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Master's Programs
Information for masters programs
Masters 2023
Master's Degree at UNWE





46 results found
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 19.6.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1.5 years (3 semesters) Credits 90 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Digital marketing and transformation taught in English (Double degree master’s programme with Abertay University, Scotland) and MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 19.6.2024 г. ... taught in English (Double degree’ master’s programme with Abertay University, Scotland) Professional Field Economics EQD /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1 ...
Contact Us 6.6.2024 г. ... questions about our bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes, entry requirements, tuition fees, etc. Email: [email protected] International PhD Students Contact us if you have questions about our doctoral degree programmes. Email: [email protected] Degree ...
Abertay University, Scotland 23.7.2024 г. ... pleased to offer two new Double Degree Master’s Programmes, taught in English in Sofia, in collaboration with Abertay University, Scotland: MSc in Digital Marketing and Transformation MBA in Global Operations and Analytics Key Benefits of the Double Degree ...
Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in English (UNWE - University of International Studies of Rome) 4.6.2024 г. ... Master’s programme in International Business taught in English (UNWE - University of International Studies of Rome) Professional Field Economics EQD /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of ...
Dual Master’s programme in International Business and Governance taught in English (UNWE - Shanghai Jiao Tong University - SJTU) 4.6.2024 г. ... master's programme in international business and governance (UNWE – Shanghai Jiao Tong University – SJTU) Professional Field Economics EQD /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of ...
MBA on Global Operations and Analytics (Double MBA Programme with University of Abertay Dundee) 4.6.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1.5 years (3 semesters) Credits 90 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Master’s Degree 6.6.2024 г. ...     Master’s Degree Specialities Taught in English Accounting, Financial Control and Finance with preaching taught in English – акредитирана от Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (8 изпита) и ...
Management of Hospitality Industry taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Distance  Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 61 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Marketing Management taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Distance Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 61 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
International Business taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 61 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Economics of Defence and Security with specialization Nuclear Security taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1.5 year (3 semesters) Credits 100 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Diplomacy and Strategic Analysis taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 65 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Digital Marketing taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... /Educational Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Distance Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 61 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Climate and International Business taught in English 26.3.2024 г. ... Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 67 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Business innovation and management taught in English (Joint degree) 25.3.2024 г. ... Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 61 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
Accounting, Financial Control and Finance with preaching taught in English 25.3.2024 г. ... Qualification Degree/ Master of Science Form and Duration of Education Full Time Еducation, 1 year (2 semesters) Credits 61 Form of Graduation Master Thesis Semester Fee for State Order ...
REVIEW POLICY 20.3.2024 г. ... suggestion or select a Master Reviewer of the submitted text ...
Двойни магистърски специалности с преподаване на английски език 20.3.2024 г. ...     Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in English (UNWE - University of International Studies of Rome) Dual Master’s programme in International Business and Governance taught in English (UNWE - Shanghai ...
Бюлетин 13.9.2024 г. ... Биб 004/ T 44 THESES of Master`s Degree Students / Scientific ed. Dimitar Birov. - Sofia : University Publishing House St.Kliment Ohridski, 2015. - 86 p. ; 29.5 sm Faculty of mathematics and informatics Department "Computing systems" Master`s degree ...
MSc Digital Marketing & Transformation 23.7.2024 г. ... Degree Master's Programme Partnership between UNWE and Abertay University with Double Degree Awarded 2 Diplomas - 1 Programme Benefits from the Double Degree inMSc Digital Marketing & Transformation: Students ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... master’s  programme with Abertay University, Scotland      LEARNING OBJECTIVES The MSc in Digital Marketing and Transformation (3 semesters) is a joint programme between Abertay University ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... of the Master of Business Administration programme will acquire the following knowledge and skills: theoretical foundations and principles on which the practice of economic and administrative management is built, including the ...
Дистанционно обучение 18.7.2024 г. ... ПЛАН  ONLINE MASTER PROGRAM "DIGITAL MARKETING" The master programme is prepared and implemented together with practitioners from digital marketing agencies in Bulgaria. Students get a comprehensive understanding of the nature of ...
