the largest, the eldest and the most prestigious economic university in Southeast Europe". In the meeting took also part Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Zinoviev, ...
BBC Radio Broadcast a Programme about Bulgaria with the Participation of Lecturer from the UWNE 10/3/2022 ... Miteva, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Economics and Politics, UNWE. Chief. Assist. Dr. Diyana Miteva The authoritative media tells about the biggest crisis in Bulgaria through the eyes of the world-famous economist Prof. ...
The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov Opened the Eighth International Scientific Conference on Economic and Monetary Problems 9/27/2022 ... was organized by the Monetary Research Center and the Institute of Economics and Politics at the UNWE. The Forum was opened by the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov who welcomed the participants and wished them fruitful work. He outlined the ...
Delegation from Karatekin University Visited the UNWE 9/26/2022 ... welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov. The two parties are discussing the opportunities for international cooperation Assoc. Prof. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International ...
Joint Master`s Degree Programmes with Abertay University 9/26/2022 ... . Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs. In the meeting took part also Assoc. Prof. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International Cooperation, Prof. Hristo Katrandjiev, Head of the Marketing Department, Assoc. Prof. Yovka Bankova ...
UNWE Explores the Impact of the Green Deal on Marginalised Communities in a Joint Project with 12 European Institutions 9/23/2022 ... will use novel qualitative research methods with participatory approaches to improve the understanding of the experiences and needs of marginalized communities. The project is therefore structured in 7 Work Packages (WP) whose activities, action plans, and ...
Prospective Students at the UNWE - Two and a Half Times More Than the State Admission Plan 8/17/2022 ... contact with practice through research projects, internships and support for student entrepreneurship. This year the application for the Master's degree programmes started on 6 July - it is also news for us. We have again given opportunities to apply online and ...
In the New Academic Year: Innovative Specialties and Digital Learning at Our University 8/15/2022 ... test new models of education and research and to analyze their potential for further enhancement of the quality, international competitiveness and attractiveness of European higher education. Do you have partners outside Europe? Yes. We strive to establish and ...
The Prime Minister and Six Ministers in the Interim Government are Lecturers and Graduates of Our University 8/17/2022 ... Austrian Institute of Economic Research /WIFO/ in Vienna, Austria and lecturer at Vienna University of Economics and Business /WU Wien/. He has previously worked at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany. He has Bachelor`s degree in Economics from Vienna ...
UNWE and Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov Open 12 Joint Academic Programmes 8/17/2022 ... as to improve the quality of research at the UNWE and other partner universities ...
Seminar on the Security, Safety, Vulnerability Organized by the SIFAM Was Held at the UNWE 7/12/2022 ... of the Institute of Economic Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, etc ...
Over 300 Scientists Make Recommendations on How to Improve the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy 6/30/2022 ... for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Thünen Institute of Rural Studies and the University of Rostock. A synthesis of the results of this extensive consultation process has now been published in ...
Delegation of UNWE Lecturers Visited a Moroccan University under the Erasmus+ Programme 7/1/2022 ... well as the prospects for joint research and educational projects were discussed. Classes were also held in the field of public administration, foreign language training and statistics according to the programmes of the three UNWE lecturers. The ...
Center for Management of Dual Bachelor`s Degree Programme in Economics with the Tianjin Foreign Languages University /TFSU/ Was Opened 8/15/2022 ... that the mission to mobilize the research potential of students and to strengthen the international ties with their colleagues from all over the world will make the Centre a preferred place for training and achieving a qualitative new level of knowledge," is written ...
Students of the Only One in World Master's Degree Programme in Nuclear Security Graduated at the UNWE 7/2/2022 ... in the field of education and research between the UNWE and the International Atomic Energy Agency /IAEA/. It is supported by the International Nuclear Security Education Network, where the UNWE has been a member since 2014 as well as by the Nuclear Regulatory ...
UN Officially Approved UNWE As Coordinator of National Sustainable Development Solutions Network - SDSN Bulgaria 6/27/2022 ... in student education and research with leading universities and research institutes working on sustainable development issues. The UNWE will be a proud member of the great SDSN family", emphasized the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov ...
UNWE Held the First ENGAGE.EU International Scientific Conference for Young Scientists 6/24/2022 ... . Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs "it is a wonderful initiative by the project team and we are very happy that this project gains speed developing additional activities which means that this is a living project, a living ...
UNWE and Northern Illinois University - USA Officially Opened the First in Bulgaria Double Master's Degree Programme in Business Administration 6/23/2022 ... . Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radko Radev, Director of the UNWE Alumni Center. The Programme starts in the new ...
The Rector of UNWE Was Elected As Vice President of HELICAS 6/20/2022 ... Musov – Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Vice President of HELICAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Member of the General Assembly of HELICAS The General Assembly approved the ...
Lecturers from the UNWE Discussed Opportunities for Cooperation with Yarmouk University 6/21/2022 ... of joint projects and research", added Assoc. Prof. Assenova. During their meeting with the President of Yarmouk University she and Assoc. Prof. Hristozov talked about the advantages of international students to study at the UNWE. The high ...
The Minister of Defence Awarded a Honorary Plaque to the Rector and Participated in Round-Table Conference on the Contemporary Security Issues 6/3/2022 ... and military institutions - last year a research programme on security was approved. We are part of it. The Council of Ministers has already approved its funding. The issues of cybersecurity and the conceptual development of defence are enshrined in the programme", explained Prof. ...
The EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel Visited the UNWE 5/29/2022 ... European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel visited the University of National and World Economy and met with the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. In the meeting participated also the Minister of Education Acad. ...
In the Presence of Maria Gabriel and Minister Nikolay Denkov the Contract for the ENGAGE.EU Extension Was Signed at the UNWE 5/28/2022 ... the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel and the Minister of Education and Science Acad. Nikolay Denkov. The signing ceremony was opened by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. ...
UNWE Will Host the Expansion of ENGAGE.EU 5/27/2022 ... Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel and the Minister of Education and Science Acad. Nikolay Denkov. They and the nine Rectors of the partner universities will participate in the official ceremony on signing the contract ...
The Finance and Accounting Faculty Celebrated Its 70th Anniversary with International Scientific Conference 5/10/2024 ... were from the Institute of Economic Research of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Economics of "St. Cl. Ohridsky", University of Sofia, "D. А. Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov, University of Economics of Varna, University of Finance, Business and ...
The Finance and Accounting Faculty Celebrated Its 70th Anniversary with International Scientific Conference 5/10/2024 ... Conference were from the Institute of Economic Research of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Economics of "St. Cl. Ohridsky", University of Sofia, "D. А. Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov, University of Economics of Varna, University of Finance, Business and Enterpreneurship ...
UNWE Opened the First University Start-Up Office Along with the Presentation of Ideas to Cope with Climate Changes 5/23/2022 ... companies. “At the moment, according to our research, there are about 20,000 jobs occupied. We expect that many more will be filled in the next few years. These are all successful companies." Dr. Leona Aslanova, Executive Director of the First Bulgarian Innovation Agency "Innovation ...
17th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 5/19/2022 ... other universities, with traditions and with serious research. Our role is not always clearly seen by the public, but it is not only to educate students, but also to do research and to show the results at such events. We have a contribution to society, science, the economy, and it should not be lightly ...
The Rector Awarded to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristalina Georgieva the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 12/13/2023 ... and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs /from the left to the right/ The name of Assoc. Prof. Kristalina Georgieva has found its worthy place on the Wall of Fame entitled UNWE Lecturers and Alumni - Leaders of International and National Bodies and ...
The Future of the ASECU University Network and the European Group of Territorial Cooperation HELICAS Was Discussed at the UNWE 5/11/2022 ... took part the Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov. Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov and Prof. Grigoris Zarotiadis The conversation was focused on the future opportunities for joint work in three ...
SCIENTIFIC FORUM "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND BUSINESS" 5/4/2022 ... fame. The academic and research staff of the Department and the Institute participate expertly in the development of strategic documents and research of national importance in the field of education, economics and culture, is present in the international ...
2nd Online Agri-Seminar Dedicated to the New Common Agricultural Policy 4/21/2022 ... Agribusiness as well as for the research carried out in the Department on the opportunities for innovation in ecosystem services to farmers. The guest-lecturer Christian Mihaylov, co-founder of the Professional Association for Robotics and Automation /PARA/, ...
University Grants Competition Has Started 4/5/2022 ... . Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Chairperson of the Programme Council on R&D  The Competition provides two types of support: University grants for publication in the impact factor edition /Web of Science/ and / ...
International Scientific Conference on the Economy, Society and Transformation: COVID-19 Consequences, Their Understanding and Dynamics 4/4/2022 ... , 2021/ funded by the Scientific Research Fund and implemented by a team of UNWE headed by Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Rector and Head of the National and Regional Security Department. Greetings to the participants in the Forum addressed Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice ...
Yavor Kolev: Keep the Child Safe on the Internet. Let`s Be Responsible! 4/8/2022 ... to engage their attention. After extensive research in the field it has been found that the most common dangers on the Internet for children are bullying by peers, fraud, and ill-wishers who want to meet them. However, there are many other risks. How to deal with them and how to know ...
Working Meeting on the Project RESEARCH CULT 4/8/2022 ... the UNWE hosted a working meeting on the RESEARCH CULT project "Improving the Research Culture in Higher Education in Kosovo". The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA2 Programme and coordinated by the IBC-M, Mitrovica, Kosovo. Assoc. Prof. Dr ...
Working Meeting on the Project ERMIScom 4/8/2022 ... Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Diana Kopeva from the Department of Economics of Natural Resources, Head of one of the work packages Dr. Savatu Tsolakidou presents the results of the pilot phase of the first four ...
The Center for Research and Educational Projects - Culture of Interaction and Mutual Assistance in the Project Development and Implementation 4/11/2022 ... and the new Director of the Center for Research and Educational Projects /CREP/ Chief Assist. Dr. Yuri Tsenkov present the future development, creative plans and the new office of the Center. The new office of the Center for Research and Educational Projects was ...
During the Global Money Week the UNWE Hosted the Initiative “Security of Investments in the Digital World” 3/24/2022 ... . Prof. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Mrs. Anka Kostova, Director of the Public Relations and Protocol Directorate at the Financial Supervision Commission, Mrs. Neda Mujo, part-time lecturer at the UNWE and Head of the Supervision of Public ...
The EU Approved Funding the Research Project BOLSTER Proposed in Partnership with UNWE 3/25/2022 ... research team from the Department of Economics of Transport and Energy, including: Prof. Dr. Christina Nikolova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Zinoviev and PhD-student Nadya Parpulova, took an active part in the development of a research proposal BOLSTER - Bridging ...
International Conference for Analyses and Policies of SMEs from the Western Balkans 3/23/2022 ... Prof. Dr. Boyan Zhekov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Cooperation, University of Library Science and Information Technology The event is organized by the UNWE in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Industry of ...
The UNWE Honorary Rector Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov Passed Away 3/14/2022 ... outstanding merits to the education and research in the field of intellectual property /2009/. The UNWE Living Memory will keep his great and colorful personality. Prof. Borisov impelmented comprehensive, deep and extremely difficult reforms and set new standards of governance, ...
UNWE Hosted Training on DIGI Women Project 3/11/2022 ... the event and learned about the latest research in entrepreneurship and related ecosystems. The Rector Prof. Dimitrov is welcoming the participants The Rector of the UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov welcomed the participants and ouitlined: "It is a pleasure to ...
Contract with A1 Bulgaria under the project "Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030" 2/25/2022 ... , as well as to improving the quality of research at the UNWE and other partner universities ...
Agreement between the UNWE and A1 Bulgaria under the Project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 2/23/2022 ... as to the improvement of the quality of research at the UNWE and other partner universities ...
Seventeenth International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 3/10/2022 ... , with traditions and with serious research. Our role is not always clearly seen by the public, but it is not only to educate students, but also to do research and to show the results at such events. We have a contribution to society, science, the economy, and it should not ...
Fifth Forum for Sustainable Development of the Bulgarian Film Industry 3/23/2022 ... Center for Audiovisual Policy and Media Researches and the National Academy of Theater and Film Arts "Krastyo Sarafov" held the Fifth Forum for Sustainable Development of the Bulgarian Film Industry on the Economic Contribution of the Bulgarian Film Industry and the Impact of ...
ENGAGE.EU at the Forum of Universities for the Future of Europe 2/1/2022 ... and their implications for education and research in Europe. Marieke Schoots, from Tilburg University, joined the workshop “Innovation ecosystems and entrepreneurship” ...
UNWE Lecturer Took Part in the Largest International Conference in the Field of Demography 2/1/2022 ... four years. The Conference brings together leading researchers, policymakers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and from across the globe, to present and discuss the latest research on a broad range of contemporary population issues and on innovations to population data and methods ...
The Rector Looked Over the New Supercomputer Discoverer 2/2/2022 ... relation to the Agreement of Fundamental Research signed between the UNWE and the Consortium Supercomputer Petascale - Bulgaria the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov visited the Supercomputer Center in Sofia Tech Park and looked over the first of its class Supercomputer in Bulgaria - Discoverer ...
Application for the ENGAGE.EU Think Tank is now open 2/1/2022 ... its Think Tank Call for applications. The approved researchers from each partner university will spend a week at the University of Mannheim in September / October 2022. They will have the opportunity to join research groups and various seminars as well as to work with colleagues from all ...
Agreement of Fundamental Research with the New Supercomputer of Bulgaria 2/2/2022 ... - Bulgaria concluded an Agreement of Fundamental Research. At the official ceremony in Sofia Tech Park the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and the representative of the Consortium Petar Statev signed the document. The cooperation will contribute to the synergy between the competence centers and ...
UNWE Lecturer Published a Mongraph on the Ecological Insurance in the Chemical Industry 1/27/2022 ... modern turbulent conditions. The subject of the research is the corporate security in the industrial enterprise as well as the relations between the insurance business and the chemical industry. The objective of the research is to study the ecological risks in the chemical industry enterprises in ...
Comprehensive Research in the Field of International Relations Theory 2/7/2022 ... pages and it is a comprehensive large-scale research that shows how the Theory of International Relations plays a key role in understanding and explaining the dynamics of international relations and the world policy no matter the regional or security issues, the terrorism or world politics are ...
First Public Lecture on the Project “Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030” 1/26/2022 ... . Nikolay Denchev, leading scientist and researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, delivered a lecture "How to Write an Indexed Article?". Prof. Denchev is Coordinator of the joint activities of UNWE and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel - the associate partner on the project "Economic Education ...
Lidl Bulgaria Donated to the UNWE Modern Equipment for Online Training and Video Streaming 1/26/2022 ... of mutual interest, conduction of surveys and research. Joint scientific events, trainings and competitions are also part of the Memorandum. On behalf of UNWE the Coordinator of the Memorandum is the Vice Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies Prof. Dr. Tsvetana ...
Consortium Agreement of Management for the National Scientific Programme "Security and Defence" 1/19/2022 ... National Strategy for Development of Scientific Research 2017-2030 aiming to increase the national scientific capacity in the field of security and defence. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior. The implementation of the Programme activities ...
UNWE Lecturer Is Guest-Editor of the Global Economic Science Journal 1/19/2022 ... of scientists from the UNWE and the high level of research ...
Five UNWE Students Won ICAEW Scholarships 1/10/2022 ... Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs who worked with students during the preparation of their applications.          Get to know the ICAEW scholarship students closely: Valery Konicheva, 2nd year student in speciality ...
UNWE Received the Award for the Most Prestigious Economic Higher School 1/11/2022 ... . The third topic to be discussed will be research and the application in practice”. Minister Nikolay Denkov and Georgy Stoychev, Executive Director of the Open Society Institute The Executive Director of the Open Society Institute Georgy Stoychev - Head of the ...
Four Chairmen of the UNWE General Assembly Became Part of Living Memory Rubric 12/16/2021 ... Social Sciences and Humanities to the Scientific Research Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science; member of the Economic Commission of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. He was also a member of the Union of Economists in ...
UNWE Occupies the First Places in the Rating System of Higher Education Institutions in Bulgaria for 2021 12/7/2021 ... divided into 6 groups - educational process, research, learning environment, social and administrative services, prestige and realization on the labor market and regional significance. These indicators are formed from statistical data collected from various sources as well as by ...
ENGAGE.EU: International Staff Days 2021 12/7/2021 ... , Dr. Rositsa Velinova from the Center for Research and Educational Projects, Mrs. Victoria Stoyanova, Head of the University Website Management Sector, Mrs. Marusya Dimova, Chief Expert in Marketing Sector. With presentations in the event took also part Assoc. Prof. Svetla Boneva, ...
19 Universities from 7 Countries at the International Conference on the Strategic Planning and Marketing in Digital World 12/7/2021 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, welcomed the participants in the Conference on behalf of the Rector of UNWE. "This event is very special for our university. We are proud it is part of our conference calendar because it is one of our leading ...
11th International Scientific Conference ICAICTSEE 2021 12/7/2021 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs outlined the importance of information technologies /IT/ in the development of modern society and economy. Greetings to the participants in the Conference were also presented by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelin ...
UNWE Lecturer Delivered Report to the UN 11/25/2021 ... the territory of Europe. The Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov commented the success with the words: “Such invitations to our lecturers are a high assessment of the quality of research conducted at the UNWE. They are an attestation of the ...
Two UNWE Lecturers Invited as Guest Editors of Authoritative International Journal of the History of Economic Thought 11/23/2021 ... the history of economic thought. In it their research results publish both established scientists and researchers who are at the beginning of their academic growth. Only 28% of the articles that are submitted manage to go through the review process for being published. Prof. D ...
Online International Scientific Forum on Energy Transformation. Day 3 11/23/2021 ... at UNWE jointly with the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory - a partnership between four leading American universities: Colorado State University, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The Forum was virtual and it was ...
The Economics Department Presented Its Annual Conference on the Economic Challenges: Crisis, Recovery, Sustainability 11/17/2021 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice-Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity. Deputy Minister Atanas Pekanov, the Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivaylo Beev, Head of the ...
Online International Scientific Forum on Energy Transformation. Day 2 11/23/2021 ... at UNWE jointly with the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory - a partnership between four leading American universities: Colorado State University, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The Forum is virtual and it consists ...
