Резултати от търсене за Students




51 results found
Лятна стажантска програма - Община Габрово 9.5.2024 г. ... рамките на Лятната стажантска програма Община Габрово се обърна към НСОРБ с желание да се включи в програмата, като осигури възможност на студенти за практическо обучение в реална работна среда, придобиване на опит и познания в професионалната област, в която са избрали да се развиват ...
Лятна стажантска програма - Община Габрово 8.5.2024 г. ... рамките на Лятната стажантска програма Община Габрово  се включва в програмата като осигурява възможност на студенти за практическо обучение в реална работна среда, придобиване на опит и познания в професионалната област, в която са избрали да се развиват ...
Shanghai Jiao Tong Virtual Classroom 3.7.2023 г. ...      Dear Students, Аmazing student opportunity offered by SJTU - "Jiao Tong Global Virtual Classroom" courses that will be running for Fall 2023 semester.  "Jiao Tong Global Virtual Classroom" has been well received by students around the ...
Bucharest Summer University 2023 18.4.2023 г. ... University of Economic Studies Students’ Union, through the Students’ Senate, with the scientific mentorship of the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems (CIG) will organize this upcoming summer, between 13th and 27th of August 2023, ...
Worldwide Youth Climate Summit 27.1.2023 г. ... digital summit, hundreds of students and young people from around the world will convene as part of the global movement for climate justice and solutions. Attendees will build their activist networks by connecting with each other during small regional breakout ...
Global Students Entrepreneurs Awards 2023 21.11.2022 г. ... for application - 31 January 2023 Announcement of candidates who will be allowed to present - 7 January 2023 GSEA Competition for Bulgaria – 17 February ...
Open Registration for ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Information at Master level: Prepare Yourself for Digital Future 4.10.2022 г. ... and solutions, offering master students the opportunity to enhance their skills and prepare for a digital future through cutting-edge courses.  As a student enrolled in the Joint Programme in Digital Transformation, you can design your studies individually and ...
Online Workshop: Cross-cultural Research Methods 23.9.2022 г. ... Workshop for Master Students / PhD / Young Researchers: Cross-cultural Research Methods                         ...
Virtual Information Session “ENGAGE.EU Joint Programme in Digital Information at Master Level: Prepare Yourself for Digital Future” 13.9.2022 г. ... and solutions, offering master students the opportunity to enhance their skills and prepare for a digital future through cutting-edge courses.  As a student enrolled in the Joint Programme in Digital Transformation, you can design your studies individually and ...
8th Annual Monetary and Economic Scientific Conference on the Economic Challenges in the Context of Pandemic and War Circumstances 20.9.2022 г. ... and experienced researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals from business, government and non-governmental institutions. English and Bulgarian are working languages at the Conference. PROGRAMME For further information click HERE ...
Transparency International School on Integrity 2022 31.5.2022 г. ... knowledge, while also challenging students to approach the subject from a new perspective and offer novel, previously untested solutions. Transparency School is organized in cooperation with Mykolas Romeris Law School. We would like to kindly ask you to disseminate ...
Join the ENGAGE.EU Hackathon Campus in the Metaverse 24.4.2022 г. ... UNWE students, We are pleased to invite you to the Metaverse! Next April 27th, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., you will have the opportunity to carry out a highly interactive training activity in the Luiss Campus at Viale Romania 32, Rome ...
11th ASECU YOUTH International Conference and Summer School 30.3.2022 г. ... of ASECU Youth, are pleased to invite students and Ph.D. students of UNWE to join the next ASECU Youth International Conference and Summer School and -      get engaged in interesting practical-oriented students’ reports and ...
The World Bank Group Virtual Information Session on Early Career Opportunities 4.2.2022 г. ... HERE The World Bank Group invites students and recent graduates to join a virtual information session on early career opportunities. The presentation will provide an overview of various recruitment programs and career paths relevant to information technology, international ...
Prishtina International Summer University: Call for Academic Staff 21.1.2022 г. ... gathers academics, professors and students from all around the world aiming for the mutual exchange of their academic experiences with the possibility to learn more about Kosova.The University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” will organize the 20th edition of ...
Summer Internship at World Bank Treasury 15.12.2021 г. ... aims to bring exceptional college students, who possess a demonstrated interest in a financial career, to support the World Bank’s development mandate. The internship lays the foundation to become a Junior Analyst, a two-year position on one Treasury team, ...
ICAEW Scholarships for UNWE Students – APPLY NOW 16.11.2021 г. ... на дипломираните експерт-счетоводители на Англия и Уелс (ICAEW) осигурява 15 пълни стипендии за студенти на УНСС, покриващи цялото обучение по тригодишната международно призната квалификация „дипломиран експерт-счетоводител“ на ICAEW ...