Редовно обучение 18.7.2024 г. ... SEMESTERS) The master program was developed on the basis of consultations with managers of leading Bulgarian companies that participate in international business, and with representatives of the state administration that regulate this activity. ...
Основни лектори 11.7.2022 г. ... other works. She holds a Economy degree and Master’s degree in Economic Theory from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She started her professional career in foreign trade at the Spanish Embassy in Mexico, and then worked in the online business sector before starting her current ...
Научни публикации в периодика 13.9.2022 г. ... property and business’, master degree», Future of education, Pixel, Italy, 2019 Paper in conference proceeding ‘Teaching model in Economics education, based on the interactive connection ‘science – education - business’ ...
Научни публикации в периодика 28.10.2021 г. ... property and business’, master degree», 2019, Conference proceeding, published by Libreriauniversitaria, Italy ‘Teaching model in Economics education, based on the interactive connection ‘Science – education“, 2020, ...
Дипломация и стратегически анализ с преподаване на англ. език 2.8.2021 г. ... OF THE PROGRAMME The Master's programme offers analytical training and professional skills building in two broad areas that work closely together. In response to the growing intensification of international interactions, research and training in the ...
Marketing Management Taught in English 19.8.2020 г. ... the brochure The Master’s program in “Marketing Management Taught in English” is carried out by the “Marketing and Strategic Planning” and “Management” departments. The program is part of the field of study ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... Master’s programme in International Business and Governance taught in English UNWE and Shanghai Jiao Tong University SJTU The Dual Master’s programme in International Business and Governance taught ...
TOC - Supporting and Reforming the Transport Operator's Competence - Developing a unified training package for the transport operator in Europe 22.12.2020 г. ... law, SUPSI offers Bachelor and Master Degree courses, and provides a number of continuing education courses. The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) е един от деветте швейцарски университета по приложни науки. Основан през ...
Образование 26.3.2024 г. ... на английски език Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in English (UNWE - University of International Studies of Rome) Dual Master’s programme in International Business and Governance taught in English (UNWE - Shanghai ...
Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal 17.4.2019 г. ... 5-year B. V. Sc. and AH, 2-year Master programs in Agriculture, Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Aquaculture, and PhD programs. Besides improving the existing academic programs, AFU is planning to start Master and PhD programs in forestry and also additional ...
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka 17.4.2019 г. ... . Around 800 postgraduate students are pursuing Master’s and Doctoral degrees at the University in different disciplines that are of relevance to the development of the region in particular and the country in general. Career for undergraduates in universities was recently recognized as a ...
Benguet State University, Philippines 17.4.2019 г. ... . BSU offers seven doctoral programs, 32 Master programs, 19 undergraduate programs, as well as several diploma courses. In terms of curricular program offerings, BSU enrols the biggest number of graduate students among state universities in the region. The University trains annually about ...
Business and Innovation - a curriculum in English Language 11.6.2021 г. ... tamplate for choosing a master thesis topic Deadline for submitting applications for topics Topics for the development of diploma theses Defense of masters ...
Научни публикации в периодика 19.8.2022 г. ... students in ‘Intellectual property and business’, master degree», Future of education, Pixel, Italy, 2019 Paper in conference proceeding ‘Teaching model in Economics education, based on the interactive connection ‘science – education - business’ Future of education, Pixel, Italy, ...
Международна акредитация от Европейската асоциация по логистика (European Logistics Association – ELA) 1.4.2024 г. ... на ниво 6 на ЕКР; - EMLog – European Master Logistician on the Strategic Management level, съответстващо на ниво 7 на ЕКР.  Специалностите, обучавани към катедра „Логистика и вериги на доставките“ в ОКС „бакалавър“ и в ОКС „магистър“ покриват две ...
Международна акредитация от Европейската асоциация по логистика (European Logistics Association - ELA) 27.6.2024 г. ... на ниво 6 на ЕКР; - EMLog – European Master Logistician on the Strategic Management level, съответстващо на ниво 7 на ЕКР.  Специалностите, обучавани към катедра „Логистика и вериги на доставките“ в ОКС „бакалавър“ и в ОКС „магистър“ покриват две ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... Master’s programme in International Business taught in English   UNWE and University of International Studies of Rome UNINT      The Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in ...