Authors` Team from the National and Regional Security Department Presented the Book "Corporate Security" 11/17/2021 ... implemented by the Department at the UNWE and its research work in the field of corporate security. The book is intended for a wide range of readers including people who are professionally committed to corporate security, students studying disciplines related to the corporate security as well as anyone ...
UNWE - Co-Host of Online International Scientific Forum on Energy Transformation 11/23/2021 ... jointly with the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory - a partnership between four leading American universities: Colorado State University, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The forum is virtual and it ...
Deputy Prime Minister Atanas Pekanov Presented the Opportunities for Educational Exchange of Fulbright Programme 10/29/2021 ... his training at Harvard as a guest researcher. He outlined firstly, that in the 21st century most of the progress go through many successful and unsuccessful applications and secondly, that science is developed on the basis of cooperation between research teams with the ...
First ENGAGE.EU Annual Conference 10/27/2021 ... new project initiative /ENGAGE.EU Research & Innovation funded by Horizon 2020/. The Forum brought together the Rectors of the partner universities, the members of the Advisory Board, the Heads of the working packages and project tasks as well as students. For two ...
Team from the UNWE National and Regional Security Department Participated in Development of MES New Scientific Programme 11/18/2021 ... /MES/. Through it universities and research organizations will be able to develop innovative systems for cybersecurity, information protection and anti-terrorism management. The Programme was developed due to the 3-year efforts by the UNWE National and ...
The Rector of UNWE Obtained One of the Highest Assessments for Implementation of Policies Set by the Ministry of Education and Science 11/18/2021 ... educational process, development of research activity and partner network, declared his gratitude Prof. Dimitrov ...
UNWE and MTUCI Open Joint Master's Degree Programme 10/19/2021 ... and Director of the Center for Research and Educational Projects, as well as by Prof. Rosen Todorov, part-time lecturer at the Industrial Business Department. MTUSI team: Prof. Sergey Erokhin (Rector) - in the middle, Prof. Andrey Mukhanov ...
XX International Scientific Conference: Bulgarian Membership in the European Union: Fourteen Years Later 10/20/2021 ... . Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Assoc. Svetla Boneva, Secretary General for Research Projects, UNWE, Prof. D.Sc./Econ./ Tatyana Hubenova-Delisivkova, President of the Union of Economists in Bulgaria /from the left to the ...
24th International Conference on the Development and Underdevelopment in the History of Economic Thought 10/13/2021 ... Nenovsky, Director of the Research Center for Monetary and Economic Studies, Lecturer at the UNWE Finance Department as well as at the University of Picardy Jules Verne /UPJV/  in Amiens, France and Prof. Dr. Pencho Penchev, Deputy Chairman of the ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and PG Slovakia 10/13/2021 ... . Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, presented Ing. Tomáš Škvarenina and the company he represents as one of the largest in the field of financial services in Slovakia. Assoc. Prof. Mikhail ...
Prof. Ivanka Saykova and Assoc. Prof. Todor Kanaliev Were Awarded Jubilee Plaques for Outstanding Contribution to the UNWE Century 10/4/2021 ... . He has 93 publications. His research interests are in the field of methodology and methods of statistical research. Prof. Saykova has occupied the positions of Vice-Rector; Deputy Dean; Head of the Statistics and Econometrics Department. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor ...
UNWE Received Valuable Scientific Work by Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dobrev - the Patriarch of Accounting Science 9/29/2021 ... home so now we can touch to the research spirit of Prof. Dobrev. I would compare it to Armstrong's "small step" because the defense of his doctorate 110 years ago had been the event that set the beginning of the flight into science for the young man from Cotel and ...
ENGAGE.EU First Seminar with the Vice Rectors for Research 9/23/2021 ... the participation of the Vice-Rectors for Research and International Affairs/Internationalization of the seven partner-universities in the alliance. The seminar was organized by the Innovation Office of the Vienna University of Economics and Business with the assistance of the ENGAGE ...
7th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Monetary Issues 9/23/2021 ... are the Center for Monetary and Economic Research, the Institute of Economics and Politics and the Finance Department of UNWE jointly with the Union of Economists in Bulgaria. The European Association for Comparative Economic Research /EACES/ is also a partner of the event. The ...
Project on the Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 9/23/2021 ... university to realize itself as a better research institution after the pandemic. The objectives of the project are set to work for its implementation and to raise the educational standards", noted Prof. Dr. Nikolay Shterev, Director of the Center for Research and Educational Projects ...
UNWE Was Awarded the Badge of Honour of Sofia 9/23/2021 ... and its professors are authoritative researchers with recognized scientific contribution and publications in authoritative international editions as well as leaders and consultants of many European, national and university scientific research projects. Since its establishment ...
Summer School for Ph.D Students in Law 9/17/2021 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs. The promising beginning of the Ph.D School is another attestation for the quality of education at the Law Faculty. Turning it into a tradition would enrich to a great extent the legal education development ...
UNWE Participated in the European Debate on the Scientific Results Future Evaluation 9/17/2021 ... the four missions of higher education: research, education, innovation and contribution to society. The elaborated Methodology will be used both to monitor the progress of individual higher education institutions and to assess the implementation of the new European Strategy. The ...
International Forum on the Culture and Business - Together in the Digital World 9/2/2021 ... were the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel, MEPs Iskra Mihailova and Tsvetelina Penkova, Europa Nostra's Secretary General Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic and its Vice President Pete Jasper, the Minister of Culture Velislav ...
Economic Alternatives - the UNWE Scientific Journal Is Indexed in Scopus 8/24/2021 ... and all Vice-Rectors responsible for the research activities of the university who worked with him have created an environment of academic tolerance and peace of mind to pursue great goals. "Reviewers of articles who do their work anonymously, without paying, only in the name of ...
UNWE Opened Two New Research Centers 8/11/2021 ... new Research Centers were built and put into exploitation at the UNWE. In addition to scientific research and implementation of research projects they will be used to conduct educational processes. They are part of the newest Aademic  Complex of the University which was ...
The Rector Awarded an Honorary Plaque to the World Expert in Intellectual Property Vladimir Yosifov 7/15/2021 ... . Dr. Borislav Borisov, the Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, the Vice-Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, representatives of the Department and the Institute of ...
UNWE Lecturer Quoted in the UN World Public Sector Annual Report 7/16/2021 ... for our university because only 11 researchers from all over the world are quoted in the UN document. "It`s an honour for me to be able to glorify the name of our university worldwide. The assessment of scientific potential in universities should not be only on ...
The UNWE Yearbook Indexed in ERIH PLUS 7/16/2021 ... European Research Index for the Humanities - ERIH PLUS has included in its database of journals the UNWE edition Yearbook of UNWE. The indexation runs from 8 July of the current year. Along with the Economic Alternatives magazine the UNWE already has two periodicals in the index ...
The Japanese-Bulgarian Business Association will Partner with the UNWE 7/15/2021 ... also Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice-Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies, Prof. Dr. Diana Kopeva, Mitsuhiko Shinomiya, Embassy of Japan First Secretary (from left to ...
UNWE and Standard Newspaper Launched the Project "Wonders of Bulgaria - Digital Routes" 7/12/2021 ... opened the event. The EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel welcomed the initiative in a special address. The large-scale project will be implemented with the participation of the scientific and student potential of UNWE together with the ...
UNWE - Host of the 30th Anniversary of MERCOSUR 7/12/2021 ... the Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov and Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov for the warm welcome. Prof. Mihail Musov and H. E. Maria Edileuza Fontenele Reis  H. E. Maria Edileuza Fontenele Reis delivered a plenary report on "MERCOSUR: ...
UNWE Ranked First among Bulgarian Scientific Institutions in the International Index IDEAS-RePEc 7/14/2021 ... index for economic literature out of a total of 210 research profiles from Bulgaria. Almost all representatives of our university have publications from one, two or three periodicals of UNWE. Indexed in RePEc are Scientific Papers of UNWE, Yearbook of UNWE, Economic and Social Alternatives ...
ENGAGE.EU Cup`21 - 1st International Online Team Speed Chess Tournament 7/12/2021 ... and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, welcomed the participants in the tournament and wished them success. The winner with a score of 9/9 was the international master of chess Lev Jankelevich from the Vienna University of Economics and ...
The Rector of UNWE Represented ENGAGE.EU at the EC Consultative Meeting with the Rectors of European Universities 4/29/2021 ... . Maria Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. Mr. Margaritis Schinas Mrs. Maria Gabriel One rector from each of the 41 existing European universities was invited to the meeting and only half of those rectors were ...
UNWE Lecturer Participated in International Professional-Public Accreditation of Educational Programmes 4/29/2021 ... Department and Director of the Scientific Research Marketing Center of UNWE, was a Chairwoman of an international expert commission aiming to evaluate the cluster of educational programmes on Trade and Commodity Science at Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University. In the expert commissions ...
The UNWE Scientific Journal Economic Alternatives Will Be Indexed in Scopus 4/5/2021 ... and a real attestation for the scientific and research capacity of the academic staff of our University. This success is due mostly to the Economic Alternatives Editor-in-chief – Prof. D.Sc. Pencho Penchev, to his systematic efforts and faith in the final result. Congratulations to ...
UNWE Students Financiers Won Again the CFA Institute Research Challenge 4/5/2021 ... student competition CFA Institute Research Challenge 2021 for Bulgaria. The UNWE team-winner includes students of specialities Financial Management and Accounting, Financial Control and Finance, EQD of Master. The members of the UNWE team-winner are: Hristina Vardeva - speciality ...
New Generation of Europeans with the Help of ENGAGE.EU 3/5/2021 ... an interview for the UNWE Newspaper Prof. Dr. Margarethe Rammerstorfer, Vice-Rector for Academic Programmes and Student Affairs at Vienna University of Economics and Business - WU Wien /in the picture below/ told about the potential of ENGAGE.EU, hopes and perspectives for the future development ...
16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19 4/4/2021 ... audit, controlling systems and internal control Research and science, R&D, the relation science – business, innovations, competitiveness, projects management Entrepreneurship, management, marketing, corporative control and business development in Bulgaria, EU and in a global scale ...
16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists Focuses on the Challenge COVID-19 4/13/2021 ... audit, controlling systems and internal control Research and science, R&D, the relation science – business, innovations, competitiveness, projects management Entrepreneurship, management, marketing, corporative control and business development in Bulgaria, EU and in a global scale ...
UNWE Conferred the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa on the IMF Managing Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristalina Georgieva 2/5/2021 ... also supported lots of academic and scientific research all over the world. Prof. Dulevky paid attention to the fact that on the official website of the largest financial institution in the world – the IMF – in the CV of its Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva is pointed out that ...
Students from the UNWE are Part of University Network ENGAGE.EU 3/4/2021 ... . Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Acting Vice Rector for Research at the UNWE. According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kostadin Kolarov, Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship at the UNWE: “Collaborating with these leading universities will enable our students to find their entrepreneurial ...
DIGI WOMEN - digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs 12/8/2020 ... , Vice-Rector for Scientific Research Activity of UNWE, welcomed the participants and stressed the importance of the project in addressing significant challenges to female entrepreneurship. She also expressed satisfaction with the high level of partnership, ...
The DIGI WOMEN project is launched 12/8/2020 ... , Vice-Rector for Scientific Research Activity of UNWE, welcomed the participants and stressed the importance of the project in addressing significant challenges to female entrepreneurship. She also expressed satisfaction with the high level of partnership, ...
Advancing solutions for safe radioactive waste disposal between Finland and Bulgaria 2/16/2023 ... Tommi Nyman of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Professor Dimitar Dimitrov, Rector of the Bulgarian National Nuclear Security Support Center, Department “National and Regional Security” (UNWE) to further develop competences and ...
Conference of Young Entrepreneurs presented the successes of entrepreneurship programmes’ graduates at UNWE 10/27/2020 ... , to improve what we teach, research and do with business and society,” said Prof. Dimitrov and wished success to the conference and to young entrepreneurs.    The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov   The event was attended by ...
Conference of Young Entrepreneurs Presented the Successes of Entrepreneurship Programmes’ Graduates at UNWE 10/27/2020 ... years of systematic accumulation of knowledge through research on Bulgarian practice and transfer of achievements of colleagues from other countries. With the introduction of a bachelor's program in entrepreneurship, UNWE has overtaken not only universities in Eastern Europe, but also a number of Western ...
Participation in International Conference 10/5/2020 ... held on September 23-24, 2020 in Brenna, Poland. The researchers from the Institute of Entrepreneurship were present on site, despite the risks associated with the spread of Covid-19. The forum also brought together (some online) scientists from a number of countries, including Brazil, the Czech Republic, ...
New Conference Proceedings 10/5/2020 ... (BAMDE).As in previous conferences, new ideas and research results were presented and discussed to contribute to better knowledge and understanding of the nature and problems related to entrepreneurship and small business.Internationally recognized professionals from the United Kingdom, the Nether-lands, ...
European Commission Declared UNWE “European University” 5/25/2022 ... three interconnected paths: Engaged Learning, Engaged Research and Innovation and Engaged in Society. More specifically, the partner universities pursue the goal of developing new joint courses and teaching formats addressing current, future-oriented topics. These offers shall not only involve the ...
The Rector of UNWE is the New Secretary General of the Bulgarian Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions 7/21/2020 ... of state policy in the field of higher education and research; to protect the common interests of higher education institutions to public and state institutions; to provide the academic community a forum for discussing current topics related to the higher education, science and university policies; to ...
The First Online Semester of UNWE through the Eyes of Its Students 7/22/2020 ... Dimitar Dimitrov I would like to thank to the research team and to all these 2820 students who helped us to make sense of the experience due to their answers. Thanks also to all 20,000 students and 500 lecturers who adapted to the process so quickly. I accept the average grade of 5.54 for the ...
Round Table Conference on Macroeconomics, Business Environment and Finance 7/24/2020 ... . Nikolay Nenovsky, prominent monetary policy researcher, member of the BNB Governing Council and Director of the UNWE Monetary Research Center, pointed out the features of the current monetary policy - monetary nationalism, floating exchange rates and devaluation, money printing, QE, etc., combined ...
Jubilee Conference on Innovation and Competitiveness 7/29/2020 ... Business Department and Director of the Scientific Research Center for Business Competencies Development – Innovations and Competitiveness (u2b). Members of the jury were: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Blagoev, Dean of the Business Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy Zabunov, Head of the Real Estate ...
Students Financiers from the UNWE Won the First Place in the CFA Institute Research Challenge Competition 2019-2020 9/9/2020 ... the Inter-University Student Competition CFA Institute Research Challenge 2019-2020 for Bulgaria. The participants in the winning team of UNWE are Master students of specialities Financial Management and Finance. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Nenkov The global competition organized by the ...
Regional Workshop on Harmonizing National Nuclear Law with International Law Including European Law 2/10/2023 ... Agreement in the field of education and scientific research concluded between the UNWE and IAEA, at the University was started the international Master`s degree programme Economics of Defence and Security, specialization Nuclear Security – the only one specialized programme on nuclear security in ...
Regional Workshop on Harmonizing National Nuclear Law with International Law Including European Law 2/8/2023 ... Agreement in the field of education and scientific research concluded between the UNWE and IAEA, at the University was started the international Master`s degree programme Economics of Defence and Security, specialization Nuclear Security – the only one specialized programme on nuclear security in ...
Publication of UNWE Professor in Report of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 1/23/2020 ... out by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Prof. Dr. Hristina Nikolova The Report is elaborated by scientists from the University of Berlin and it is published on the Ministry website as well as on the University website. The publication topic is Mobility ...
With great sadness we announce the death of Professor Kiril Todorov, D.Sc. 1/2/2020 ... fruitful cooperation with prominent researchers in entrepreneurship from leading European and American universities. His international acknowledgement has been expressed in numerous invitations as a partner and national leader of research and educational projects, invited ...
Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov is the New Rector of UNWE 2/13/2020 ... . The policy of income, scientific research activity development and relations with the business are only part of the fields where a reasonable change is necessary to be carried out, pointed out Prof. Dimitrov during the presentation of his concept. He acquainted the ...
UNWE Graduate is the New IMF Managing Director 10/11/2019 ... . In the period she has also been a research fellow at the London School of Economics and for a year she has been a guest-professor at the University of the South Pacific (USP) in Fiji as well as at the Australian National University (ANU). In 1986 she becomes a Ph.D. in ...
UNWE is the First Bulgarian University Concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the EC Joint Research Center 7/17/2019 ... the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). The document was signed by the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev and Mrs. Charlina Vicheva, Deputy Director General of JRC and alumnus of UNWE (in the picture below). The Memorandum ...
President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev Visited Shanghai Jiao Tong University 7/14/2019 ... , etc. in areas of joint research, student exchange as well as talent cultivation programs. Later, President Radev delivered a speech to the university faculties and students. In his speech, President Radev said this was his ...
10th International Conference 'Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice: Present and Future', 10 - 13 June 2019, St. St. Constantine and Helena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria 7/13/2019 ... and with the support of Science Research Fund of the Ministry of Education and Vitagold Ltd. The opening of the conference (from left to right): Prof. Andrew Burke, Dean of Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Mrs. Madi Sharma, Founder of ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and Deloitte Bulgaria 5/31/2019 ... games and training firms, joint research activities and educational projects. At the event attended the members of the Rectors Council, Prof. Dr. Rumyana Pozharevska, Vice Dean of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty as well as the Coordinators on the implementation ...
Student Training on the Fight Against Tobacco Products Smuggling 5/23/2019 ... are also part of the team of the research project financed by the PMI IMPACT. Among them are Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy Pavlov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Pudin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsvetan Tsvetkov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy Penchev, Assoc. Prof. ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and Delta State University 5/10/2019 ... of faculty members, staff and research scholars; development of study programs for students, faculty members, staff as well as organization of joint academic activities such as conferences/seminars and design of individual projects of academic collaboration, etc ...
Student Scientific Conference "Contemporary Concepts for the Development of Smart Cities" 4/22/2019 ... (left)Vice-Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Prof. Dr. Valentin Dimitrov Goev congratulates the students (right) A Student Scientific Conference organized by the Department of Regional Development and the Students Council of the University for National and ...
