Резултати от търсене за Regional Development






3 results found
Публикувана е съвместна монография на катедрата с Икономическия университет в Краков. Тема на книгата са интелигентните градове 16.3.2021 г. ... 2 - Theoretical Approaches to Regional Development Policy in the Light of Geo-urbanism in Bulgaria (с автор доц. д-р Камен Петров)глава 4 - The Smart City as a Policy Trend: Implementation Challanges (с автори доц. д-р Елка Василева, ас. д-р Веселина Любомирова, ас ...
25-та конференция "Регионално развитие и демографски потоци" и 50-та конференция "Дигитална икономика: предизвикателства, рискове, устойчиво развитие" - Ниш, Сърбия 17.3.2021 г. ... . New Trends in Geoeconomics and Regional Development in the 21st Century, pp. 61-70, in Regionalni Razvoj i Demografski Tokovi. Zemalja Jugoistocne Evrope, Economic Faculty, Nis, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-6139-201-6Vasileva, E., Tsolov, G. (2020). Integration of the ...
УНСС беше домакин и организатор на XV Международна научна конференция на ASECU 29.9.2019 г. ... Social and Economic Challenges and Regional Development” („Глобални социални и икономически предизвикателства и регионално развитие“), която ще се проведе на 21 и 22 май 2020 г., ще бъде Новосибирският държавен университет по икономика и мениджмънт ...


7 results found
XXV International Scientific Conference on the Regional Development and Demographic Flows of Southeastern European Countries 11.2.2020 г. ... International Scientific Conference on the Regional Development and Demographic Flows of Southeastern European Countries 26 June 2020 - Niš, Serbia Call for Papers Paper ...
7th REDETE Conference 2019 on the New Challenges Facing Transition Economies 5.6.2019 г. ... and SMEs financingRegional development* clustering and networking* interfirm relations* regional innovation ecosystems* foreign direct investments* role of banks and financial markets* role of infrastructureCohesion policy and European identity* ...
XXIV International Scientific Conference on the Regional Development and Demographic Flows of Southeastern European Countries 5.6.2019 г. ... Scientific Conference on the Regional Development and Demographic Flows of Southeastern European Countries 21 June 2019 Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia INVITATION Template for Writting ...
Покана от Университета на Сплит за участие на студенти от Финансово-счетоводен факултет на УНСС в Лятно училище в гр. Сплит, Хърватия, 18-22 юни 2018 г. 2.1.2018 г. ... different aspects of urban and regional development, smart city management and tourism. We encourage the participation of students in other applied fields who want to improve their knowledge in the field as well. Organization: There are three courses in this ...
International Conference on Economic Reserach (ECONALANYA 2017) 21.6.2017 г. ... EconomyEnvironmental EconomicsRural DevelopmentRegional DevelopmentUrban & Regional Planning / EconomiesWelfare EconomicsSustainable DevelopmentEnergy EconomicsTourism EconomicsEmerging EconomicsQuantitative MethodsApplied EconometricsGame TheoryWe look forward to greeting you at the ...
New Ideas and New Generations of Regional Policy in Eastern Europe 1.12.2015 г. ... rural area H. Different forms of capital in the regional development I. Smart City, the liveable city Applicants should consider that the conference is open to other topics, as well. In this case the participants would organize a session on a further topic. Please, claim this intention for the ...


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