Външни одити на УНСС от агенции, признати на международно ниво – IAEA 11.5.2017 г. ... “Ядрена сигурност” (International Master‘s Degree Programme in Nuclear Security), одобрена и подкрепяна от International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN), King’s College London, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, The James Martin Center for ...
Бизнес журналистика и продуцентство 15.7.2021 г. ... на магистърска програма „Бизнес журналистика и продуцентство“ е структурирано около два основни стълба на връзката между медии и бизнес: Отразяване на спецификата на обективните бизнес процеси в медийна среда (=бизнес журналистика) Създаване и успешна ...
Специалност „Енергиен бизнес“ – ОКС „Магистър“ 31.3.2017 г. ... and Qualification Degree МАГИСТЪР MASTER Професионална квалификация Professional Qualification МАГИСТЪР ПО ИКОНОМИКА MASTER OF ECONOMICS Област на висше образование Area of Study 3. СОЦИАЛНИ, СТОПАНСКИ И  ПРАВНИ НАУКИ 3. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC SCIENCES ...


14 results found
Информация за стипендия на KPMG България: УНСС 6.6.2023 г. ... програма на KPMG Bulgaria "Master of Your Future" е предназначена да предостави финансова помощ на студенти с много добри академични постижения и силен ангажимент към избраната от тях област на обучение. Тя е отворена за студенти, завършили бакалавър и ще покрие семестриалните ...
Bucharest Summer University 2023 18.4.2023 г. ... a bachelor’s degree program, a master’s degree program or a PhD degree program from all over the world (2022’s edition gathered 50 participants from 24 countries belonging to 4 continents). Upon successfully completing the two weeks of lectures, seminars, ...
Open Registration for ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Information at Master level: Prepare Yourself for Digital Future 4.10.2022 г. ... , technologies and solutions, offering master students the opportunity to enhance their skills and prepare for a digital future through cutting-edge courses.  As a student enrolled in the Joint Programme in Digital Transformation, you can design your studies individually ...
Online Workshop: Cross-cultural Research Methods 23.9.2022 г. ...     Online Workshop for Master Students / PhD / Young Researchers: Cross-cultural Research Methods                         ...
Virtual Information Session “ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Information at Master Level: Prepare Yourself for Digital Future” 13.9.2022 г. ... Programme in Digital Information at Master Level: Prepare Yourself for Digital Future” 18:00 / ONLINE The Joint Programme in Digital Transformation addresses the world’s greatest digital transformations, technologies and solutions, offering master ...
Предложение за работа от международна одиторска компания 27.4.2022 г. ... • University degree (Bachelor or Master Degree) in Finance/Accounting/Economics/Business Studies or related disciplines • Excellent command of English and Bulgarian • Curious about financial reporting • Motivation and eagerness to learn • Good ...
IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme 28.9.2021 г. ... female students with scholarships for Master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Selected students receive a scholarship for Master’s programmes in nuclear related  studies at accredited universities. They are ...
Free-Online International Student Conference: Future Creators 10.3.2021 г. ... field of society life. Bachelor and Master students from various study and science fields are welcome to share the outcomes of applied research as well as ideas and visions for the development of future creative solutions relevant to the modern world. Applied research can be ...
Курс за работа с MS PowerPoint, дистанционна форма на обучение 20.11.2020 г. ... към презентациите; работа с Slide Master; графики в MS PowerPoint или взети от друг продукт на MicroSoft Office; таблици в MS PowerPoint или взети от друг продукт на MicroSoft Office; анимация в MS PowerPoint; видео в MS PowerPoint; споделяне на презентация. За ...
Public Lecture of Mihael Koplovsky on the U.S. – EU: Economic Cooperation 26.5.2016 г. ... the Johns Hopkins University, a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College. Mr. Koplovsky speaks Danish, ...
Конкурс за проекти по визуализацията на бъдещата оперативна програма за регионално развитие 2014-2020 г. 27.4.2012 г. ... и слайдове за презентации (master slide) за бъдещата оперативна програма за регионално развитие 2014-2020 г. Условия за кандидатстване: 1. Право на участие в конкурса има всяко българско и/или чуждестранно физическо или юридическо лице, както и техни ...


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