8th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on the Infrastructure: Business and Communications 4/18/2019 ... Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Terezova, Vice Dean and Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Ivaylo Hristov, Vice Dean Prof. Rakovska pointed out that in the previous issues of the Forum reports were delivered by 450 undergraduates and Doctoral ...
Discussion meetings - part of the WIPO Fact-finding mission 6/20/2019 ... UNWE, Zlatina Karova, head of Transnational research initiatives unit, Ministry of education and science, Ms. Tihomira Palova, chief expert, Ministry of economy, prof. dr. Valentin Goev, vice-rector for research, UNWE  During the opening prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Stati Statev ...
UNWE Lecturer in the International Commission on Accreditation of Master’s in Public Administration of Uganda Management Institute 3/25/2019 ... during the first two semesters and then research work and Master`s thesis defence during the third and the fourth semester. Meeting with employers from the state institutions In the Commission were included three members of the International Commission on ...
UNWE Lecturers – Part of Research Consortium on the EU Programme Horizon 2020 3/15/2019 ... responsible for the audiovisual sphere in the research project CICERONE (Creative Industries Cultural Economy pROduction NEtwork) financed by the EU Research and Innovations Programme Horizon 2020 – Socioeconomic and Cultural Transformations in the Context of the 4th Industrial ...
Scientific Practical Conference on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region: Opportunities and Challenges 12/17/2018 ... .) Stanka Tonkova, Director of the Center for Research Educational Projects and Chairwoman of BRSA. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ferdinand Dano, PhD, Rector of the Economic University of Bratislava, Mr. Jouke van Dijk, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milanka Slavova, Vice Rector for Education in the EQD ...
UNWE Expands the Academic Cooperation with Russian Universities 12/11/2018 ... documents provision joint scientific research, mutual visits of lecturers in order to teach, enhance their qualification and exchange scientific research experience, participate in scientific conferences, symposia and seminars organized by both universities, exchange experience and ...
Bulgarian-Chinese Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University at the UNWE 12/12/2018 ... for the Center to finance the scientific research programmes in the frameworks of 16+1 Initiative. Mr. Dimitar Abadzhiev (former Bulgarian Consul in Shanghai), Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of UNWE, Prof. XU Xuemin, Vice President of SJTU, Prof. CHE Shengquan, ...
UNWE Students at the Final of the Programme My Bank of the Future 12/13/2018 ... . Dr. Radko Radev, Director of the Scientific Research Center for Business Competencies Development - Innovations and Competitiveness (u2b), Coordinator for our university for the implementation of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and UniCredit Bulbank as well as Atanas Dimitrov ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Led Seminar at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management 11/29/2018 ... of ADVANCE - the ISEG Centre for Advanced Research in Management at University of Lisbon Dr. Kostadinova led a Seminar on the Price Promotions and Consumer Behaviour. In it took part students and researchers from various Departments of Lisbon University. The UNWE lecturer ...
Coca-Cola HBC AG Supply Chain Planning Academy at the UNWE 11/28/2018 ... the initiative of the UNWE Scientific Research Center for Logistic Studies and Training for a second consecutive year it was held five days training for professionals in supply chain management from the 28 member states of Coca-Cola HBC AG. The training was part of the Supply Chain Planning ...
14th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 11/27/2018 ... succeeded to grow in the scientific research field and economic practice, said Assoc. Prof. Trifonova and outlined that the current edition of the Conference had been supported by seven international partners. Assoc. Prof. Silvia Trifonova Assoc. Prof. Trifonova ...
International Scientific Conference on the Impact of International and EU Law on the Bulgarian Legal System 11/23/2018 ... be issued a collection as well as scientific research which the BCCI could spread among the interested institutions through its information channels. Mr. Vasil Todorov The Forum is a clear evidence of the importance and interaction between the international and Bulgarian ...
Memorandum Unites Four Institutions to Develop the Initiative Anticorruption Academy 11/20/2018 ... practices and internships, cooperation in research projects, etc. – it is provisioned in the Memorandum of Cooperation signed by the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev, Plamen Georgiev, Chairman of the Committee for Combatting Corruption and the Withdrawal of ...
International Conference on Combating Illicit Tobacco Trade and Related Crimes 11/6/2018 ... from UNWE, which are part of the project research team, as well as guests from research institutions from Lithuania, South Africa, Serbia, Italy and Romania. There were also guests from the National Association of Tobacco Growers, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry ...
Lecturers from the UNWE Participated in Eurasian Forum 11/7/2018 ... , corporate finance, banking, empirical research of developing economies, labour market, public economics, health economics, tourism and energy research. Elaborations in the field of innovations economics, behavioural finance, monetary economics, accountancy and auditing, corporate ...
Lecture on the European Social Survey in Bulgaria – Benefits and Challenges 11/9/2018 ... ESS National Roadmap for Scientific Research 2017-2023, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy Petrunov and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lilia Dimova (from the left to the right) Assoc. Prof. Venelin Boshnakov greeted the participants in the informational meeting on behalf of the UNWE Managing ...
Chinese-Bulgarian Rectors` Higher Education Forum 11/7/2018 ... foreign universities as well as joint research activity and exchange of university lecturers. This is a good basis for expanding our cooperation with Chinese universities. Let's start with small but fast steps to work together, said Prof. Stattev. The Rector Prof. D ...
Public Lecture: Bulgarian-Algerian Relations 10/25/2018 ... invitation of the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA), H.E. Mrs. Latifa Benazza, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to Bulgaria, delivered a public lecture about the Bulgarian-Algerian Relations ...
Lecturers from the UNWE Participated in International Entrepreneurship Conference 10/19/2018 ... developed in the frames of a fundamental research on "Determinants and Models of Competitive Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in International Business Environment", under contract with NSF № DN05 / 15 from 15.12.2016. A significant interest has been shown by the ...
Public Lecture by Prof. Mario Lozano 10/17/2018 ... of the Inter-University Scientific Research Center for Roman Law Studies and Novelistic Tradition. In Prof. Lozano`s lecture we will feel the spirit of an era that has led to our present torments and problems. He will also tell us about his teacher who is one of the most ...
International Conference on the CSR – Convergence of Discourses, Diversity of Practices 10/9/2018 ... Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) – Research Center of ISM Graduate School of Management (LAREQUOI), France and Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. During the Forum was discussed the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which meaning is that ...
Professor from the UNWE and His Doctoral Student Won the Prestigious Best Paper Award ICCMI 2018 10/4/2018 ... experience in the field of marketing research and she is also a member of the scientific magazines Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (Emerald), International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, etc. Prof. Dr. Irene ...
UNWE Alumni Participate in Major International Project 9/11/2018 ... (Marketing Department). The project research explores a new mechanism to understand state funding for public colleges and universities by leveraging data on the educational experiences of state legislators engaged in legislative changes in the field of state funding for ...
Ninth International Conference 'Youth and Women Entrepreneurship in Challenging International (Global) Business Environment', 11 - 14 June 2018, Lighthouse Golf and SPA Resort, Balchik, Bulgaria 7/8/2018 ... . Aziza Al Ghafri and Dr. Beldina Owalla, researchers from Sweden, present their analysis of women’s entrepreneurship in Kenya and Oman. Dr. Veneta Hristova, and Dr. Maria Vasilska, Bulgaria, present their joint research. Dr. Mark Potts, USA, presents his report ...
3rd International Conference on New Business Models 6/29/2018 ... together 110 representatives of the research and business circles from 28 countries who discussed the modern tendencies in the transition to business models for sustainable development. The Forum was opened by the Rector Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev who determined the ...
Video Conference on the Role of Caucasus Region in the Balkan Energy Security 6/26/2018 ... Department and the Institute of Social Research and Development of Cultural Structures (ISIRKS) in a partnership with the student organization Future World Diplomats to the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) organized a Video Conference on the Role of ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Held Educational Course at the University of Lower Silesia, Poland 6/25/2018 ... an introductory course in Public Opinion Research Methods to part-time and full time students (in the pictures below). During the course he presented to students a set of basic practical skill for data collection, processing and visualization – traditional fields of work for ...
The Ambassador of Morocco Visited the UNWE 6/25/2018 ... by the Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev and H.E. Mrs. Zakia El Midaoui, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Morocco to Bulgaria. At the meeting attended Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska, Vice Dean of the Management and ...
Round Table Conference on the Issues of Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products and Related Crimes 6/19/2018 ... some suggestions for improvement of the research methodology. The event was opened by the Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milanka Slavova who greeted the guests on behalf of the Rector Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev. Доц. Миланка Славова The ...
UNWE Doctoral Student Won the Best Paper Award 6/14/2018 ... UNWE Doctoral student was awarded for his research on the Negative Interest Rates: Evidence from Bulgaria“. His research studies the effects of negative interest rates over the excess reserves of Bulgarian banks. The topic is related to his dissertation paper under the ...
Prof. Ognyan Simeonov Is the New Chairman of the Commission for Public Oversight of Statutory Auditors 6/8/2018 ... Board of the UNWE Yearbook and UNWE Research Papers. Prof. Simeonov is well-known in the professional circles of accountants and auditors. He is member of the Auditing Committees to the Ministry of Finance and Bulgarian Energy Holding Ltd. He has also been Chairman of the ...
Presentation of Project Entitled Digitalization of Economy in a Big Data Environment 6/21/2018 ... Systems, Deputy Project Head of the research team and Chief Project Coordinator greeted the attendees at the opening of the event. The opening of the event in the Small Conference Hall It is the first project of UNWE in this field. Its Head is the Rector of ...
Scientific Conference: Bulgaria: 140 Years of Modern Statehood 6/5/2018 ... to take part in it. We expect serious research results which should also be presented to the interesting institutions, said the Rector Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev. In the Large Conference Hall Prof. Stattev reminded the idea for ...
The Law Faculty Dean Was Elected As Member of the ELFA Board 5/22/2018 ... in the field of legal education and research vis-à-vis EU institutions, international organizations as well as associations of legal professionals. ELFA cooperates with similar organizations from the USA, South America, Australia, China, etc. Every year ELFA organizes ...
Public Lectures by Romanian Scientists 5/10/2018 ... Mihai In the presentation of his research on the Economic Impact of Tourism. Case Study: Tourism in the Rural Areas of Romania, Assoc. Prof. Dr Valentin Mihai outlined the advantages of tourism for the development of business, public organizations and local population ...
The Rector Prof. Statty Stattev Met with the European Commissioner Maria Gabriel 5/2/2018 ... the electronization of the academic, scientific research and administrative activity of UNWE. In front of one of the devices Prof. Valentin Kisismov, Director of the Center for Computer Innovative Systems (on the right) is explaining to Mrs. Maria Gabriel how the electronic Student Books ...
UNWE Hosted the Celebration of Girls in ICT Day 2018 5/2/2018 ... . Dr. Radko Radev, Director of the UNWE Scientific Research Center for Business Competencies Development “Innovations and Competitiveness” (u2b) as well as the Doctoral student Simeon Kolyandov (in the picture below) ...
Round Table Conference on the World Intellectual Property Day in Bulgaria 5/3/2018 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Nikolay Bakardzhiev, Assistant Rector (from the right to the left) Assoc. Prof. Borisova and Prof. Goev are ringing the bell announcing the start of the Round Table Conference In 2001 it was established a traditional ...
Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and Kreston BulMar Ltd. 4/30/2018 ... prospective students and undergraduates to joint research projects, said the Rector Prof. Statty Stattev. Our company has a tremendous respect to the UNWE. We have lots of young people employed and 99% of them are students in their third and fourth year at the UNWE or they have graduated from the ...
Doctoral Students and Undergraduates Discussed Practically-Oriented Topics 4/24/2018 ... . Dr. Miroslava Rakovska, Vice Dean for Scientific Research Activity of the Economics of Infrastructure Faculty and Head of the Logistics Department. The Conference is focused on the issues of infrastructure in our country and the creation of appropriate business environment for economic development and ...
Certificates for the Winners in the National Competition in Applied Informatics 4/17/2018 ... by Prof. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity (in the picture below). Prof. Goev greeted the high school graduates and said that the students studying in the specialty Informatics had not been much in comparison to the total number of students at the UNWE but all ...
Second Edition of the Masterclass “In a Battle for Real Results” 3/28/2018 ... for Real Results organized by the UNWE Scientific Research Center for Good Management Practices. Lecturer for the event was Ivan Kozhuharov. Basically the idea of this initiative is to share in a structured way the dynamic, life, sport and professional experience with intelligent young people who are ...
UNWE Is a Host of the Supply Chain Planning Academy of Coca Cola HBC AG 3/21/2018 ... organized at the initiative of the UNWE Scientific Research Center for Logistic Research and Education. In the Scientific Councils Hall The participants were greeted by the Rector Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev who outlined that the UNWE is the largest university in the country ...
Representatives of the Financial Academy in Astana Visited the UNWE 3/20/2018 ... . Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity met with the representatives of the Financial Academy (FA) in Astana, Kazakhstan: Dr. Alia Turegeldinova, Vice Rector for Science and Innovations, Dr. Adil Aldanyazov, Head of the International Cooperation Division and Aygul Alibekova. ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Won the Prize of the Centre for Economic History Research 3/19/2018 ... Assembly session of the Centre for Economic History Research (CEHR) whose founders and members are the lecturers from the Economic History Section at Political Economy Department of UNWE. Members of the CEHR General Assembly Biennially the members of CEHR determine by voting the ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and EY Bulgaria 3/9/2018 ... of business plays and training firms, mutual research activities and educational projects. At the signing of the Memorandum attended the members of the Rectors Council, Prof. Dr. Snezhana Basheva, шге Vice-Deans of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty Prof. Dr. Rumyana Pozharevska ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and KPKONPI 3/15/2018 ... , expertise, consultations, statistical and other research and events organized by the KPKONPI. It is the first Agreement the Commission have signed after its establishment a month ago. I am convinced we will do our best to counteract corruption uniting all our expert potential. We have lots of ideas ...
Seminar on EU-Turkey Relations and the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU 3/1/2018 ... Development Foundation – non-governmental research organization having a seat in Brussels and specialized on the EU and Turkey-EU relations. He examined also the trade and economic relations between Turkey and the EU and pointed out the necessity of their modernization and achievement of ...
Business and Law Magazine First Volume Was Issued 3/1/2018 ... four volumes per year which will contain scientific research on legal business regulation in Bulgarian and English language. The magazine is a response to the necessity of specialized periodical edition in this important field of public relations and it will outline the leading role of UNWE as a business ...
Round Table Conference: Bridging the Gap between Education and Labour Markets Needs 3/15/2018 ... . Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity greeted the participants and organizers on behalf of the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev. Congratulations for the nice initiative and choice of actual topic. The relation between the education and practice becomes more ...
Public Lecture by H.E. Emma Hopkins, Ambassador of the UK to Bulgaria 3/1/2018 ... at the invitation of the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA). Peter Nikolushev, Chairman of IRRSA, H.M. Emma Hopkins, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Ralchev, Deputy Head of the International Relations Department (from the right to the left) H.E. Emma Hopkins ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and BSA 3/15/2018 ... , lectures, consultations, statistical and other research, mutual assistance in the implementation of events, etc. Assoc.Prof. Dr. Andrey Nonchev, Head of the Economic Sociology Department Coordinator for the implementation of the Agreement from the UNWE is Chief Assist. Dr. ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies 3/1/2018 ... to exchange academic programmes and scientific research publications as well as students and lecturers, to organize seminars with the participation of lecturers from both institutions, etc.  Prof. Statty Stattev, Emil Karanikolov, Minister of Economy and graduate of UNWE and Prof ...
Seventh Graduation Ceremony in Entrepreneurship 1/9/2018 ... Dimitrov, ex-director of the Economic Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Kiril Grigorov, Governor of the Municipal Guarantee Fund for SMEs of the Sofia Municipality, Mr. Stefan Gugushev, Attorney-at-Law, Chairman of the Family Business Association - Bulgaria ...
The Alumni Club of Students Council Awarded 37 Excellent Students 1/18/2018 ... Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Prof. Dr. Lalko Dulevsky, Chairman of UNWE General Assembly, Nikolay Bakardzhiev, Assistant Rector, Assoc. Prof. D.Sc.(Law) Zhivko Draganov, Dean of the Law Faculty, Prof. Dr. Simeon Zhelev, Dean of the Management ...
Opening Conference on the Project BGо5M2OPоо1-2.009-0012 12/19/2017 ... – Enhancement of the UNWE Research Potential and Improvement of the Conditions for Scientific Research – Investment with Many Dimensions was held in the Large Conference Hall. In the event took part Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific ...
Round Table Conference on the Actual Aspects of Regional Development 12/21/2017 ... organized by the Scientific Research Center for Regional Studies and the Regional Development Department (in the picture below).  At the Forum attended Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stela Raleva, Vice Rector for Education in the EQD of Master and Distance ...
10th UNWE Annual Jubilee Scientific Session 12/15/2017 ... results of completed scientific research projects of the university for the period 2016 – 2017. In the Forum held in the Large Conference Hall took part the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific ...
YEF 2017 - First Day: Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU – Opportunities and Threats 12/14/2017 ... Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stela Raleva, Vice Rector for Education in the EDQ of Master and Distance Learning, Nikolay Bakardzhiev, Assistant Rector, Kristiyan Madzhurov, Chairman of the Student Council. I am glad to open ...
The Rector of UNWE Paid an Official Visit to Shanghai Jiao Tong University 12/12/2017 ... the Chinese Academy of Financial Research (CAFR) and the Faculty of Economics and Management of Jiao Tong University (in the picture below).  The lecture was followed by an intense discussion on the future of the EU and the Eurozone, consequences ...
Introduction of the European Group for Territorial Cooperation HELICAS 12/12/2017 ... Association of Regional Research and Director of the Center for Research and Educational Projects of UNWE.  The meeting was held in Sofia at the invitation of the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev who greeted the guests and outlined that ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and the cQuest Research and Consulting Ltd. 12/11/2017 ... the Executive Director of cQuest Research and Consulting Ltd. Borislav Domuschiev signed a Framework Agreement of Cooperation (in the picture below).  The Agreement provisions information to students from the university about the student ...
National Seminar with International Participation on the Perspectives and Actual Challenges to Audiovisual Industry in the Digital Era 11/29/2017 ... Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov, Honorary Rector and Honorary Professor of UNWE, Director of the University Center for Intellectual Property, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladya Borisova, Head of the Creative Industries and ...