PwC CEE Business Experience Challenge 21.10.2021 г. ... contest for students and graduates. The game is dedicated to people aged 18-26. It includes various interactive tasks and case studies related to Audit, Tax, Consulting, etc.    Timeline of the game: Step ...
European Student Placement Agency /ESPA/ - Internship for Bulgarian Students 18.10.2021 г. ... Process For more information click ...
IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme 28.9.2021 г. ... , by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for Master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Selected students receive a scholarship for Master’s programmes in nuclear related  studies at ...
Jiao Tong Global Virtual Classroom 11.8.2021 г. ... courses in 2021 Fall for students from their partner universities.  UNWE students are welcomed to participate in the program.  Applications are NOW OPEN until September 4, 2021.  More details can be found at the official Jiao Tong ...
ICAEW Global Virtual Skills Conference 29.9.2021 г. ... Conference dedicated to university students. If you want to: Outshine others in a competitive job market Get hints how to find a job of your dreams Find out what employers look for in a candidate Meet the best employers face to face and get their ...
ICAEW с 15 пълни стипендии за студенти на УНСС. КРАЕН СРОК ЗА КАНДИДАТСТВАНЕ - 14 НОЕМВРИ 2021 ГОДИНА 30.6.2021 г. ... By training, developing and supporting students and accountants throughout their career, ICAEW ensures that they have the expertise and values to meet the needs of tomorrow’s businesses. In this way, ICAEW experts are working to build robust, ...
Free-Online International Student Conference: Future Creators 10.3.2021 г. ... to any field of society life. Bachelor and Master students from various study and science fields are welcome to share the outcomes of applied research as well as ideas and visions for the development of future creative solutions relevant to the modern world. Applied research can be implemented individually ...
University Management Accounting Day CEE 2020 – CIMA International Meeting with Business and Management Accounting 20.10.2020 г. ... . Event is dedicated to undergraduate and postgraduate students of finance and accounting. This year, event will be held online. Organizers has prepared interesting lecture about management accounting "Human Signals: New Patterns of Behavior and the Accounting Profession [the COVID-19 crisis]”. Just like ...
АКТУАЛНО ЗА ДЪРЖАВЕН ИЗПИТ, СПЕЦИАЛНОСТ „ФИНАНСОВ КОНТРОЛ“ - 08.07.2020 6.7.2020 г. ... - 1900109145) През портала Web students, категория Държавни изпити и защити.   Провеждането на държавният изпит ще бъде както следва: Начало: 08.07.2020 г., 10.00 часа След влизането Ви в посочените срещи (Финансов контрол (08.07.2020 - 1900108949) и ...
ВАЖНО!!! ОТНОСНО ПРОВЕЖДАНЕТО НА УЧЕБНИТЕ ЗАНЯТИЯ 15.3.2020 г. ... (https://www.unwe.bg/bg/students/login).  За допълнителна информация относно организацията на учебния процес, следете сайта на УНСС и сайта на катедрата.   Възникналите допълнителни въпроси може да се отправят както ...
5th International Scientific Conference on Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – ERAZ 2019 17.4.2019 г. ... others - 75 Eur* - Postgraduate students - 65 Eur* - Undergraduate students Pay using our PayPal account, send us an email for more information. Attention: The costs of the money transfer by bank wire transfer are to be covered by the participants, otherwise ...
Institutionalization of Public Administration in Ukraine under the Euro Integration and Global Challenges - Annual All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation 12.2.2019 г. ... education institutions, doctoral students, post-graduates, mass-media representatives, NGO and international organizations representatives, and other interested persons. The Conference languages: Ukrainian, English.  CONFERENCE ...
3rd International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management - EMAN 2019 8.3.2019 г. ... from Serbia)* - Postgraduate students (must submit studying certificate - all coauthors of paper should be undergraduate or postgraduate students) - 65 Eur (7.800 dinars for participants form Serbia)* - Undergraduate students (must submit studying certificate - ...
СТУДЕНТСКА ПРОГРАМА ЗА ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛНИ ПРОУЧВАНИЯ - обявява КОНКУРС за набиране на нови законодателни сътрудници 1.8.2018 г. ... .parliament.bg                            СТУДЕНТСКАТА ПРОГРАМА ЗА ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛНИ ...
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Call for Participatiion 6.6.2018 г. ... practitioners and doctoral students in the following thematic areas: The integration potential of the EU (28-1) and the "enlargement fatigue" Ethno-politics and integration: dimensions, patterns and results in the EU and Western Balkans Particularism in ...