Public Lecture by H.E. Stefano Baldi, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Bulgaria 11/28/2017 ... lots of books. His most recent research and publications are focused on the application of new technologies and social media in the diplomacy as well as to diplomatic management. He has a personal website “Immaginario Diplomatico” devoted to the Italian ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Was Elected As Chairman of the Bulgarian Sociological Association 11/28/2017 ... collective members engaged with research and lecturing activity in the field of sociology ...
Public Lecture by Paolo Bizoni, President of the European Logistics Association on the Supply Chain Management 11/22/2017 ... , Vice Dean for Scientific Research Activity of the Economics of  Infrastructure Faculty and Head of the Logistics Department, Chief Assist. Dr. Stilyana Stratieva, Scientific Secretary of the Department.  In Scientific Councils ...
13th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists on the Economics of Bulgaria and the European Union in the Global World 11/20/2017 ... to present their scientific research to academic community and discuss the actual economic issues with their Bulgarian and foreign colleagues, pointed out at the opening of the Conference Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Trifonova, Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee ...
Jubilee Scientific Practical Conference on the Theory and Practice of Finance, Financial Control and Accountancy in the Global World 11/17/2017 ... and development of scientific research in nearly 100 years old history of our university, emphasized Prof. Stattev. As the most eloquent fact the Rector pointed out that 15 of the Ministers of Finance after 1989 in the 16 Bulgarian governments had been graduated ...
UNWE Presented the First Project for Electronic Student Book 11/15/2017 ... Systems examined the scientific research and the work with partners, patents and useful models. It is digitalized also the entire process related to the education of students on the base of key certificates valid for a year and issued by the UNWE to each lecturer, ...
Model on the Integration and Cooperation of the Balkans – Opportunities and Challenges 11/16/2017 ... and the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Structures Development (ISRCSD) in a partnership with the Student Organization Future World Diplomats at Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO University) organized a Model on the Integration ...
7th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE 2017) 11/6/2017 ... Director of the UNWE Scientific Research Center for Disaster Risk Reduction, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelin Boshnakov, UNWE Secretary General for Science, lecturers and students as well as a large number of international participants from Taiwan, Japan, China, Russia, ...
Round Table Conference on the New Management Models of Intellectual Property 11/2/2017 ... developing scientific research activity and participating in the elaboration of strategic documents but the relation with the business had been lost. As if the business representatives knew about the opportunities for the conduction of specialized training ...
Informational Meeting for Students Exchange between the UNWE and the Tilburg University, Netherlands on the Erasmus+ Programme 10/30/2017 ... facilities for scientific research and cooperation agreements with more than 100 foreign universities as the Cornell University, New York, University of Barcelona, Glasgow University, National University of Singapore, Peking University in Beijing, etc. The ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between the UNWE and ROSATOM 10/27/2017 ... and European educational and research area and it prepares the government, political and business elite of the country for almost one century”, outlined Prof. Stattev. “For us the cooperation with companies approved in their sphere is especially ...
2nd International Conference on the Information Technologies in Disaster Risk Reduction - ITDRR 2017 10/31/2017 ... Director of the UNWE Scientific Research Center for Disaster Risk Reduction, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelin Boshnakov, UNWE Secretary General for Science, Alexander Dzhartov, Director of Critical Infrastructure, Prevention and Control Directorate to the Fire Safety and ...
Training Course for Young Statisticians from Six Countries Was Held by the UNWE and NSI 10/20/2017 ... Center for Statistical Research at UNWE and the National Statistical Institute (NSI) organized a training course for young statisticians from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. It was held in the period 24 September – 6 October and financed ...
UNWE Will Cooperate with MARA University of Technology (UiTM), Malaysia 10/17/2017 ... , Malaysia was signed by the Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev and Prof. Dr. Roshima Said (in the picture below). The document provisions cooperation between both universities in all spheres of educational and scientific research activity. The opportunities for ...
UNWE Will Cooperate with Leading Universities of Indonesia 10/17/2017 ... cover all spheres of educational and scientific research activity and their objective is to achieve mutual educational benefits for the academic staff, students and officials of universities-partners. It was set up the beginning of cooperation in the field of scientific research and implementation of joint ...
The Rector of UNWE Was Awarded the Honorary Sign of the Rector of Sofia University 10/5/2017 ... organized by the Sofia University, UNWE and the Economic Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Science.  Prof. Gerdzhikov (on the left) is awarding Prof. Stattev I am surprised and excited of this recognition, expressed his thankfulness for the distinction Prof. Stattev. He outlined ...
International Conference on Applied Business & Economics (ICABE 2017) 10/6/2017 ... Conference will help to create a network of common research interests, to share different experiences with Europeanization and to identify and discuss the variables that have a decisive influence on the European path of the states, pointed out Prof. Lleana Tache from the Transylvania University of Brasov, ...
Seminar of the Scientific Research Center for Market Analyses and Prognostications 10/5/2017 ... Analysis and Prognostication organized by the Scientific Research Center for Market Analyses and Prognostications. The one day Seminar was led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasil Petkov, Head of the Center and approved lecturer in academic disciplines for the speciality International Economic Relations. Assoc. ...
Lecturers from the UNWE Participated in Two European Forums on Standardisation 10/5/2017 ... academic practices for education in standardisation and research in the field of economic and social impact of international standards of quality management. Future partnerships in the field of standardisation and education in the context of the so called EU Joint Initiative on Standardisation were discussed ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in the International Accreditation Commission of ISCTE - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal 10/5/2017 ... of Political Science and Public Policy and Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology. At the ISCTE-IUL library: Polya Katsamunska (UNWE, Bulgaria), Allan Rosenbaum (Florida International University, USA), Carlos Sa da Costa (Vice-Rector of the ISCTE-IUL), Rachel Emas  (Rutgers University, ...
8th International Conference on The International Entrepreneurship: Trends, Challenges, Achievements 6/27/2017 ... Entrepreneurship (IRE), Prof. David Smallbone, Center for Research of Small Business, Kingston University, London, UK, Ex-President of the International Council of Small Business (ICSB), Prof. Simon Bridge, consultant, Director of several Non-Governmental Sector Organizations, guest-professor at the Ulster ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Participated in An International Conference at The Georgetown University, Washington 6/27/2017 ... University, Washington, USA and the Laboratory for Research of Management (LAREQUOI) of the University Paris- Versailles, France. During the Conference were discussed the various dimensions and impacts of the responsibility of organizations – companies, institutions, governments, etc., having in mind ...
Multivariate Time Series Analysis – Seminar for Doctoral Students 6/15/2017 ... Department and the Center for Monetary and Economic Research Assoc. Prof. Amine Lahiani from the LEO – University of Orleans, France carried out a half-day Seminar for Doctoral students from the UNWE. The topic for the Seminar was Multivariate Time Series Analysis.   Assoc. Prof. ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between The UNWE and BCCI 6/8/2017 ... , Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladya Borisova, Head of the Creative Industries and Intellectual Property Department, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Director of the Center for Computer Innovative Systems, Krasimir Dimitrov, Director of the Legal ...
Lecture of Professor from The University of Prishtina to Students of The Business Faculty 5/18/2017 ... information as well as about the role of scientific research for the expedient and effective solutions at managerial level ...
Business Master Class on Me, Inc.: Practical Ideas for The Personal Brand Management 5/12/2017 ... Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radko Radev, Director of the Scientific Research Center for Business Competencies Development: Innovations and Competitiveness (U2B) at the opening of the Business Master Class on Me, Inc.: Practical Ideas for the Personal Brand Management organized by the UniCredit Bulbank and U2B. The lecturer at ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between The UNWE and The State E-Government Agency 5/11/2017 ... partner in the implementation of surveys and scientific research in the field of e-government and its realization, will support the good public management, joint trainings, competitions, will provide better career opportunities of the UNWE students, joint application in projects and programmes, presentation of ...
6th Scientific Conference for Undergraduates and Doctoral Students on The Multiform of Tourism in The Scientific Knowledge 5/10/2017 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Dean of the Economics of Infrastructure Faculty, Prof. Dr. Todorka Toncheva, Head of the Economics of Tourism Department, Prof. Dr. Tanya Parusheva, Scientific Secretary of the Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. ...
Lecture on The Health Policy and Health Management – Challenges of The Reform 5/10/2017 ... appointment at the Macroeconomic Section of the Economic Research Institute to the Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS), etc. Prof. Delcheva is presenting the lecturer In his presentation the lecturer outlined three major topics: theoretical formulations of health policy and management, health as ...
First Meeting between The Rectors Managing Body and The New Student Council 5/4/2017 ... . Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Director of the Center for Computer Innovative Systems Nikolay Bakardzhiev, Assistant Rector The students asked some actual questions related to the academic process, ...
Public Lecture on The Irreversible Path to Euro Fracture 4/28/2017 ... organized by the Finance Department and the Scientific Research Center for Monetary and Economic Research was held in the Scientific Councils Hall of the university. The guest-lecturers who spoke to students and lecturers were Gordon Kerr, member of the consultant company Cobden Partners in London, expert in ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and GfK Bulgaria, Market Research Institute 4/27/2017 ... of Cooperation between the UNWE and GfK Bulgaria, Market Research Institute, respectively the Statistics and Econometrics Department signed by the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev and the Manager of GfK Bulgaria Svetoslav Slavov (in the picture below). Prof. Stattev and Mr. ...
Round Table Conference on The Development of Sustainable Business Models of Publishing in The Internet 4/26/2017 ... Managing Board of the Bulgarian Association for Regional Research, Dr. Yuliana Tomova, publisher and Counselor to the Prime Minister Political Office, Stanimir Vaglenov, Director of Online Projects Directorate at Media Group Bulgaria Holding, Lyubomira Nikolova, Chief of Sales Division at Focus Information Agency ...
Seminar on The Development of Ideas and Institutions of Social Credit in Bulgaria and Europe since The XIX Century to The Second World War 4/25/2017 ... Seminar organized by the Scientific Research Center for Monetary and Economic Research and the Finance Department of UNWE. The Seminar was held in the Scientific Council Hall and it was attended by lots of lecturers, undergraduates and Doctoral students. In the ...
Conference Proceedings 2016 7/8/2018 ... ‘Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment – Building Bridges’ held in June 2016 have been published. The conference strengthened and developed further the established tradition of high professional level and excellent ...
Public Lecture by H. E. Mikola Baltaji, Ambassador of Ukraine to Bulgaria 4/10/2017 ... by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) and it was the consecutive visit of a special guest at the university. H. E. Mikola Baltaji In the Ceremonial Hall H. E. Baltaji spoke to students on the European Way of Development ...
6th Student Round Table Conference on The Conceptual Structure – Essence and Development Perspectives 4/3/2017 ... objective of the Forum was to research the content page and conceptual framework evolution during the period 1989 – 2015 as well as to find out the problem fields. Students from the university stream 111 In their presentation the fourth year ...
Professor from The UNWE IS The First Holder of Prof. Tsany Kalyandzhiev Award 3/28/2017 ... high achievements as lecturer and researcher in the field of economics, technology and commercial articles science”. Prof. Plamen Iliev, Rector of the Economic University, Varna is awarding Prof. Hristo Kozhuharov (on the left) Prof. ...
Information Meeting about The Students Exchange between The UNWE and Tilburg University, Netherlands on The Erasmus+ Programme 3/24/2017 ... excellent facilities for scientific research and cooperation agreements with more than 100 foreign universities as the Cornell University, New York, University of Barcelona, Glasgow University, National University of Singapore, Peking University in Beijing, etc. The Faculty ...
The Government Resolved The Opening of Three Institutes at The UNWE 3/28/2017 ... to the optimization of scientific research activity at the university. Long-term scientific research will be implemented in it as well as an expert and consultant work on projects and programmes of regional, national and international importance. The major objectives is to ...
The World Famous Economists Prof. Gregory Mankiw Was Awarded A Distinction by The Rector of UNWE 3/22/2017 ... Department of Harvard University. His research interest is in the field of fiscal policy and economic growth. Since 2003 to 2005 Prof. Mankiw has been a Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) to the President of the USA. Since 2007 he has annually written an ...
Innovative Doctoral Practice at The Economic Sociology Department 3/22/2017 ... tradition in the joint scientific research work with Doctoral students, creative climate and responsible attitude to young people. Now at the Department study nine Doctoral students, four of them are in the process of completion of their dissertation work and ...
Representatives of Seven Chinese Universities Visited The UNWE 3/20/2017 ... lecturers, participation in joint research projects, opening of joint Master`s degree programmes, etc. They declared their desire to provide full scholarships for students from the UNWE to study in Master`s degree and Doctoral degree programmes in China in the ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between The UNWE and The Bulgarian Credit Rating Agency (BCRA) 3/16/2017 ... , organization of joint empirical research, etc. It is provisioned in the Memorandum between the UNWE and the Bulgarian Credit Rating Agency (BCRA) signed by the Rector Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev and Hristo Mihaylovsky, Executive Director of the Agency ...
International Students Day at The UNWE 3/16/2017 ... by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) and the Student Council. The event took place in the Small Conference Hall.  During the event The Chairman of IRRSA Ilian Krumov greeted the international students and ...
Researchers from The UNWE Are Presented in The Bulletin of Euromod International Project 3/15/2017 ... of researchers among which are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelin Boshnakov, UNWE Secretary General for Science and lecturer at the Statistics and Econometrics Department and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Tosheva, Director of the University Center for Students and ...
Round Table Conference on The Public Media and Public Finance, The Case of BNR and Musicautor Association 3/8/2017 ... organized by the Center for Media Research and Audiovisual Policy and the Media and Public Communications Department took part representatives of the academic circles, BNR, BNT, Electronic Media Council, Krastyo Sarafov National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts ...
Professor from The UNWE Participated in An International Meeting in Barcelona 3/6/2017 ... European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Rumen Gechev took part in the mid-term evaluation for the implementation of international research project entitled International Network for Comparative Analyses of Social Inequalities. In the project ...
Public Lecture of Japanese Professor and Opportunities for Cooperation between The UNWE and Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo 2/27/2017 ... . Kanda outlined the results of his research for the sustainable development of the traditional Japanese companies established more than 100 years ago – in 16th and 17th century. He emphasized that the social interactions management and human resources management had built ...
Meeting-Conversation on The Block-Chain 2/28/2017 ... Development (IUCCD) and the Scientific Research Center for Good Management Practices (SRCGMP). At the meeting attended the Directors of both Centers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yordan Bliznakov and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova. Moderator for the event was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angel Marchev ...
Public Lecture by H. E. Eric Lebedel, Ambassador of France to Bulgaria 2/22/2017 ... organized by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) attended Assoc. Prof. Dr. Igor Damyanov, Dean of the International Economics and Politics Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrey Georgiev, Head of the International Relations Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen ...
Annual Assembly of The Center for Economic Historical Research 2/17/2017 ... of the Center for Economic Historical Research (CEHR) whose founders and major members are the lecturers from the Economic History Section at Political Economy Department of UNWE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lilyana Veleva, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pencho Penchev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeny Kostov, Assoc. ...
First Initiative after The Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and Cleantech Bulgaria Foundation 2/7/2017 ... work with European partners for developing research scientific, innovative and educational projects; support for developing talents through international exchange, accelerating programmes and trainings for the students of UNWE; strengthening the international exchange of good teaching ...
UNWE Is A Participant in A Prestigious Consortium for Implementation of Scientific Research Project on The EU Programme Horizon 2020 1/31/2017 ... is led by Wageningen University & Research. In total, the consortium includes 16 partners (13 countries) and has a strong transdisciplinary approach with active roles for e.g. upstream and downstream value chain actors and insurance companies. Contact: [email protected] ...
Doctorate Defence by Greek Doctoral Student Educated on The UNWE Programme in The English Language 1/31/2017 ... and Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity. In Scientific Councils Hall The Supervisor of Antonia Delistavrou and Chairman of the jury for awarding the Educational and Scientific Degree of Doctor was Prof. Dr. Hristo Katrandzhiev, Vice Dean of the Management ...
Bulgarian Chinese Center for Scientific Research Programmes and Students Exchange Starts Working at The UNWE 1/24/2017 ... 17 January the Bulgarian Chinese Center for Scientific Research Programmes and Students Exchange was officially opened at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) – the third largest university in China. The Center is a joint initiative of Dimitar Abadjiev, until recently Consulate General of the ...
Students of International Relations Speciality Commented The Inauguration of President Trump at Live TV Broadcasting 1/24/2017 ... all of them members of the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA), shared their opinion and impressions of their stay in the USA during the presidential campaign. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Ralchev with the students Georgy Valev, Borislav Velikov, Ilian Krumov and ...
International Seminar on The Solidarity Principle As A Basic Principle of The EU Law 1/10/2017 ... network for the EU Consumer and Contract Law research. Italian ...
UNWE General Assembly Gave Positive Assessment for The Activity of The Rectors Managing Body 12/22/2016 ... values and quality of educational and scientific research activity. That`s why despite the dynamic social and economic environment and despite the challenges the UNWE continue being an authoritative educational and scientific research institution respected and appreciated by the state institutions, ...
UNWE and NSI Implemented The First Educational Course on The Introduction in The Statistical Research Theory and Organization 12/20/2016 ... course on the Introduction in the Statistical Research Theory and Organization. In the course took part 12 young statisticians from the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan who studied the statistical research held in our country in the field of demographical, macro ...
Training for Authors of Publications in The Indexed Issues 12/15/2016 ... for publishing in the UNWE Yearbook and UNWE Research Papers were commented during the training for authors of publications in the indexed issues which was held at the university. During the training in the Large Conference Hall It is not necessary to make you sure of the ...
Round Table Conference on The Municipal Security – Challenge of Time 12/14/2016 ... our Department for several years we do research in the field of municipal security related to the criminality, security indicators and disaster damage assessment, pointed out the host of the Forum Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Dean of the Economics of Infrastructure Faculty, Director of the ...
Public Lecture by H. E. Alberto Trueba, Ambassador of Argentina to Bulgaria 12/7/2016 ... Vice Rector for the Scientific Research Activity had discussed the opportunities of cooperation between the UNWE and universities in Argentina. Prof. Kozhuharova emphasized on the rich biography of the guest and outlined the important positions he had occupied as ...
Opened Lecture on The Five Roads of Innovations to The Market 12/6/2016 ... , Director of the Scientific Research Center for Business Competencies Development – Innovations and Competitiveness (u2b) and Deputy Head of the Industrial Business Department. In the Large Conference Hall of the ...
Ninth Annual Scientific Session of UNWE 12/5/2016 ... Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, scientists from the Faculties and Departments of UNWE. In the Large Conference Hall Prof. Goev opened the Session as he greeted the participants on behalf of the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty ...
Third International Conference on The Modern Tendencies, Issues and Innovations in The Physical Education and Sport at The Universities 11/29/2016 ... Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Sen. Lect. Dr. Spas Stavrev, Head of the Physical Education and Sport Department, Prof. Alexander Naumovski, Chaiman of the Federation of Sports Pedagogues of the Republic of Macedonia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Markova, Vice ...
Student Scientific Forum on The Regional Development – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 11/23/2016 ... the assistance of the Center for Regional Research and the Regional Development Department was held in the Small Conference Hall of UNWE. Presenters of the Forum were Slavena Nikolova and Borislav Vasev, students in their fourth year, speciality Regional Development. At the event ...
12th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 11/14/2016 ... potential having new skills of prepared researchers and specialists, we will create a good partnership and joint achievements, pointed out the Dean. Participants in the Forum It`s a special feeling of being related to the genesis of the event, outlined Prof. ...
Training of Students from The UNWE for Volunteers 11/15/2016 ... . Maria Stoyanova, Vice Dean in Scientific Research Activity of the General Economics Faculty and lecturer at the Economic Sociology Department. She reminded that in 2013 the tradition of volunteering was restored at the UNWE and was established the Student Association of Volunteers ...
Associate Professor from The UNWE Was A Guest-Lecturer at The University Paris - Versailles 11/8/2016 ... theses of more than 50 young researchers are managed by the Laboratory and annually about 10 Doctoral dissertations are defended. The Laboratory staff consists of about 90 lecturers and researchers as from France as well as from other universities in Europe, North ...
Scientific Conference on The Enhancement of Interest in Political Sciences at The UNWE 11/7/2016 ... evidence for the important academic and research work of the Department and that the UNWE is the leading university in the field of political sciences. A greeting address was also read by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Blaga Blagoeva, Head of the Political Sciences Department. Dr. Boyko ...
Round Table Conference on The New Road of Silk and The Black Sea Region – Risks and Opportunities 11/8/2016 ... report and presented the results of three years research implemented jointly with Dr. Yoneva. As a motive for the research the lecturer pointed out a message in the media about a train carrying Chinese goods which had passed the destination Shanghai-Hamburg for a record short time. “It was ...
Memorandum of Cooperation between The UNWE and UniCredit Bulbank 11/2/2016 ... also the organization of joint empirical research, preparation of expert appraisals, participation of bank officials in the academic and scientific research process of the Industrial Business Department, etc. The cooperation will encourage also the joint application on projects and ...
The UNWE Will Cooperate with The Shanghai Jiao Tong University 10/26/2016 ... universities having a popular scientific research profile and large number of specialities in the field of social and nature sciences. It is among the best ten universities in the ranking of Times Higher Education for 2016. Every year the University organizes 15 Summer Schools whose ...
Jubilee Celebration of The Logistics Department and International Conference on The Logistics in The Changing World 10/19/2016 ... Department and Director of the Scientific Research Center for Logistic Studies and Education, the Rectors Managing Body, Heads of Faculties and Departments, representatives of the business and universities from our country. The 10th International Scientific Conference on the Logistics ...
Prof. Paul Sracic about The Presidential Elections in The USA 2016 10/18/2016 ... organized by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) in a partnership with the USA Embassy Youth Council. During the public lecture in the Ceremonial Hall Ilian Krumov, Chairman of IRRSA, opened the meeting and presented the guest. Prof. ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and The Defence Institute “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” 10/17/2016 ... academic programmes and in the scientific research in the field of security and defence, implementation of educational exchange of good practices, preparation of statements and surveys, organization of visits and academic internship for students form out university at the Institute, ...
Lecturers from The UNWE Participated in The First Scientific Conference in Economic History in Bulgaria 10/11/2016 ... by the Center for Economic and Historical Research (CEHR) established a year ago by the lecturers from the Economic History Section to the Political Economy Department of UNWE, Economic University of Varna and D. Tsenov Economic Academy of Svishtov. The topic of the Conference was: ...
Framework Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria - KRIB 10/12/2016 ... the university, the Director of Scientific Research Center for Good Management Practices Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova and Evgenii Ivanov, Executive Director and member of the KRIB Managing Board. Prof. Stattev (on the left) and Mr. Domuschiev after the signing of ...
Round Table Conference on The Education in The Field of International Business and International Economic Relations in A Partnership with The Business in the Context of Digital Revolution 10/6/2016 ... Index (GCI): cooperation in the field of research and developing activity’ - according to it Bulgaria has occupied 74th place from 138 countries being at 112th place during the last year. About the future demands of specialists in 2020 she outlined the tendency of increasing the ...
The Rector Presented The UNWE International Master`s Degree Programme in Nuclear Security at The IAEA General Conference 10/4/2016 ... Europe to be a leader in the education and research in this field”, declared the Rector. He pointed out that 19 candidates had already submitted their documents for education in the Master`s Degree Programme for the academic year 2016 / 2017. The Rector expressed his thankfulness to ...
Information Day for Presentation of the National Competition on The Project Technostart 2 9/29/2016 ... and four of them – in the sphere of scientific research and development activity. There were opened 28 positions for a job – 19 of them as self-employed persons and 9 – newly employed ones. ...
The 96th Academic Year Was Solemnly Opened 9/21/2016 ... improvement of social skills. “The World Bank research for Bulgaria indicates explicitly that in our country people having higher education have better skills which provide them better positions at the labour market, higher income, more stable employment and higher chances for career growth and ...
Lecturers from The UNWE Participated in The Creation of Research Network in The Comparative History of Economic Thought 9/20/2016 ... the methods and opportunities to profound the research in Comparative History of Economic Thought. They had the objective to avoid the extreme focusing on West Europe in the scientific research. Participants in the Conference During the Conference the participants decided to be ...
Euroatom Information Day 9/26/2016 ... European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euroatom) Research and Training Programme (2014-2018) in addition to the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020. The major report was delivered by Mr. Roberto Passalacqua, representative of the European Commission, Directorate-General for ...
New Opportunities of Cooperation between The UNWE and National University “Odessa Academy of Law” 9/28/2016 ... conferences and seminars, elaboration of scientific research in priority fields for both parties, publication of scientific paper collections, exchange of scientific information, scientific literature and periodical editions, etc. The Academy building -  an inheritor of Richelieu Lyceum ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Participated in The Business & Economics Society International Conference 8/2/2016 ... Lancashire (UClan) in Cyprus, Greece and Senior Researcher at the University of Macedonia; Prof. Aristeidis Samitas from the University of Aegean in Chios, Greece; Prof. Ho-Don Yan from the Feng Chia University in Taichung, Taiwan, etc.   Assoc. Prof. Silvia Trifonova (on the ...
Students from The UNWE Participated in The Press Conference of Prosecutor`s Office of The Republic of Bulgaria 7/18/2016 ... Republic of Bulgaria to present the results of their research related to the frauds by the phone as a crime. The Press Conference was held in the Conference Hall of Sofia Court House. At the event attended Prosecutor Rumyana Arnaudova, speaker of the Prosecutor General, Prosecutor Sava Petrov, Head of the ...
The Honorary Title for Research Activity Was Awarded to A Lecturer from The UNWE by American University 7/15/2016 ... obtained an international recognition for her research activity at the Florida International University, USA. She was awarded the Honorary title for research activity Distinguished Senior Research Scholar by the American university at the proposal of the Director of the Institute of Public ...
Seventh International Conference 'Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment - Building Bridges', 8 - 10 June 2016, Pomorie 7/10/2016 ... Conference on ‘Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment – Building Bridges’ (one of the sixth in the world recommended by the International Council for Small Business (ICSB). The conference was held from 8 to 10 June 2016 in the town of Pomorie (Via ...
European Review of International Studies (ERIS) Published A Research Done by The Lecturers from The UNWE 7/14/2016 ... European Review of International Studies (ERIS) their research on the International Cooperation in Early Warning and Conflict Prevention Global v Regional Approaches – UN and EU Models. The research studies the international co-operation models and approaches to preventive policies at ...
The UNWE and The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Discussed The Opportunities of Joint Cooperation 7/8/2016 ... , Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stela Raleva, Vice Rector for Education in the EQD of Master and Distance Learning, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milanka Slavova, Vice Rector for Education in the EQD of Bachelor and Lifelong Learning, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paskal ...
The Rector Took Part in The Celebration of The 136th Anniversary of NSI 6/30/2016 ... of NSI as well as in the joint implementation of research activity for solving particular tasks of statistical theory and practice. NSI has at its disposal a huge amount of information which our academic professionals analyze as at macro as also at micro level, pointed out the Rector. The framework ...
International Conference on The Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment – Building Bridges 7/1/2016 ... Conference on the Entrepreneurship Teaching, Research and Practice in Global Environment – Building Bridges (one of six in the world recommended by the International Council for Small Business). Opening of the Conference: Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Kiril Todorov is greeting the ...
Open Doors Day for Joint Master`s Degree Programme in European Business and Finance between The UNWE and Nottingham Trent University 5/17/2016 ... - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jivko Draganov, Research Methods of International Business and Teams Forming – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boneva, Modern Problems of European Managerial Accountancy – Chief Assist. Dr. Mihail Musov, Business English Language – Sen. Lect ...
Assoc. Prof. Bozhana Nedelcheva Was Awarded for Her Contribution to The Intellectual Property Development 5/16/2016 ... groups, creation of scientific research and formation of real practice in the field of intellectual property ...
Public Lecture by Prof. Jean-Paul Guichard on The Relations between China and The Rest of The World 5/14/2016 ... Center for Monetary and Economic Research. In the Small Conference Hall during the public lecture Prof. Guishar spoke about the main principles of mercantilism and shared his theory about the two types of countries: mercantile and non-mercantile ...
Third Scientific Students Conference on Economic Policy 5/14/2016 ... into a serious Forum of your research in the field of economic policy, pointed out Assoc. Prof. Raleva. It is your first step in the science. We, the lecturers are called upon to help you in finding your economic realities and perspectives of economic policy, ...
Students from The UNWE Participated in A Research Made by The Supreme Prosecutor`s Office of Cassation 5/12/2016 ... of UNWE took active part in a research made by the Analytical Division at the Supreme Prosecutor`s Office of Cassation. The research was devoted to crimes as telephone frauds. It was assigned by the Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Bulgaria ...
The First Doctoral Student with Disabilities in The 96 Years Old History of UNWE Became A Doctor in Sociology 5/12/2016 ... , to the Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev and to the Vice Rector for Education in EQD of Master and Distance Learning Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stela Raleva – thank you for your confidence and faith in miracles that incited me to the ...
Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and Investor.BG Was Concluded 5/11/2016 ... as well as joint educational, research and practically applied projects. Both parties will cooperate in the organization of joint scientific events such as public lectures, youth seminars as well as the traditional annual International Scientific Conference of ...
Round-Table Conference on The Vision and Strategy of The Intelligent Transport Systems Development in Bulgaria 4/22/2016 ... Agency, from the scientific research circles of UNWE, Technical University, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Higher School of Telecommunications and Posts, Bulgarian Academy of Science, etc. as well as representatives of various ...
The First Doctoral Thesis in Economic History in Bulgaria 4/22/2016 ... Economic Theory in the Historical Research of Economy is devoted to the solution of methodological issue – the relations and especially the impact of economic theory on the economic history. Assoc. Prof. Pencho Penchev (on the right) and Assoc. Prof. ...
Public Lecture by Prof. Ken O`Neill, Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 4/20/2016 ... also commented on the research focused on the small firms providing lots of workplaces and assisting to reduce the unemployment. The results have led to the entrepreneurial community and culture development and then comes up the universities role as a ...
Official Assembly of The Law Faculty on The Occasion of Its 25th Anniversary 4/19/2016 ... and honest lecturers and researchers filled with love to students and university. Prof. Stattev expressed his deep respect and gratitude to their work. he Rector is greeting the lecturers and alumni of the Law Faculty. “Today as ...
Public Lecture by The Japanese Ambassador to Bulgaria H.E. Takashi Koizumi 4/14/2016 ... the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA). It was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Igor Damyanov, Dean of the International Economics and Policy Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Ralchev, Deputy Head of the International Relations ...
Students Round-Table Conference on the New Accountancy Act – Content Aspects and Problem Issues 4/12/2016 ... Forum objective is to research the content aspects in the new Accountancy Act and to feature the problems of its application. The elaboration of the new legal document was a result of the necessity of transposition of Directive 2013/34/EU regulations ...
Presentational-Training Seminar of The Thomson Reuters and The UNWE Library 3/28/2016 ... for assessment of scientific research activity. Thomson Reuters is the founder of the concept for index of quotes – impact factor. Databases in the InCites product of Thomson Reuters are normal, averaged and enable analyses and comparison between the ...
Presentational-Training Seminar of The Thomson Reuters and The UNWE Library 3/28/2016 ... for assessment of scientific research activity. The Thomson Reuters is founder of the concept for index of quotes – impact factor. Databases in the InCites product of Thomson Reuters are normal, averaged and enable analyses and comparison between the ...
Students Seminar on The Mobility and Cooperation with The German Universities and German Academic Area 3/28/2016 ... Ministry of Science and Research, Switzerland through its Embassy in Sofia, etc. In her presentation Vanya Tsolova who has graduated International Economic Relations at our university gave information about the education, requirements of admission, ...
Representatives of UNWE Visited The Norwegian University Agder on The Mobility Programme in EEA 3/21/2016 ... visit was the good practices research and exchange of experience with the University of Agder in the field of innovative SMEs, investment and innovations in the innovative SMEs, competitiveness of SMEs and management information systems ...
UNWE Was The Host of Seminar of The National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation 3/11/2016 ... transparency of academic and research activity of the autonomous higher education institutions.   During the Seminar in the Large Conference Hall On behalf of the Rectors Council in Bulgaria its Deputy Chairman Prof. Stattev ...
Presentation of The Book European Economy by Prof. Dimitar Hadzhinikolov 3/9/2016 ... the modern aspects of the research published in the heat of the preparation for the six months presidency of Bulgaria in the EU Council (July – December 2018). Assoc. Prof. Slavova outlined also the role of the education in European issues for the ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Visited The University of Liechtenstein on The Project for Good Practices Exchange 2/26/2016 ... the academic and scientific research activity of UNWE, achievements in the work with students having specific needs and disadvantaged students. It was implemented an exchange of good practices in English language teaching for special purposes to students in ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Took Part in The UN International Conference in Geneva 2/15/2016 ... focusing the attention and research activity of the world IT community on the issues of disaster risk reduction; provision of additional opportunities for IFIP members to work with the specialized world organizations as UN, UNISDR, ICSU, ITU and ISCRAM; ...
Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev Was Re-Elected As Rector of UNWE 12/17/2015 ... success in the academic and research work as well as for the personal success, this peaceful atmosphere will be saved at our university. Good luck to all of us!”, wished Prof. Borislav Borisov ...
The UNWE General Assembly Gave High Assessment of The Rector and Rectors Managing Body for The Past Electoral Term 12/18/2015 ... our academic and scientific-research activity, over our financial stability, optimal functioning and management of UNWE, explicitly said the Rector. The Rector is speaking about the UNWE activity during the past electoral term. The ...
Graduation Ceremony 2015 12/17/2015 ... Goev, Deputy Rector for Research of the University of National and World Economy, HE Mr. Temirtay Izbastin, Head of the Diplomatic Mission of Kazakhstan in Bulgaria, Eng. Iliya Keleshev, Chairman of the Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Machine Building, Ms. ...
Prof. Saikova Was Awarded The Honorary Sign of The Rector 12/11/2015 ... the lecturing and scientific research activity, loyalty to the academic traditions and on the occasion of her 85 anniversary” (in the picture below). It`s a high honour for me on behalf of the Academic Managing Body of the University of ...
Scientific Conference on The Supremacy of Law – Prerequisite to Business Development and Economic Growth – in Memory of Prof. Dr. Boris Landzhev 12/12/2015 ... Growth – Scientific Researches in Memory of Prof. Dr. Boris Landzhev. At the opening of the Forum attended Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of the university, Prof. Hans Ankum, Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jivko Draganov, ...
National Conference on The Intellectual Property Policy for Universities and Innovations 12/9/2015 ... , Vice Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Evgeny Sesitskii from the Department for Transition and Developed Countries of WIPO in Geneva, Vlatka Petrovic, Director of the Center for Research, Development and Technology Transfer at University of Zagreb, ...
Collective Monography in The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Top Ten over The Last 60 Days 11/23/2015 ... in the world Social Science Research Network (SSRN). In the monography are examined the following thematic fields: Accounting Educator: Courses, Cases & Teaching eJournal Top Ten; Continental Philosophy eJournal Top Ten and Phenomenology (Topic) Top ...
The Largest Professional Accounting Organization Recognized The Examinations of Students from The Finance and Accountancy Faculty 11/23/2015 ... of UNWE priority fields for Scientific Research Activity and in compliance with the UNWE plans for 2011-2015 confirmed by the Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev the Finance and Accountancy Faculty elaborated a project during the last three years jointly with the ICAEW ...
5th International Conference on The Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education 11/18/2015 ... Forum – a guarantee for important research achievements and creation of serious and competent scientific community. Prof. Pavlova outlined also the results of the two Conferences annually held by the Faculty in the dynamic fields of applied informatics and statistics and ...
First International Scientific Conference on The Monetary Policies in The Balkan Region, The Future of The Euro and Eurozone in The Balkans 10/16/2015 ... The two days Forum was organized by the Research and Training Center for Monetary History, Theory and Policy at UNWE. The event was financed by the UNWE project (R&S Activity -12 / 2015). At the opening of the Conference attended the Rector Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, ...