Покана от Университета на Сплит за участие на студенти от Финансово-счетоводен факултет на УНСС в Лятно училище в гр. Сплит, Хърватия, 18-22 юни 2018 г. 2.1.2018 г. ... to upper-year undergraduates, graduate students, PhD students and professionals from all over the world with an interest in different aspects of urban and regional development, smart city management and tourism. We encourage the participation of students in other applied fields who ...
Среща на ръководството на ФСФ, преподавателите и студентите от факултета с Ms. Roxana Gheorghe, Business Realtionship Manager, ACCA South-East Europe и David Stepan – Finance Director -bTV Media Group - ACCA Member относно презентиране на акредитацията на УНСС от страна на АССА 3.10.2017 г. ... of National and World Economy Dear students, The University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and ACCA have the pleasure to invite you to a brief presentation about newly accredited from ACCA Master’s Degree with UNWE and about a student competition Are you a finance ...
Семинар по програма Еразъм+ за докторанти 6.10.2016 г. ... програми“ /"Oportunities for Ph.D students mobility, joint Ph.Ds/; „Как да пишем статия за добри списания?“ /How to write an article for good journals?"/. Семинарът ще се проведе на 20 октомври от 10,00 часа в малката конферентна зала на УНСС. За лектор е поканен ...
International Conference Invitation: Rome, Italy 5.11.2016 г. ... this email to your colleagues/Researchers/students in order to promote the conference.The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.Please take the time ...
INTERNATIONAL THEMATIC MONOGRAPH (thematic collection of papers) 5.10.2016 г. ... individuals;- 65 Eur - postgraduate students;- 55 Eur - undergraduate students and the unemployed.The payment of membership fees should be made by October 25, 2016 ...
Годишна студентска научна сесия 2016 г. 17.3.2016 г. ... , каб. 1009, тел.: 02/81 95 581, e-mail: [email protected]   ГОДИШНА СТУДЕНТСКА НАУЧНА СЕСИЯ 2016 г. НА ТЕМА „Предизвикателства и проблеми пред външните инвеститори в българската икономика“ Заявките за участие и разработките се подават до 10 април на e-mail ...
Годишна студентска научна конференция 18.3.2016 г. ... , каб. 1009, тел.: 02/81 95 581, e-mail: [email protected]   ГОДИШНА СТУДЕНТСКА НАУЧНА СЕСИЯ 2016 г. НА ТЕМА „Предизвикателства и проблеми пред външните инвеститори в българската икономика“ Заявките за участие и разработките се подават до 10 април на e-mail ...
Професионална учебна практика в Корпоративно банкиране на Банка ДСК 23.2.2016 г. ... [email protected] . Контакт ще бъде установен с кандидатите, одобрени по документи ...
International Conference in Development and Economics I.CO.D.ECON. 26.1.2016 г. ... Community, as well as to doctoral students and post-graduate students (conference site http://www.icodecon.com/). We warmly invite you to submit an abstract to the ICODECON. Oral and virtual contributions are both welcome on subjects within the scope of the ...
2016 IIAS-IASIA Joint Congress - Building Capacity for Sustainable Governance 4.12.2015 г. ... academics and practitioners, PhD students and young researchers in public administration and management, as well as contributors from any other disciplines who will exchange on the following main theme Building Capacity for Sustainable Governance. Different types of ...
5th conference on Governance in (post)transition: “Governance in unstable environment” 1.12.2015 г. ... also provides special Ph.D. students panel. Short abstract shall be send to [email protected] no later than by 15.12.2015. Authors will be notified about acceptance until 20.12. 2015. Full papers shall be submitted until 5.3.2015 for publication. Language: ...
Заявки за участие в годишната студентска научна сесия 21.10.2014 г. ... материали по имейл на адрес [email protected] до 16 ноември 2014 г. (заявка за участие може да се изтегли от фейсбук страницата на Студентски съвет при УНСС). Изисквания към докладите: Докладите трябва да съответстват на предварително зададената тема. ...
Стипендии за "магистър" и "доктор" в университети на Република Корея 14.2.2014 г. ... Program for International Students for Graduate Degree" (date: 201-02-03)  Крайният срок за подаване на документи е 21 март 2014 г. Моля, подавайте документи на следните e-mail адреси: [email protected]  и [email protected] или ...
Стипендии на фондация UniCredit & Universities 17.9.2013 г. ... to all the best European students in the fields of economics or finance who wish to take a PhD abroad - € 25,000 per year (plus tuition fees) renewable for a second year. Deadline – 15 November 2013 ...
AIESEC УНСС дава възможност за стаж по програмата „Be a Pro: Engineer” 31.1.2013 г. ... http://www.aiesec-unwe.net/students/be-a-pro-worldwide/          Формуляр за кандидатстване по програмата “Be a Pro: Engineer”:  https://docs.google.com/a/aiesec ...


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