40th Anniversary of The International Economics and Politics Faculty 10/6/2015 ... Goev, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research Activity, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Danail Danailov, Rector of UNWE since 1980 to 1987, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Lilia Karakasheva, the first Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Georgy Genov, Dean of the International Economics and Politics Faculty, ...
International Seminar on Human Resources Development in the Field of Nuclear Security 2/10/2023 ... the IAEA and the UNWE for education and research in the field of nuclear security had been signed with the IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano. ”As a result of the agreement we have developed a Master's degree programme in Economics of Defence and Security with specialisation ...
UNWE Master's Degree Programme Was Presented in Vienna 2/10/2023 ... international network of universities, research and other organizations involved in nuclear security training and education. The network now includes 141 institutions and organizations from 50 countries. UNWE was accepted as a member of INSEN in June 2014 when the Cooperation ...
Representatives of The Real Estate Property Department Visited The Institute of Technology in Kavala 7/24/2015 ... in the elaboration of joint scientific research projects. Prof. Yordanka Yovkova confirmed the readiness of Bulgarian university for a partnership. During the meeting Our lecturers also met with the Heads of Departments and colleagues from the School of ...
Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev Met with The Director of Jean Monnet EU Programme 7/24/2015 ... and Business Administration, European Research Studies and International Journal of Maritime, Trade& Economic Issues. During the meeting in Rector`s office attended Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emil Harsev from the Finance Department and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvia Trifonova, Chairwoman of ...
XXIV BETA Conference Was Held at The University 6/16/2015 ... Collaborative Practices in Teaching and Researching Language for Specific Purposes. At the opening of the event attended Prof. Dr. Ognyan Simeonov, First Vice Rector and Vice Rector on Education in the EQD of Bachelor, Prof. Dr. Georgy Genov, Dean of the International Economics ...
Alliance for YOUth in Support of Youth Employment 6/10/2015 ... the event was also presented the research carried out by the company Nielsen among 635 business managers and specialists in Human Resources from 70 partners of Alliance for YOUth in 22 European countries. According to the data 66% of respondents had declared that the ...
Academic Celebrations Devoted to The 95th Anniversary of UNWE 5/27/2015 ... as a leading educational and scientific research institution always the first among its academic counterparts”. Prof. Stattev commensurate all that had been achieved with many fortunes, efforts, labour, intellectual work, dreams, emotions, ups and difficulties, with a lot of ...
Roundtable Conference on The Issues of Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development and Disclosure of Non-Financial Information 5/18/2015 ... was focused on the presentation and research of those issues by the research team of the International Economic Relations and Business Department and the Corporate Governance Forum. During the Forum Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Stoychev, Head of the ...
Scientific Conference on The Cooperation and Conflicts in The De-Globalizing World: between The Renovated Order and The Consecutive “Return to The Future” 4/30/2015 ... event was organized by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA), International Relations Department and by the support of the Students Council. In the Conference took part students and Doctoral students from the UNWE, St. Climent Ohridski University of Sofia, Neofit Rilski South ...
Lecturer from the UNWE Managed An International Scientific Conference in Rome 4/27/2015 ... Conference was further development of scientific research activity in such perspective fields of information technologies as the cloud technologies, large data, mobile calculations, etc. Not less important was also the topic about the promotion of exchanging ideas, experience and information ...
Public Lecture on The Health, Financial, Economic and Managerial Aspects of Bulgarian Healthcare 4/24/2015 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector in Scientific Research Activity, Georgy Chernev, Chairman of SCCI, Chief Assist. Dr. Nikolay Vankov from the Marketing and Strategic Planning Department and moderator of the Forum as well as lecturers, representatives of the business and students.   Prof. Dr ...
Lecturer from The UNWE - Participant in A Scientific Event Was Nominated in Sri Lanka 3/24/2015 ... Sri Lanka was held the International Conference on Research Publication and Networking (ICRPN 2015) organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Sri Lanka. In it took part Prof. Dr. Dimitar Velev from the Information Technologies and Communications Department ...
The Rector Presented at The IAEA The Master`s Degree Programme in Nuclear Security 3/9/2015 ... is an international network of universities, research and other organization that are currently involved in the training and education in nuclear security. At the moment members of INSEN are 122 organizations from 46 countries. The UNWE is adopted as a member of INSEN in June 2014 when it was ...
Prof. Stattev Discussed New Opportunities for Expanding The Activity of The International Scientific Educational Center in Vienna 3/9/2015 ... by working on joint educational and scientific research projects in the field of lifelong learning, educational franchise and moving education. Dr. Stieger expressed his full support to the implementation of those ideas. The International Scientific Educational Center was established in the ...
The UNWE Center Became The First Bulgarian Institution in The OSCE Academic Network 1/23/2015 ... Center for Strategic Research in Defence and Security (CSRDS) at National and Regional Security Department of UNWE has successfully joined the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions. The CSRDS is the first Bulgarian institution included in the Academic Network of the Organization for ...
Our Lecturer Is Elected As A Member of A Higher Educational Institution in Greece and Member of International Scientific Jury 1/23/2015 ... .), experimental psychology (including empirical research), educational psychology, consultative psychology, economic sociology, human resources management.  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Donka Nikova Assoc. Prof. Donka Nikova is elected also as an external member of the Technological ...
Graduates from the Entrepreneurship Department on The Brink of Successful Career 12/23/2014 ... . Valentin Goev, Vice Rector on Scientific Research Activity reminded to the Bachelors of Science that they had to continue their education in Master`s degree and invited the Masters of Science to apply for a Doctoral degree. Prof. Goev is awarding the Diploma to a graduate girl ...
Graduation Ceremony of the fourth class of Bachelor of Entrepreneurship 12/10/2015 ... Todorov presents the published in USA Handbook of Research on Strategic Management in Small and Medium Enterprises, with the participation of 40 (co-) authors from 18 countries, incl. from the Chair of Entrepreneurship at the University of National and World Economy. The Rector awards diploma ...
Closing Conference on The Project BG051PO001–3.1.08-0031 – Elaboration and Implementation of A System of Key Indicators and Process-Based Management of UNWE 12/17/2014 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector on Scientific Research Activity, Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Vice Rector on Electronic Organization and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Venelin Boshnakov, Head of the project. At the opening of the Conference. From the left to the right: Prof. Valentin ...
An Intellectual Game for The First Year Students Was Organized by The Political Science Department 12/16/2014 ... EGO POLITICO and International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) took part first year students from the subfield of Political Sciences. The intellectual game is traditional and it is organized on the discipline History of Political Ideas, Part I. Prof. Georgy Yankov ...
The Rector Met with The Ambassador of Malta 12/13/2014 ... in the Bulgarian and European educational and research area and acquainted the Ambassador with the structure, mission, vision and international cooperation of UNWE with more than 100 universities in the world. The Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev and H. E. Lino Bianco, ...
Annual Scientific Session of UNWE 12/13/2014 ... which will present the results of our scientific research activity during 2014, outlined at the opening of the Forum the Rector of the university Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev. At the event attended Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of the university, Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice ...
Public Lecture: An Overview of Nuclear Security 2/10/2023 ... Security Department and the Center for Strategic Researches in Defence and Security at UNWE as a preparation for the future international Master`s degree programme in Nuclear Security at the university. During the lecture in the Small Conference Hall Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, ...
Public Lecture: An Overview of Nuclear Security 11/27/2014 ... Security Department and the Center for Strategic Researches in Defence and Security at UNWE as a preparation for the future international Master`s degree programme in Nuclear Security at the university. During the lecture in the Small Conference Hall Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, ...
The French Ambassador H. E. Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes Visited The University 11/14/2014 ... Students Council and the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA). In the beginning of his lecture H. E. Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes explained the term “stability” and made a historical review of the European Union enlargement. He outlined that from the geographic point of view ...
Lecturer from The UNWE Participated in An International Scientific Forum in Switzerland 11/10/2014 ... . The Forum was organized by the Institute of Research Engineers and Doktors – IRED, USA. The major thematic fields in the work of the Conference were four: the progress in the civil and structural development and the environmental protection; the computer technology, electronics and ...
Joint Scientific Research Project between The UNWE and Chinese University 11/10/2014 ... Cooperation 2014-2016 organized by the Scientific Research Fund to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria were successfully ranked 12 projects from the submitted 40 ones in 5 scientific fields. In the priority field of Information and Communication Technologies was rated ...
4th International Conference ICAICTSEE - 2014 10/29/2014 ... progress, innovative approaches and original research results in the application of information and communication technology in the economy and education, pointed out Prof. Dimitar Velev from the Information Technologies and Communications Department, Chairman of the Conference Programme and ...
Round Table Conference on The Prevention and Fight against Human Trafficking 10/22/2014 ... Security Department and the Center for Strategic Researches in Defence and Security at UNWE. The Forum was devoted to the European Anti-Trafficking Day and in it took part Prof. Kamen Petkov, Executive Director of the International Institute of Security and Cooperation, Antoaneta Vasileva, Secretary ...
A Research of UNWE and Ericsson -Bulgaria: Can Technology Improve The Life in Bulgaria 10/21/2014 ... results of the UNWE research implemented by the support of Ericsson-Bulgaria entitled Can Technology Improve the Life in Bulgaria were announced. The research carried out in April-May had the objective to determine the attitudes of young people in Bulgaria about the development of information and ...
International Conference on The Real Estate Property Management 10/20/2014 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector in Scientific Research Activity. He outlined the specifics of the Conference and emphasized on the importance of close interaction between the science and the practice. Only in such collaboration there won`t be any mutual accusations and will be sought after a ...
UNWE Will Cooperate with Greek Universities 10/14/2014 ... International and Security Affairs, Foundation for Research and Education to the Commercial Bank of Greece, etc. Prof. Stattev gave as a present to Prof. Psalidopoulos a crystal cibe having carved in it the monument of Prof. Stephan Bobchev -  founder and first Rector of UNWE ...
9th Conference of the South Eastern Monetary History Network on the Exploring South Eastern Europe in a Historical and Comparative Perspective 10/10/2014 ... would be an exclusively useful contribution to the research of that very relevant and important issue. The Rector also outlined that in the programme had been provisioned the discussion of fundamental issues associated with the global economic crisis and the battle of economic ideas, the trade-off ...
International Conference on The Western Balkans and European Union. Lessons from Past Enlargements, Challenges to Further Integrations 10/9/2014 ... the UNWE; Prof. Veselin Minchev from the Economic Research Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Science; Prof. Nikolay Nenovsky from the University of Amiens, France. In the work of the Conference participated a lot of scientists from leading universities in France, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, ...
A Public Lecture by Prof. Robert Hisrich, World Authority in The Field of Entrepreneurship 10/8/2014 ... are practically prepared for everything: from the research of enterprises and companies to the strategies, the creation of partnership relations and conclusion of agreements, outlined Prof. Hisrich. For the implementation of these objectives the education in Thunderbird School of Global Management is ...
International Scientific Conference on The Membership of Bulgaria in The European Union – Seven Years Later 10/6/2014 ... . Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector in Scientific Research Activity greeted the participants in the Conference on behalf of the Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev. He emphasized on the importance of the topic, the wide academic presence at the Forum and the participation of Doctoral students ...
A Holland Professor Spoke to Students on The Global Marketing 10/7/2014 ... Negotiations and Conflict Management as well as in Research Methods and Intercultural Management at the Holland University and he is also Honorary Professor of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover, Germany. Prof. Borggreve spoke to numerous student audience from the specialities ...
Joint Master`s Degree Programme in European Business and Finance between the UNWE and Nottingham Trent University – United Kingdom 10/1/2014 ... the Master thesis is related to a particular research issue. Results of Education in the Joint Master`s Degree Programme   in European Business and Finance  between the UNWE and Nottingham Trent University In the Joint Master`s Degree Programme in European Business ...
Joint Master`s Degree Programme in Economics of Tourism and Free Time between the UNWE and Universite du Littoral Cote d’Opale, France 10/1/2014 ... legal environment, knowledge for states and research of the countries, territories and tourist system, the e-commerce of the tourist product. During the second semester students have the opportunity to study disciplines concerning a specific theory of tourism, the free time management, ...
Sixth International Conference on The Entrepreneurial/Managerial Innovative Strategies and Behaviour in Global Multicultural Environment 9/23/2014 ... countries in the work were involved young researchers from Argentina and Brazil. Students from the UNWE, members of the Club of Young and Innovative Entrepreneur In the Round Table Conference devoted to the relations between the universities and practical world ...
The New Academic Year Was Officially Opened 9/18/2014 ... a long standing university lecturer, eminent researcher, authoritative constitutionalist and prominent representative of the Bulgarian academic community. The Rector is opening the new academic year. Prof. Stattev outlined that the last year was the consecutive successful ...
Leading American Publishing House Printed A Book Edited by Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Kiril Todorov 9/18/2014 ... was printed a Handbook of Research on Strategic Management in Small and Medium Enterprises edited by Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Kiril Todorov, Head of the Entrepreneurship Department at UNWE and Prof. David Smallbone from the Kingston University – UK, Ex-President of the International ...
International Master's Programme in Nuclear Security 2/16/2023 ... than 10 Bulgarian and foreign universities, research institutes, governmental institutions and nuclear facilities. Are you looking for a programme that opens doors for you everywhere from the busy administrative districts of Vienna to high-security locations in France, ...
Cooperation Agreement between the UNWE and the IAEA 2/10/2023 ... between the parties in the field of research and organization of Master's degree programme in Nuclear Security. In the Academic Hall Prof. Stattev pointed out that the UNWE is a leader in the higher education in Bulgaria with the highest assessment by the ...
The Secretary-General of The United Nations World Tourism Organization Became Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 6/5/2014 ... , a Jordanian national born is involved in research, teaching and practicing Architecture and Urban Design in Jordan and the USA. He has been a professor of Architecture at the University of Jordan and taught several courses in Philadelphia, Chicago and Cambridge. He has received his PhD ...
The European Commissioner Laszlo Andor Is The New Doctor Honoris Causa of UNWE 5/14/2014 ... of the Trustees Council to the European Research Foundation (Europe 2002), expert at the Budget and Finance Commission to the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary, adviser at the World Bank on the SAPRI initiative, adviser at the Prime Minister Office of the Republic of Hungary, etc. ...
Conversation on The Russian Image in Bulgaria and The Image of Bulgaria in Russia 4/16/2014 ... the university by the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA) and the Russian Cultural and Information Center. Guest lecturers in the event were Alexander Afanasiev, former official at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denis Maltsev, Senior Research Fellow at the ...
Meeting – Discussion with Zinaida Zlatanova, Vice Premier and Minister of Justice 4/14/2014 ... Product for its judicial system, cited a research Zinaida Zlatanova. It means that we as a society have spent the maximum amount of money for the judiciary, said the Minister and reminded that she had appealed to the members of the Supreme Judicial Court for understanding about the wage ...
UNWE Representative Participated in An International Scientific Jury 4/15/2014 ... left to the right: Javier Galyeg, Head of the research laboratory at the University of Orleans, Prof. Nikolai Nenovski from the Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, Albert Bialufu, Doctoral student at the Universite de Picardie Jules Verne, Prof. Dr. Bogomil Manov from the UNWE and Prof. ...
Our Lecturer Took Part in A Prestigious European Forum 4/15/2014 ... to present the summarized results of his scientific research related to the analysis and management of emergency situations using intelligent mathematical approaches and modern information technologies. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Velev during the Forum The report by Prof. Dr. Dimitar Velev on the ...
The Title of Honorary Professor of UNWE Was Awarded to Ambassador Campagnola 4/17/2014 ... . Diana Indjof, Director of the Center for Psychological Research, Mincho Koralsky, Director Executive of the Disabled People Agency, Vice-Rectors, Deans, lecturers, guests and students. From the right to the left: Dr. Diana Indjof, Ambassador Campagnola, Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev, ...
Public Lecture on The Political Economy and “The Korean Case” 3/31/2014 ... Prof. Bistra Boeva (on the right) Basing on her research Dr. Min Young revealed the key factors to the success of the Korean economy. The rise is based on the long pursued policy of growth driven by the country and attraction of foreign capitals, the so called chaebol - family conglomerates and ...
The French Ambassador to Bulgaria Spoke to Students 4/7/2014 ... The meeting was organized by the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA). On behalf of the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev the guest-lecturer was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Veselka Pavlova, Vice-Rector of the university. She outlined that the event had been organized by the IRRSA ...
Memorandum between The UNWE and St. Petersburg North-West Institute of Management 1/13/2014 ... officials, mutual recognition of student loans, joint research projects, organization of conferences and other academic forums. For a Coordinator of Implementation of the Contract by the UNWE party was appointed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jivko Draganov ...
UNWE General Assembly Assessed Positively The Activity of The Rectors Managing Body 12/20/2013 ... the main achievements in the academic and scientific research activity, academic growth, international cooperation, management of the education quality, computerization, mobility of students, Doctoral students and lecturers, etc. From the left to the right: Prof. Dr. Blagoi Kolev, Academic ...
Scientific Forum on The Present and Future of Strategic Planning 12/16/2013 ... of new ideas and significant events in the scientific research activity. Today`s Forum is the consecutive confirmation of this”, outlined at the opening of the Conference on the Strategic Planning and Programming: Present and Future the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev. At the scientific ...
Annual University Scientific Session 12/13/2013 ... academic research activity of the university was summarized in details by the traditional Annual University Scientific Session which gathered the scientists at the Large Conference Hall. The total number of scientific research project is 82, outlined the results Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector on ...
Agreement of Cooperation between The UNWE and The College of Telecommunications and Post 12/13/2013 ... of students, academic mutual aid, scientific and research activity, activities to attract students and implement projects in the country and abroad is provisioned in the Framework Agreement of Cooperation and Joint Activity between the UNWE and the College of Telecommunications and Post. It was signed by ...
Meeting-Discussion with The Ambassador of Morocco 12/12/2013 ... . At the event organized by the International Relations Research Student Association (IRRSA) attended students and lecturers. H.E. Latifa Aharbash spoke on the Way of Morocco: Evolition, Not Revolution. She examined the economic stability of the North African country and commented on the positive aspects of the ...
International Conference on The Occasion of The 90th Anniversary of The First Student Sports Club in Bulgaria 12/5/2013 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector on Scientific Research Activity, Senior Lecturer Spas Stavrev, Head of the Department, Prof. Dimitar Mihailov, Vice Rector of the National Sports Academy, Alexander Naumovski, Chaiman of the Federation of Sports Pedagogues of the Republic of Macedonia, Assoc. Prof. Zlatko ...
The Organizations Day at The UNWE 11/19/2013 ... of UNWE, AIESEC UNWE, the International Relations Research Student Association - IRRSA, the Organization for Scientific and Practical Development of Students, the Business Club UNWE, the Sociologist Club, Debate Club, the Finance and Accountancy Faculty Alumni Club, the Law Faculty Alumni Club, EGO ...
PROF. DR. BORISLAV BORISOV – HONORARY PROFESSOR FOR THE THIRD TIME / DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA OF FOREIGN UNIVERSITY 11/27/2013 ... recognized merits in the development of education, research and business in the field of intellectual property”, outlined in his speech the Rector Prof. Bliznets. The Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Law) Ivan Bliznets is awarding to Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov the Diploma of Honorary Professor of the ...
Annual Students Scientific Session 10/31/2013 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector on Scientific Research Activity, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Head of the National and Regional Security Department and Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova, Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Department ...
Exhibition–Bazaar of New Russian and West Literature 10/30/2013 ... Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector on Scientific Research Activity of UNWE. He wished to have such useful meetings between the university readers and the leading world publishers also in the future. UNWE is our preferred partner. We offer you the newest editions and part of them will be in the ...
Lectures about The Austrian Legal System 10/28/2013 ... . Prof. Dr. Valchin Daskalov, Vice Dean on Scientific Research Activity of the Law Faculty introduced the first two lecturers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Opitz, University of Wien, Institute of Private Law and Prof. Dr. Suzane Kals, LLM (Florence), Institute of Private and Entrepreneurship Law, University of ...
Good Luck! to The International Scientific Educational Center 10/25/2013 ... goal is to create new opportunities for education and research.  From now on the beautiful building of our Cultural Center will be also the house of science, outlined in his speech the Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev. It is our worthy academic response to the challenges and higher requirements ...
Meeting of The European Facility Management Network 10/23/2013 ... by Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector on Scientific Research Activity. From the left to the right: Prof. Dr. Borislav Borisov, Prof. Dr. Jordanka Jovkova, Dean of the Business Faculty and Head of the Real Estate Property Department and Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev Discussions in the Forum ...
UNWE Will Cooperate with The Bulgarian Deposit Insurance Fund and The Commission for Public Oversight of Statutory Auditors 10/10/2013 ... professional realization of students, participation in research projects, joint organization of scientific events, preparation of expertise, development of joint academic programmes, analyses and surveys in the field of deposit insurance and bank bankruptcy are provided by the Memorandum for Cooperation ...
Training Seminar of the Emerald Group Publishing 10/7/2013 ... house with a global influence on the scientific researches in the field of education, business, management, engineering, social and political sciences. Our lecturers Prof. Ivan Dushanov and Prof. Silvia Trifonova are members of the editorial boards of the Emerald Group Publishing magazines ...
Two Days National Conference on the Modern Development of Statistics and Information Technologies 10/11/2013 ... activity. Conferences are the essence of the research and that`s why we expect very good results and creative spirit in discussions, pointed out Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Vice Rector and Head of the Information Technologies and Communications Department. He examined the development of ...
Round Table Conference on The Issues of Sustainable Consumption in Bulgaria 9/24/2013 ... – Change of Models and financed by the Scientific Researches Fund to the Ministry of Education and Science. In the work of the project have participated the Vice Rectors of UNWE: Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Prof. Dr. Veselka Pavlova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marcho Markov as well as representatives of other ...
A Bridge between The Research and Practice in The Education of Cluster Managers 9/24/2013 ... International Conference on the Education of the Research Clusters Managers the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev. Prof. Stattev (in the middle) is greeting the participants in the International Conference The main result and product of the project is the ...
Prof. Tadarakov Made A Donation to The British Library 7/4/2013 ... . Tadarakov was elected among all supporters of that research and publishing initiative to pay that sincere gesture of respect to the English cultural institution. The donation handed in from him to Dr. Milan Garba, Head of the Library Division for Southeastern Europe was defined as a positive ...
Two New Projects Ranked for Financing from the Scientific Research Activity Fund to the UNWE 6/7/2013 ... for financing of projects from the Scientific Research Activity fund to the UNWE by two projects: Government Efficiency As a Factor for the Competitiveness of Bulgaria, Scientific Head of the project - Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Marikina  Competitive Opportunities in the "Green Economy" and ...
Sixth Prime Minister and Thirteenth Minister of Finance 6/10/2013 ... been Rector on the Scientific Research Activity of UNWE. He is a lecturer in Financial Management, Investment and Investments Analysis. He is an author of a set of scientific publications in our country and abroad in the field of investments analysis, finance and ...
The Rector and Two Ministers Presented The Project E-Campus 5/27/2013 ... in the academic, scientific, research and administrative activity, pointed out the Rector Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev the indisputable reasons of UNWE for being a host of the event. He outlined what had been implemented in details: the introduction of ...
Public Thesis Defence of The First Doctor in Political Sciences from the International Relations Department 5/7/2013 ... , Vice-Rector on the Scientific Research Activity, the Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Chief of Division at the UN and Development Cooperation Directorate, a Bulgarian European deputy, the Dean of the International Economic and Politics ...
Russia in The Global World - Second Students Conference 4/29/2013 ... of the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA) and the Association of the Russianists in Bulgaria. A lot of participants and listeners gathered at the Faculty Hall. Reports and presentations in the Russian language were prepared by the second ...
Public Lecture of The Minister of Defence Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor Tagarev 4/22/2013 ... has become a member of the NATO Research and Technology Board and national representative at its panel on System Analyses and Researches. Prof. Stattev also emphasized on his considerable experience in the management and participation in international and ...
International Academic Appearance 4/22/2013 ... and the International Strategic Research Organization (USAK) on “Rethinking Turkey's Current Role and Engagement in the Balkans”. Dr. Ralchev delivered a presentation in which he discussed the essence, nuances and ramifications of Turkey's soft power ...
Students Scientific Session on Sociology 4/22/2013 ... by the Balkans-Europe Regional Research Center jointly with the Sociology Department of the South-West University. The student event was also supported by the attending at the meeting lecturers and Doctoral students from both universities. A photo ...
Conversation with Prof. Bozhidar Dimitrov on The Crossroads in Bulgarian – Macedonian Relations 4/19/2013 ... of the International Relations Research Students Organization (IRRSA) was held a meeting-discussion with Prof. Bozhidar Dimitrov, Director of the National Historic Museum. Our famous historian spoke on the Crossroads in Bulgarian – Macedonian Relations at ...
The Economics of Trade Department Celebrated Its 60th Anniversary by An International Scientific Conference 4/15/2013 ... contribution to the scientific research activity of the Department which had formed the speciality Economics of Trade as one of the most attractive and prestigious ones at the university. The Head of Department spoke about the founders, examined the lecturing ...
Prof. Yulian Vuchkov Is Awarded by The Title Honorary Professor on Theory of Artistic Culture 3/29/2013 ... as an emanation of the research activity and work, vital and professional credo of Prof. Vuchkov and peculiar textbook on intelligence and human knowledge. Prof. Stattev also pointed out that the new Honorary Professor was a follower of the valuables and ...
UNWE – Full Member of the UNCTAD Virtual Institute 3/26/2013 ... are 73 universities and 11 research centers from 43 countries (till March, 2013) is a programme for building of capacity and its main objective is to assist universities and research centers in the field of international economic, legal and development ...
The Swiss Model and Power of Democracy in The New Book by Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Veselin Tsachevski 3/25/2013 ... and the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA). Prof. Tsachevski who is the university alumnus presented to audience his research of the modern Swiss political system based on a representative and direct democracy. The Bulgarian diplomatist ...
Participation of Doctoral Student from The UNWE in The Scientific Collection of Cambridge Scholars Publishing 3/22/2013 ... issued a Collection of research results entitled Parliamentary Discourses Across Cultures. In it Daniela Pastarmadzhieva, Doctoral student, regular form of education at the Political Science Department participated by her publication on the Party ...
International Students Day at The University 3/21/2013 ... were the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA), the Students Council and the University Center for Students and Lecturers Mobility. At the Scientific Councils Hall attended also Prof. Dr. Ognyan Simeonov, First Vice–Rector and ...
Agreement for Cooperation between The UNWE and National Trade and Banking High School 3/19/2013 ... , formation of mixed scientific research collectives. The Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev and Emilia Ivanova, Director of the National Trade and Banking High School In the Agreement is also written that there will be realized ...
Seminar of The World Famous Emerald Publishing House 3/18/2013 ... Goev, Vice-Rector on Scientific Research Activity. Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev Jo Sharocks A detailed “Guide to Getting Published” was presented to participants in the Forum by Jo Sharocks, publisher working on the Emerald portfolio ...
Lecture about Challenges to Switzerland and Its Relations with The European Union 3/12/2013 ... was the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA). Students and… ...the lecturer Atanas Pavlov. Atanas Pavlov who is a co-founder and former Chairman of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Association, diplomatist having more ...
Public Lecture about The Politeness, Good Manners and Communication Rules between People 3/11/2013 ... by the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA). The etiquette as a behavior code, a set of unwritten but common rules and standards of bearing was decoded by the lecturer by a lot of practical examples. In a chronological order Paziiski ...
International Student Day 3/29/2013 ... by the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA), the Students Council and the University Center for Students and Lecturers Mobility. At the event attended Prof. Dr. Ognyan Simeonov, First Vice-Rector and Vice-Dean on Education in the ...
Balkans in XXI Century - Bulgarian Vision 3/1/2013 ... place for a meeting of eminent Bulgarian researchers, politicians and diplomats who has the ambition to peer into the future of the Balkans people. Our University has always had a serious contribution to the rich research tradition of the Balkans subjects and to the preparation of ...
New Book Was Published: Sustainable Consumption in Bulgaria 2/25/2013 ... collective of lecturers and researchers from the UNWE – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elka Vasileva, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Ivanova, Chief Assist. Dr. Nina Tipova and Chief Assist. Dr. Stiliyan Stephanov published a new book: Sustainable Consumption in Bulgaria (Publishing Complex ...
Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Plamen Mishev Took The Lead of The National Science Fund of Bulgaria 2/21/2013 ... Ordinance on the grounds of the Scientific Research Promotion Act Acad. Stephan Vodenicharov, Minister of the Education, Youth and Science, determined the nine members of the Fund Executive Council for 2 years term. Among them are Prof. Anna-Maria Totomanova (Deputy ...
Youth Round Table Conference Discussed Issues of The Balkans in XXI Century 2/15/2013 ... organized by the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA), Bulgarian Diplomatic Association, Institute of Economics and International Relations and National Association for International Relations. Participants in the Round Table Conference at the ...
Information Meeting on A Project for Training of Doctoral Students 2/12/2013 ... it is a joint elaboration of the Center for Research and Educational Projects and Science Directorate. It foresees participation of Doctoral students from all professional fields covered by UNWE`s training for acquisition of Doctoral degree: Economics, Administration and Management, ...
Issue of Our Lecturer Became A Book of The Month in The United Kingdom 12/18/2012 ... language has confirmed by the book her wide research interests oriented to the intercultural education of students and the transcultural discourse ...
General Assembly Gave Positive Assessment for Work of The Rectors Management Body 12/20/2012 ... out the achievements in the scientific research activity and forming of orderly, clear and transparent system for academic growth at the university. “We, at the UNWE support our colleagues and their professional development”, pointed out the Rector. A new website and domain, more ...
A Nice Day for Bulgarian Sociological Community 12/17/2012 ... . Valentin Goev, Vice-Rector on Scientific Research Activity, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lilia Yotova, Dean of the General Economics Faculty and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galina Dimitrova, Vice-Dean on the Academic Programme.  Assoc. Prof. Nonchev is greeting the alumni. On the right ...
In The Annual Scientific Session Was Summarized The Academic Research Activity 12/14/2012 ... and given a vision of the academic research activity during the year. There were presented 40 projects completed in 2012 and oriented by their analyses to the actual international and national scientific issues.  On the left: Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, ...
Minister Tomislav Donchev: Doctrina Multiplex, Veritas Una 12/12/2012 ... output but low expenditures for scientific research activity. Tomislav Donchev rated by a five-degree scale the priorities for financing approved by the European commission: increase of participation at the labour market through an improved employment, social incorporation and ...
Academic Discussion about Ethics in The Bulgarian Legal System 11/30/2012 ... Ethics was the consecutive evidence for the research activity and the wide scientific range of the university.  Prof. Dr. Veselka Pavlova (the third person from the left to the right) is greeting participants in the Forum. The topic is exclusively important and ...
A Forum on The Provision of Professionals for The Foreign Activity of Bulgaria Made A Future Strategy 11/28/2012 ... approved it, it has created a school in the research of international relations and foreign policy”, pointed out the Rector of UNWE Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev at the opening of the Scientific Conference on the Provision of Professionals for the Foreign Activity of Bulgaria. ...
The Second Alumni of Speciality Entrepreneurship Has Also Graduated 11/23/2012 ... rules of academism, prior by long years of research work by the lecturers at today`s Department, outlined Prof. Stattev.  From the left to the right: Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Prof. Dr. Veselka Pavlova, Prof. D. Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev, Prof. D.Sc. (Econ ...
A Book about Johannes Gerber Was Presented by The National and Regional Security Department 11/23/2012 ... to the development of training and researches on economics and management of security and defence in our country. The event was organized by the National and Regional Security Department and gathered together lecturers, students from the speciality Economics of Defence and ...
Public Transformations in Bulgaria, Europe and in The World Were Discussed by Leading Sociologists 11/21/2012 ... approved lecturers, scientists and researchers from Bulgarian universities and scientific institutes, experts from state and public institutions, Doctoral students and undergraduates.  Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev (on the right) and Prof. D.Sc. (Soc.) ...
A Book by A Lecturer of UNWE Was Published by The English Publishing House Cambridge Scholars 11/13/2012 ... practice of Assoc. Prof. Perianova and her research field of interests oriented to the intercultural education of students and the trance-cultural discourse. Soon the book will be available at the library of UNWE. The cover of the ...
Challenges to Tourism in XXI Century Was the Central Topic of The international Conference 11/14/2012 ... International Conference. Sixty nine researchers by 65 reports participate in the International Conference. The foreign scientists are from universities and institutes in Azerbaijan and France and Bulgarian scientists are from the UNWE, St. Climent Ohridski University of Sofia, ...
Actual Research about The Importance of Labour 11/21/2012 ... reason to take up the research about the essence and role of labour for society development is also the occurrence of perceptions that the labour disappears replacing by the knowledge as well as the fact that a big part of my professional career is associated with that issue”, ...
The Center for Digitization Collects The Book Inheritance of UNWE 11/10/2012 ... results from the university projects and researches as well as Doctoral dissertations (at an author`s consent of their writers). We would like to contribute to the preservation of the university book inheritance, outlined the Rector. In the modern world when young people ...
Master Class of The Rector of UNWE at The Kyiv University 11/10/2012 ... . Stattev presented to the audience his research according to which in Bulgarian economy the transmission mechanisms had worked in direction from the real economy to the financial sector. As he pointed out it meant that the decision should be searched in the creation of conditions ...
Two Days Seminar on The Intellectual Property Management in The Advertising Industry 11/10/2012 ... one of the high recognitions for the large research possibilities and authority of the Center for Intellectual Property, outlined Prof. Statty Stattev. “I would like to note especially the professionalism of the Center team and personally of its founder and Head, the Honorary ...
Finance and Accountancy Faculty Celebrated Its Diamond Anniversary 11/10/2012 ... achievements in the academic and scientific research activity of the Finance and Accountancy Faculty and on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of its foundation”.  Prof. Dr. Pavlova is giving to Dr. Basheva the Honorary Mark of the Rector. On behalf of ...
New Professor of UNWE 11/9/2012 ... instruments.” Prof. Dimitrov stated his research interest to the theory of broken windows combined with the scenario planning. “Let`s all together try to find the broken windows which will help us see the future”, appealed the Professor. Prof. Dimitrov was born in 1963 in Yambol, ...
A Doctoral Student from UNWE Was Elected in A Prestigious Academic Network 10/23/2012 ... is established as part of the scientific research programme “Next Left” and its Director is the former Austrian federal chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer.   Teodor Slavev Teodor Slavev will participate in a cycle of working groups first of which will be ...
Round Table Conference on The Human Trafficking As A Challenge to Society 10/18/2012 ... Department and the Center for Strategic Researches in Defence and Security at the UNWE. At the opening of the Forum at the Large Conference Hall attended Her Excellency Guro Katharina Vikor, ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in Bulgaria, Biser Kirilov, Deputy Prosecutor of Sofia, ...
A Student Girl from UNWE Won The Competition for An Essay 10/17/2012 ... part of a project for stimulation of the research activity of students in the field of security. The purpose of the initiative was young people to expose their point of view for the challenges which the quickly changing geo-political environment faces to the security of our country ...
The Information Technologies and Communications Department Marked Its 45th Anniversary by An International Conference 11/10/2012 ... stated Prof.Goev, Vice-Rector on Scientific Research Activity of UNWE who greeted the Department on behalf of the Rector of the university. Prof. Goev pointed out some examples for application of the information technology even at the university – the system Web-Student, the Test ...
Academic Award for A Lecturer from The Management Department 9/27/2012 ... - “GBC 2012 Best Paper Award”. Her research on the key factors for success of the outsourcing partnerships in the IT sector will be published in the magazine Journal of Contemporary Management Issues indexed by EBSCO, ProQuest and Scopus by the support of the Project D ...
UNWE Is A Participant in The First Project on Validation of Skills and Knowledge in Bulgaria 9/24/2012 ... Portugal, international universities, research centers, educational and consultative organizations.  The partners from the six countries participating in the project. “We drew an experience from Island”, outlined Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elka Vasileva, Head ...
The Expert Rodolfo Peykov Presented to Students The World Treat from Drugs and Terrorism 9/19/2012 ... and the Center for Strategic Research of Security and Defence at UNWE. Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, Head of Department of National and Regional Security presented to attendants the lecturer who is a son of our famous artist Asen Peykov - he has lived and created ...
An Agreement between UNWE and The Largest Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Science Was Signed 9/14/2012 ... in crises), forming of joint research groups for participation in scientific projects, etc ...
The President Plevneliev and The Rector Statty Stattev Participated in A Conference on The Economic Growth 6/27/2012 ... , Industry Watch, the Center for Research of Democracy and the Economic Policy Institute.  The Rector Prof. Stattev and the President Plevneliev It will take 5-6 years to go back to the level before the crisis in 2008, pointed out Prof. D.Sc. ...
The Institute of Postgraduate Studies Won a Project for Education of Specialists at the Scientific Research Clusters 6/8/2012 ... the Seeding Innovation: Training for Research-driven Clusters (InnoSee), (Education of Specialists at the Scientific Research Clusters), financed by the European Agency for Education, Audio Vision and Culture, the Programme Leonardo Da Vinci, activity for Development of ...
UNWE – Host of The International Forum on The Usage of The European Union Funds 10/17/2012 ... of the cohesion politics. The Senior Research Fellow Gancho Popov, Chief Editor of the magazine Funds, Programmes, Priorities emphasized on the actuality of the conference topic and announced that all the opinions, suggestions and statements would be published in a ...
It Starts A Project on The 7th Framework Programme by Its Coordinator UNWE 5/11/2012 ... Tonkova, Director of the Center for Research and Educational Projects presented Bulgarian participants. The other participants- partners in the project also presented themselves – the University of Lodz - Poland, the Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica – Slovakia, the ...
In A Simulative Game Students “Signed” A Declaration for Collaboration in Southeastern Europe 5/9/2012 ... an integral activity of the scientific research project on The Interests and Possibilities between The States in Southeastern Europe and its Head is Assoc. Prof. D. Sc. (Econ.) Maria Tchavdarova. “Main acting personae in this scientific forum are the students” outlined the ...
The Rector Bestowed Diplomas to The First Doctors of UNWE 11/10/2012 ... Prof. Valentin Goev, Vice-Rector on Scientific Research Activity bestowed the diplomas to Doctors who have defended their thesis in the field of Economics, Administrative Management and Law ...
Students Have Justified Their Statements - “For” and “Against” The Enlargement of The European Union 4/5/2012 ... Association for The International Relations Research and Nadejda Neynsky, European deputy from The Blue Coalition - United People`s Party. The debate was on The Enlargement of The European Union: “For” and “Against”. Participants in discussion were students of UNWE and other universities ...
UNWE Won A Project for Support of Doctoral Students 4/4/2012 ... could be able to conduct more efficiently their researches by the sum of almost 20 000 BGN – for preparation of their dissertation papers, publications of their works in scientific editions as well as for implementation of mobility. The official trips abroad will find an expression in ...
The Rector of UNWE Received A Prize for Taking Care of People with Disabilities 3/28/2012 ... Indjova, Chairman of the Center for Psychological Research – a nationally represented non-governmental organization of people with disabilities. “During the meeting at the UNWE last year the power of his will deeply impressed Sharon Miles, Chairwoman of The Global Movement of People with ...
60 Years of Academic Perfection Celebrates The International Economic Relations Speciality 3/28/2012 ... standards in the educational and scientific research activity that are highly assessed and followed in the whole country”, emphasized the Rector. Attendants at the official assembly at the Maxima Aula At the presidium (from the left to the right): Prof. ...
At The Library Was Conducted Training for Work by Digital Resources 4/5/2012 ... . Valentin Goev, Vice-Rector on The Scientific Research Activity of UNWE emphasized upon the major role of the actual scientific information in the process of implementation of scientific and innovative activities. He also pointed out that by the new three-year Contracts for subscription will ...
Doing Business by Giving A Chance to The Young People – Appraisal of Sylvia Solf, The World Bank Representative 2/13/2012 ... in 183 countries. The state economies in the research are ranked by 11 indicators treating the business regulations as they follow: starting a business, time for termination of the business, external trade, etc. Bulgaria keeps its stable position in the ranking. Positively are reported the ...
UNWE Won The National Prize “Manager Human Resources 2011” in The Category of Higher Education 2/13/2012 ... Ranking of the Supreme Consortium of 126 Research Centers and Institutes to the Ministry of Education of Spain our university took the 1st place in Bulgaria, 13th place in Europe and 31st place in the world. After the official ceremony for bestowing the national prize it was held a Charity ...
Projects Conducted from UNWE under the 6th and 7th Framework Programme of EU 3/28/2012 ... International Cooperation for Environmental Research Through Dissemination and Networking Activities /INT-ER-LINK/ SSA 01.01.2007-31.12.2008 Prof. Pl. Mishev 5. Resources, rights and capabilities: in search of social foundations for Europe /CAPRIGHTS/ IP 01 ...


64 results found
Summer School on Modeling, AI, and Complex Systems 2024 5/9/2024 ... study and apply scientific methods in research. Upgrading knowledge and skills for research and analytical work. Intensive training in modeling and cutting-edge methods through lectures, workshops and team assignment work. There is no participation fee, part of the costs of ...
Empowerment Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurs & Stakeholders Can Build a Sustainable Future - 12th International Conference 4/23/2024 ... in the field of entrepreneurship, from research, teaching, practice and policy-making to exchange opinions, problems and good practice in entrepreneurship and management to respond to the challenges of sustainable development in a changing world. Objectives To discuss recent trends ...
Call for Papers for the Yearbook of UNWE 2024 4/18/2024 ... . The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research articles, scientific announcements, etc. We welcome the article(s) submission in: Economics, Administration, Management, Law and Political Studies as well as in areas related to them. PUBLISH YOUR NEXT ARTICLE IN THE YEARBOOK OF UNWE THE ...
Public Lecture by the Director of the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix on the Power Shift in Europe 4/10/2024 ... also member of the Governing Board of the Austrian Research Association.    The public lecture will be followed by a discussion and all interested students and lecturers will be able to ask questions to Ambassador Brix.           ...
XII International Scientific Conference of Special Importance: New Paradigms in the Economy: Connectivity, Innovation and Sustainability" 4/8/2024 ... Institute - Research Center from Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina and coorganizers (Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina) are organizing the XII International Scientific Conference of Special Importance which will be held on 31 May, 2024, in ...
STUDIES-DIG Consortium Forum 2/7/2024 ... Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027) under the funding scheme of “Marie Sklodowska–Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange – RISE”. The project implementation started from the 1 January 2024 and the project partners ...
International Conference on Empowering Entrepreneurship and Employability (ICEEE 24) 1/25/2024 ... . It welcomes accomplished scientists, devoted researchers, and visionary practitioners from various fields, such as Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management, Finance, Accounting, Supply Chain Management, Tourism, Human Resource Management, Business Analytics, Quality Management, and Marketing, ...
Bucharest Summer University 2023 4/18/2023 ... van Wyk & Pearson), Jennifer Giroux (Senior Researcher, Crisis and Risk Network (CRN), Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Robert Orttung, PhD (Assistant Director of the Institute for European, Russian,  and Eurasian Studies, Research ...
Official Start of ENGAGE.EU Platform for Creating and Sustaining a Research Community 3/29/2023 ... launch its platform for creating and sustaining a research community of the nine partner universities. By registering on it, colleagues from the UNWE will have the opportunity to connect with scholars with similar professional interests, create collaborative groups with them, follow events and ...
Call for Publication in the Yearbook of UNWE for 2023 5/11/2023 ... . The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research articles, scientific announcements, etc. We welcome the article(s) submission in: Economics, Administration, Management, Law and Political Studies as well as in areas related to them.                ...
Workshop on the Honest Review of Data Management Plans /DMPs/ 3/24/2023 ... management plans (DMP) have gained importance in research in the last few years as they describe how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available. This workshop aims to overcome the challenge of developing  the DMP. It will start by introducing research data and ...
International Conference on Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges 9/27/2022 ... . In this scenario, leading academic scientist, researchers and practitioners and policymakers are called to share their research results on challenges and opportunities of implementing circular economy and to design and implement circular economy strategies. The International Conference on ...
Online Workshop: Cross-cultural Research Methods 11/25/2022 ... Workshop for Master Students / PhD / Young Researchers: Cross-cultural Research Methods     ...
8th Annual Monetary and Economic Scientific Conference on the Economic Challenges in the Context of Pandemic and War Circumstances 9/20/2022 ... to be published in a Web of Science indexed book Researchers interested in issues of monetary and economic problems are invited to discuss their work and exchange ideas. Both empirical and theoretical studies within the following fields could be submitted: Monetary and Financial ...
UNWE Will Host the Expansion of ENGAGE.EU 5/25/2022 ... Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel. She will deliver a lecture on the Universities Role in Green and Digital Transition. She and the nine Rectors of the partner universities will participate in the official ...
6th Biennial RAMICS International Congress in Bulgaria 5/13/2022 ... and Politics and  Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems /RAMICS/                                   ...
13th International Conference on the Contemporary Economic Policy and European Union Accession Process 3/24/2022 ... , Statistics, Operations Research and Social Services. The proceedings book including abstracts or full papers will also be issued and the articles selected by the Scientific Committee will be forwarded to the conference journals indexed at international ...
National Scholarship Programme of Slovak Republic for Students, Lectirers and Reserchers from the Republic of Bulgaria 3/15/2022 ... students, university teachers, researchers and artists in 2005. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic (NSP) is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. Deadline for application for the ...
ENGAGE.EU Think Tank 2022 in Mannheim 3/24/2022 ... for applications. The approved researchers from each partner university will spend a week at the University of Mannheim in September / October 2022. They will have the opportunity to join research groups and various seminars as well as to work with ...
Prishtina International Summer University: Call for Academic Staff 1/21/2022 ... and the increase of scientific research capacities. The Prishtina International Summer University gathers academics, professors and students from all around the world aiming for the mutual exchange of their academic experiences with the possibility to learn more ...
Call for Papers for the Special Anniversary Issue of Yearbook of UNWE 12/9/2021 ... theoretical and empirical research articles, scientific announcements, etc. We welcome the article(s) submission in: Economics, Administration, Management, Law and Political Studies as well as in areas related to them. Manuscripts only in English are ...
Summer School - Universite Cote d’Azur / Alliance Francaise Nice Cote d'Azur - 2021 4/23/2021 ... School at Gradute School and Research of Economics and Management, Université Côte d’Azur – Nice, France organized in partnership with  the Alliance Française Nice Côte d'Azur The Summer School will ...
Free-Online International Student Conference: Future Creators 3/10/2021 ... share the outcomes of applied research as well as ideas and visions for the development of future creative solutions relevant to the modern world. Applied research can be implemented individually or in a team under the supervision of the teaching staff or ...
Round Table Conference: Research the Opportunities to Conduct an Electronic State Examination for Speciality Accountancy and Control, EQD of Bachelor, Distance Form of Education 12/4/2020 ... Table Conference: Research the Opportunities to Conduct an Electronic State Examination for Speciality Accountancy and Control, EQD of Bachelor, Distance Form of Education organized by the Finance and Accountancy Faculty, Accountancy and Control ...
Round Table Conference on the Media and Cultural Industries Economic Contribution 10/6/2020 ... and Visual Policy and Media Research 3 November 2020 - 9.30 a.m. UNWE, Large Conference Hall                           ...
3th Forum on Sustainable Development of Film Industry - European Policies and Their Application in Bulgaria 10/6/2020 ... and Visual Policy and Media Research, Media and Public Communications Department and  Krastyo Sarafov National Academy for Theater and Film Arts  20 October 2020 - 9.30 a.m. UNWE, Large Conference Hall and MS Teams       ...
Presentation of Encyclopedia “Prime-Ministers, Ministers and Senior Representatives of Legislative Authority – Lecturers and Alumni of UNWE” 7/20/2020 ... collective from the Scientific Research Center for Political Science Studies headed by Prof. Dr. Georgy Yankov, Professor Emeritus of UNWE. It is included in the complex programme devoted to the 100th Anniversary of UNWE. Former and present heads of Bulgarian ...
5th IFIP Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction (ITDRR 2020) 6/5/2020 ... , organized by the Scientific Research Center for Disaster Risk Reduction 15 -17 July 2020 Varna, ...
International Conference on Return Migration: European and Bulgarian Perspectives 1/14/2020 ... Studies Journal of the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Science (indexed in Scopus), or in the UNWE scientific journals: Research Papers (RePEc, ROAD, CEEOL); UNWE Yearbook (CEEOL, RePEc) or Economic Alternatives (EconLit / EBSCO, RePEc, etc ...
5th Annual Monetary and Economic Scientific Conference: Europe after the EU Elections: Monetary and Economic Perspectives 7/25/2019 ... by the Monetary and Economic Research Center and Department of Finance at University of National and World Economy jointly with the French institute in Bulgaria and the Union of Economists in Bulgaria 17-18 October Large and Small Conference ...
7th REDETE Conference 2019 on the New Challenges Facing Transition Economies 6/14/2019 ... are welcome to send your research abstract to the 7th REDETE Conference on entrepreneurship and economic development in transition countries which will be held on 24th – 26th October 2019 under the theme “New challenges ...
29th EBES Conference - Portugal 5/10/2019 ... together many distinguished researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Although we focus on Europe and Asia, all papers from major economics ...
Econometric Research in Finance (ERFIN) Workshop 2019 4/19/2019 ... of the Econometric Research in Finance (ERFIN) Workshop, hosted by Warsaw School of Economics (Szkola Glówna Handlowa w Warszawie) in Warsaw, Poland, will be held on Friday September 13, 2019. We are proud that the last ...
5th International Scientific Conference on Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – ERAZ 2019 4/19/2019 ... of Non-Profit Sector * Research in Marketing * Marketing in Education * Marketing in Sport * Marketing in Culture * Accounting and Auditing * Quality Management * Labor Law * Business Law * The Role of the Rule of Law in the Country's Progress * ...
Contest for Applied Research Project 4/19/2019 ... more information click ...
7th SCF International Conference on Future of European Union and Turkey-EU Relations 3/1/2019 ... European Union Education, Research and Application Center. The conference aims to provide a professional discussion platform for both academic and business professionals in the world. The main theme of the Conference is about the Future of European Union ...
28th EBES - UK Conference 5/30/2019 ... together many distinguished researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Although we focus on Europe and Asia, all papers from major economics ...
3rd International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management - EMAN 2019 2/7/2019 ... , DOAJ, DRJI - Directory of Research Journals Indexing, EBSCO database, EconBiz, EconPapers, ERIH PLUS - European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences, EZB - Die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus ...
International Conference on Advances in Statistics - ICAS 2019 4/22/2019 ... StatisticsOperations ResearchOptimization Methods in StatisticsOrder StatisticsPanel Data Modelling and AnalysisPerformance Analysis in Administrative ProcessPhilosophy of StatisticsPublic Opinion and Market ResearchQuality ControlRegression ...
5th International Conference on New Trends in Econometrics and Finance - ICNTEF 2019 4/22/2019 ... University Economic Research Center announces the 5th International  Conference on New Trends in Econometrics and Finance - ICNTEF 2019 which will be held in Athens, Greece between April 22-24, 2019.Like the previous three ...
13th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists 7/5/2017 ... , to present their scientific research to the academic community and to discuss economic issues with Bulgarian and foreign scientists. This scientific forum takes place for its 13th time in succession, and the published scientific results from the previous 12 ...
International Conference on Economic Reserach (ECONALANYA 2017) 6/21/2017 ... Conference on Economic Research ECONALANYA 2017 Dear colleagues,On behalf of the Organization Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the International Conference on Economic Reserach (ECONALANYA 2017) which will be held on 20-21th October 2017 in Alanya, Turkey.ECONALANYA aims at disseminating ...
International Conference on Applied Business & Economics 9/26/2017 ... indexed in international data bases (Scopus, REPEC, Research gate, SSRN, etc). We will appreciate your interest distributing the call of papers among your colleagues in Bulgaria and abroad and we will be very glad to welcome you at the conference in Sofia. For more information please check the web site of ...
5th REDETE Conference 2/9/2016 ... the Conference title suggests participants can send research papers that examine key trends and challenges of free trade in transitional and developing countries. In that context, the most concerning questions/issues are: Should countries regulate foreign investment? Is foreign capital essential? Does ...
4th International Global Virtual Conference - GV 2016 2/4/2016 ... for students and young researchers) to presents their achievements and results in their research. GV continues in a new era of sharing ideas and inovations in wide variety of disciplines. This online conference runs in real-time, providing an advanced collaborative ...
5th International Virtual Conference - ICTIC 2016 2/9/2016 ... a worldwide forum, especially for young and starting researchers. International participants can share their knowledge and ideas on the recent and latest research and map out the directions for scientific community, in following main areas: Management and Marketing Economy, Business and ...
5th PAR International Leadership Conference (PILC 2016) 12/1/2015 ... in business, education, sports and industry.The research topics of the PILC 2016, are:• International Partnership for Raising Competitiveness,• Partnership for Entrepreneurship,• The Media as Partners, and• Women4Women in Business.The deadline for early bird registration and abstract ...
Journal for Progresive Economy Call for Papers 10/12/2015 ... Thursday 17 September 2015 to Wednesday 4 November 2015, researchers will be invited to submit their abstracts via the website. For this new edition of the Call for Papers, the Members of the Progressive Economy Scientific Board propose three research topics: • Reforming the Economic and Monetary ...
International Students Day at The UNWE 2/28/2014 ... a third consecutive year the International Relations Research Students Association (IRRSA), Students Council and the University Center for Students and Teachers Mobility are glad to invite you to the International Students’ Day. The initiative will once again gather together international students who ...
International Scientific Conference on The Regional Development of Bulgaria: Tendencies and Perspectives 5/11/2012 ... in the work of the International Scientific Conference. Research Purposes: Outlining The Regional Development Issues of Long-Term Importance  and The Research Spheres in The Field of Science for Public Management; Opening The Opportunities of Application of The Modern Methods for Management and ...
International Scientific Conference on The Regional Development of Bulgaria: Tendencies and Perspectives 5/10/2012 ... in the work of the International Scientific Conference. Research Purposes: Outlining The Regional Development Issues of Long-Term Importance  and The Research Spheres in The Field of Science for Public Management; Opening The Opportunities of Application of The Modern Methods for Management and ...

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